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Wullf Tai Assembles


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James stood up and rolled the sleeves on his uniform.  It was going to be very hot outside.  Going into the sun made James quint.  The only shade in the area was coming from the towering ZAKU's which stood tall and represented all that ZAFT was.  Trying to ketch up to Wulff, James began.


Sir, are uniforms necessary? I would want to work on my ZAKU to the fullest, and not have to worry about getting this thing dirty. 


James said as he pulled on his collar.  He had no problem working in his uniform, but it was just another detraction.  Plus Wullf seemed to be leaned back enough to let his men take a break.

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"Your worried about your uniform getting dirty?" Karl laughed, finding this remark rather funny. "You know the uniforms can be cleaned." He was finding it hard to believe that he would be stuck with this guy. The lieutenant, Rinawan, didn't seem to far out there, but. "So, fearless leader, um, what do we do after we look over these damn things?" Karl didn't really care, he was just trying to make small talk.


Karl followed the rest of the team to the hangers were the new ZAKUs were waiting for them. "Aw damn, what number did he say I was?" He kept walking until he reached the last unit in the hanger. Emblazen upon the mobile suit was F03. "Guess this is it." With that, Karl grabbed the cord, put his foot in the brace, and headed up towards the cockpit. When he got there, he was surprised with the ZAKUs cockpit. Karl went in and flopped down into the seat. "This is fairly comfortable, better than those dang GINNs. Those things are like sitting on rocks." Karl gazed around the cockpit, absorbing as much as he could before actually piloting it.


"This is quite impressive. This thing has many times the power of the GINN." He then began browsing through the machine specs, check all the systems to make sure that they are in order. "Looks good, but I need to make sure that the operating system of this thing is the ...way I want it." Karl began to run through the tasks of modifying the OS so it best suited his style of combat and piloting. "That oughta do it." The last thing he did was put a password lock on the system so that only he could access it. Karl then hopped onto the lift and headed back down to the hanger floor.


"Hey, uh, Wullf! Are we aloud to tune the ZAKUs up, performance wise I mean. Maybe adjust it for more maneuverability or make it go faster, that sorta thing?"

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Kanto pushed himself out from the table and stood up placing the chair back into place. Walks out of the briefing room closely behind Lt Wullf stopping for a moment as the wave of heat washes over him from the outside. As he got into the hanger looked up towards the massive mobile suit with the E02 on its right shoulder. Grabbing the cord hanging from the cockpit slips his right foot in the brace and holds the button on the controls beginning his ascent to the controls. Finally reaching his cockpit jumped into it closing the hatch and stripped off his green uniform and the blue and white shirt underneath it now only wearing a black muscle shirt.


As Kanto began to look at the controls he began to memorize the different buttons and switches making sure he knew where everything was when he was going to need it, and he was sure that time would come soon enough. Kanto's hands began to dance across the controls activating secondary and primary systems the pink eye of the Zaku turns on as the main cameras begin to transmit data to the cockpit. He begins to calibrate the different systems to suit Kanto's preferences increasing and decreasing certain aspects to flow perfectly with his own habits. A process that is rather quick from the experience in the orphanage doing it on the simulators a hundred times before.


Kanto begins to test out some movement controls with some basic finger articulations and eventually moves up to full arm movements. Turns the head of the massive mobile suit to look down at Lt Wullf activating the speaker Sir are standard paint jobs allowed? Only slightly concerned with the answer he would be happy no matter what. Kanto was determined to prove himself worthy of testing the most powerful suits and desired to pilot a Gundam. For all Kanto cared this suit could be pink as long as it could get the job done.

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Laike got up and stretched, put his chair back in place and then followed the team.He ignored Rhine's comment and chose not to answer as he could see, Rhine was far more interested into getting to his ZAKU.He went outside with the rest of the team to the ZAKU's and began to look for F01.He found it in between Lt Wullf's and Mr. Zaiku's.He got on the lift and slowly went up to the cockpit.He finally got to the top and hopped inside the cockpit.


Finally, those elevators take forever.This is a little different from a GINN but it shouldn’t be a problem at all.Now lets see, the first thing I should do is to check to see if there has been any damage done to the systems while this was being delivered from the factory. Laike began to slowly scroll through the multiple systems until he had checked every single system for any errors.nope no errors at all.Now going through the OS made me realize that I am going to need to change quite a few things for me to get the best results in this ZAKU.Laike went back into the OS and changed a few things to meet with his personal abilities.A few minutes later he had completed this task.Alright now that should be much better.Now that it is modified for my habits, I'll be ready for when we begin training.Okay time for the final touch.Laike put a password lock on the ZAKU and then exited the cockpit.


He made his way slowly back down to the hangar floor using the lift.He noticed that Mr.Rhine was also making his way back down to the hangar floor.Mr.Rhine asked Lt Wullf something as he walked towards Mr.Rhine, assuming the others would be done at any moment or that they were done but hadn’t gotten out of their ZAKU yet.

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OOC - I'd like to clear this up really quick but technically my character Ahrend isn't a lieutenant, he's a squadron leader.  But since that takes to long to say, in real life, practical conversation and also in keeping with the traditions that SEED and SEED Destiny have given us, my character would typically be referred to as "commander."  Yes, this does make me feel more important and it gives me a chance to hold my rank over your heads and it also makes finding comments addressed to me a little bit easier since I tend to think of Rinawan whenever I see the title "Lieutenant" used.


IC - Ahrend waited patiently for all of the members of his squad to move their mobile suits into the hanger before he even touched his.  As Laike moved his MS past him and into the docking station Ahrend grabbed hold of the cord that hung down from his new ZAKU and pressed the button on it which began the retraction system.  As he rode the cord up Ahrend ignored the arid air which caused the cord to sway in the air and instead focused on his pilots as they finished their maneuvers and moved their weapons into place.


As the cord jerked to a stop Ahrend swung himself into the cockpit and without even shutting the door he started up the ZAKU.  As the controls around him hummed with signs of life Ahrend skillfully moved his mobile weapon into the hanger and stopped in front of the first MS bay which would be his.  Turning the ZAKU ninety degrees to the right Ahrend walked the suit back into the bay and stopped only a few feet away from the catwalk that would give their mechanics access to Wolf Team's ZAKUs.  Powering down his unit  Ahrend poked his head out of the hatch, already hearing questions being asked.


"For the time being the answer to your questions, Karl and Kanto, is no.  There will be no custom paint jobs and there will be no modification made to your suits.  If either of you want those then you'll have to earn them and until your kill record tops my I doubt that the politicians will even listen to you guys."

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James made his way into the cockpit.  It was indeed comfortable, different then any cheap GINN he had flown.  Starting the engines, vibrations ran up his spine.  Grabbing the throttle he pushed it forward and the ZAKU began to move into the hanger, and stopped by the printed F02 on the floor.  Inside he looked at the controls and took in everything he could.  When his curiosity ended James turned the engines off.



Reaching out for the cord he slowly descended to the floor.  He made his way to the other members of the team, this time it was different.  Most likely the air conditioner.

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"I think you're reading into things a little too much Karl.  Besides," Wullf began "there's no reason why comrades should fight each other."  In the back of his mind Ahrend wondered just how long Rhine would last on a battlefield, especially since he seemed more than ready to damn everyone around him.  'Hopefully,' Wullf thought to himself 'the poor bastard gets his act together before he gets one of us killed.'  Keeping all this to himself Wullf spoke up, this time addressing the squad as a whole.


"That's all for today.  Take the rest of the day and tomorrow to settle into your new rooms and to explore the local area.  Five clicks west of here there's a nice town where the locals are friendly."  As an afterthought Wullf added, "Just make sure that I don't get any calls to pick you up because you started a bar fight, because I will let you stew in a jail cell for a day before I come to clean up after your mistakes."  Though he said it with a good humor in his voice Ahrend did mean what he said.  He would accept no trouble from any of his soldiers and sometimes the only way they would learn was to face the music.


"That's all I have, you men are dismissed."  Turning away from them Ahrend went into the briefing room, knowing that Laike would follow.


OOC - That's the end of this thread, since we're all semi-acquainted now.  The only reason I'm cutting it off here is so that those of you, if there are any of you, who are engaged in multiple threads can finish those up before a new thread is started.  If that isn't the case Laike and I will meet in a new thread and the rest of you should feel free to... well be creative since I don't plan on starting the training thread until next Monday night; I won't be here this coming weekend so it's up to you guys about what kind of thread you should start.


Laike, I've already started an thread that we can talk in.

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Karl paused and though about what Wullf had said. It made sense. "Sir, could talk to you in private for a moment?" Although it was Karl who asked this, and not Wullf, this still made Karl feel uneasy. He hadn't really made a positive impression on anyone today, but then again, he'd never made a positive impression on anybody before.

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Nodding in agreement Wullf looked at his watch and then thought for a moment.  "Meet me back here in twenty minutes and we'll talk."


After he had wrapped up his meeting with Laike, Ahrend politely excused himself and walked over to where Karl had waited.  For some reason Ahrend felt like he had a half decent idea of what the young man had to say but he would have to wait and see to be sure.


"So what is it that you wanted to talk about with me?"

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"Sir, I realize that my behavior has been less than satasfactory as of late, and I wish to give my apologies for it. If necessary, I will submit an application to be transfered from the squad, but it's your call." Karl, for once in his life, hoped that the squad leader would demand his transfer. Karl new that he wasn't ready to be part of a squad yet.

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Ahrend thought for a moment, wondering exactly what he should do with this man and then he shrugged it off.


"It's fine, let's just drop it here and move forward.  After all, this is what being part of a squad is about.  From here on out if I even see or hear anything about a transfer I will not hesitate to nail your feet to the floor to keep you here, do we have an understanding Pilot?"  Ahrend smiled as he spoke and he was genuinely happy to have Karl on his side, now it was just a matter of seeing how well he'd work with the others.

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Karl grinned "I think I live with that." Karl saluted and turned away. As he was walking away, he stopped and turned to face Wullf, "Oh and by the way sir, I'm still not much for teams. I say that because I know what your thinking. Don't please. Most of the people who have been assigned to the same squad as me died not long after. Just thought you should know." Karl decided that he should leave while there was still a small sense of joy in the air.

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