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Re: Faction Helpdesks


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The various faction help desks have been set up in the Role Playing Discussion board.


These help desks would serve as a venue for members to indicate interest in the faction and query the faction heads on any issues as long as they follow two simple rules:


1. DO NOT ask for a mobile weapon. It will be assigned by the faction heads in due time.


2. DO NOT ask for a rank. Ranks will be given out accordingly.



The faction help desks are there for you to express your interest and inform the faction heads of your RP directions to aid them when it comes to accepting members into the factions.



Those of you who are itching for an RP, you could do the answer and question in RP style

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Well, RPing entry is not mandatory, but anyone who wants to use Orb's helpdesk is required to do so by role-playing it. As Qrioser has inferred, the quality of posts made in our helpdesk will also be taken into account for the individual's future application.

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its kinda difficult me to intrude the huge paragraphs of midway RP cuz I cant manage to write that well


is it ok to use simple RP amidst all the other skillful ppl?

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