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New Events and such?


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Wow, I really like the sound of that Would suggest we waited until a couple of people have 'graduated' enough to gain ranks, make it into a bit of a celebration for those that have 'passed'. A parade sounds okay but we'd have to have higher ups appearing and something going on otherwise the thread'd die out pretty quickly I believe.


I'd like to see some kind of non pilots training, after all we are all going to be soldiers and as we see early Seed; even pilots have to get their hands dirty. Perhaps some sort of simulated fire training, paintball rifles or something?

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No, though that'd be fun I'm thinking .>" title="" /> <.<

I was suggesting just a 'random' rp that shows the future ZAFT pilots doing 'normal' soldierish things, for example a simulated fire training exercise. Paintballing or something, shows they've been trained as more than pilots, builds team spirit, gets the adrenaline and score keeping spirits flourishing

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Yeah, the dance scene from FFVIII is amazing, some of the best animation to date (and I study these things on my Games Design course!) Hell I have it saved from you tube in my faves.


The Paintball MS seems fun, though it better not be like last time I plaid and the gun backfired and I Paint balled myself...

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We can have either...or even both. Thing is, They need to come in at the appropriate time. For a formal ball, I suppose it would be more appropriate if it came for the graduation, considering how important it would seem to the newly graduated personnel of ZAFT. For the paintball event...It just might pass on a day where everyone officially gets to let their hair down.

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As all, or possibly most, of us have our ranks then we should surely be able to have the ball, I'm all for seeing a bunch of stiffbacked-fresh-out-of-the-academy ZAFT soldiers trying to mingle with the crowd The question would be, only ZAFT personnel or anyone invited? Hell, as crazy as Mal tends to be, he'd probably end up asking the beloved Chairperson to dance <.<' Maybe a no on the ball then, like being alive after all...


As for paintballing, can be done whenever really as it was only intended to be used as a "Mal's bored and he's going to suggest we all shoot at one another with simulated fire rounds" sort of thing

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