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What Series is better? Gundam seed/Gundam seed Destiny?

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Well in my opinion gundam seed has more of a storyline and ending.

But when it comes to fast past action fights cool gundams and good cliffhangers

Gundam Seed Destiny takes the cake.


But ive got to hand it to Gundam Seed its just better in story and better feel then GSD. It has all the making of a good anime. GSD is just fast pace action with no real storyline.

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I would have to say Seed, Destiny would have been better if they used character development, and hadn't switched protagonists. If they had copied Zeta's story a little more it wouldn't have been such a disappointment. Stargazer has more Character development with Sven in a single 45min movie then Shin had with 50 episodes.

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It's true and I agree with zgmf x20a infinite.

Gundam Seed just had this certain vibe... it's own unique feeling and flow that separates it from Gundam Seed Destiny. You could see the authentic character interactions and development unfolding before your eyes... it's believable.


The way the story is told is also... I can't explain it. Authentic? Well, there's that certain factor that makes you fixated upon the scenes as the episodes progress.


I like Seed a lot. Destiny had potential, though.

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Considering that I have yet to watch Zeta (dammit, I know D: ) I couldn't exactly use that particular classic to compare with GSD.  But it seems that this 'question' is rhetorical, at least for most of us fans here.


I thought GSD started off okay, at least regarding the protagonist/co-protagonists.  The whole mentor persona that Athrun gave off for the first...third (?) of the series to Shinn had a decent set up...but apparently (as we all know) that plan got shot out the window.  I think the only reason I bothered with the rest of the season was to see the new suits while restraining myself from wincing at all of the horrid plot/character development (or lack thereof).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was a fan of G Wing for a long time before I jumped on the G Seed bandwagon. Given that I made this site, you can tell that I have taken a greater liking for G Seed than G Wing. Somehow, Seed appeals more to me than Wing. I can't explain why.


As for a choice between Seed and Destiny, I'll go for Seed. Destiny started with promise but went downhill.

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