fireminerva 0 Posted April 28, 2007 Share Posted April 28, 2007 Hitomi pushed her sunglasses up higher on her nose and pulled down her hat so that it rested a little lower on her head. She had forgotten just how hot it could get on the Earth, especially in Australia. Aside from the green military cap and sunglasses Hitomi wore a pair of olive green pants which she tucked into the black boots she wore, this was only offset by the white tank top she wore. As she walked from the supply building towards the general HQ Hitomi casually browsed a recent shipping manifest. Over the past month it seemed that certain items had begun to go missing. At first the supply officers had thought that it was just simple miscounts being made but after a few weeks they realized that this was a different sort of problem but with no ability to find the source themselves they had called in Hitomi as an analyzer to see if she might be able to figure out exactly what all these parts could be used for. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 3, 2007 Share Posted June 3, 2007 Stepping out the door of the shuttle he's just landed on Caine was blasted in the face with a stiff dry wind. Wincing and eliciting a slight groan of discomfort he descended the small stairway to the blazing got tarmac. Glancing around with blatant curiosity he stud still taking his first sight of Earth. After the nice constant temps of the ships he'd been on recently this place was a furnace. Glancing at at a map on placed on a signboard he quickly noted the location of the base HQ so he could report his presence and change out of his civvies. As he walked, very briskly to get out of the heat, Cain Pulled a small sheet of very creased paper out of his pocket. He reread his order, pretty much stating he was to make himself busy on the base since he wasn't currently needed elsewhere. Harrumphing at being given busy work he went toward the HQ doors and almost banged straight into another ZAFT officer also staring into a paper. Turning around quickly he snapped a quick polite salute since as green as he was almost everyone would be his superior "Sorry ma'am, My apologies," Caine said making sure he hadn't hurt her or anything "I wasn't watching where i was going. I am Caine Nightwing newly transfered here, please excuse my haste, this is my first time on Earth and I'm not really comfortable with it yet" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 3, 2007 Author Share Posted June 3, 2007 As the young man bumped into her Hitomi struggled to stay up, staggering back a few paces before she regained her balance but before she could even get angry the young man apologized. With a smart salute he stood in front of her. "Maybe it's time I had some fun." Hitomi thought to herself. Instead of saluting back Hitomi moved up close to the man and lowered his hand back down to his side and she held onto it once it got there. "It's alright, but there's no need to salute me, I'm a civilian working here on the base." Technically what she said was true, intelligence officers were civilians after all. Slowly she turned the man around and they set off towards the base HQ. "I'm Hitomi. Why don't you tell me your name while I escort you to head quarters, they'll want to know that there's a new soldier on the base." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 5, 2007 Share Posted June 5, 2007 Momentarily nonplussed by the womans, actions, Cain allowed himself to be led, mentally berating himself for not seeing that this woman was not in fact a ZAFT officer. Gathering himself he turned his politely to answer her question. "I am Caine Nightwing, ZAFT officer, presently unassigned both position of duties," he said "I'm here to make myself useful to anyone who needs me here. As they reached the Headquarters main doors, Cain popped the door open for them both, refreshing air conditioning wrapping them in a cool blanket. "I apologize for my actions earlier," Cain continued "If there is anything that i can help you with just let me know. After i report to the base commander I'll no doubt be left sitting around" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 5, 2007 Author Share Posted June 5, 2007 "Well, since neither of us have been to this base before perhaps we could have a look around, after you report to your senior officer of course." Deciding that it was worth investigating Hitomi followed the young officer into the general's office. As they entered Hitomi received a brief nod from the man and readjusted her hat so that it almost covered her eyes, leaning against the back wall so that she would be out of the way Hitomi began to quietly hum to herself as she waited for the officer and general to finish their business. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 6, 2007 Share Posted June 6, 2007 Caine approached the general's desk and began to make the usual introductions. As he was speaking he noticed a faint sound coming from behind him. Humming? He thought he recognized the tune. Getting back to the task at hand. He was told largely what he'd expected. He was to make himself useful and attach himself to whoever might need him. Saluting the general in dismissal he turned and nodded to Hitomi as the headed out. "That went fairly quick and and easy, so whats the plan now?" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 6, 2007 Author Share Posted June 6, 2007 Hitomi smiled and shrugged, "Pretty much whatever you want to do we can do. I'm not obligated to have any of my work finished today and I think that I deserve some time off." Hitomi led the young man out of the general's office and outside to where her car was parked. "So.. is there anything in particular that you'd like to see? Australia is quite the place." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 12, 2007 Share Posted June 12, 2007 Stopping briefly,one hand on the door latch, Caine considered the question> This was his first time to Earth, he didn't really have a real idea where things were here. Glancing back up at Hitomi Caine responded "Do you recommend anything, i have never been to earth. What's fun or interesting around here. Anything ill be new for me so I have no particular preference of where to go. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 13, 2007 Author Share Posted June 13, 2007 Hitomi shook her head. "I can't really suggest anything, I'm not a native either, but from what I gather there are some excellent beaches in the area as well as some other places that might be fun to visit." At this point in time she really didn't want to make the decision herself so Hitomi was doing her best to leave it up to the young man. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 15, 2007 Share Posted June 15, 2007 The ideas was a good one Caine thought. He'd never actually seen a real beach or ocean, except for the videos and books he had to view for his education. Plopping himself down into the vehicle's passenger seat he looked up up at Hitomi, and replied "The beach actually sounds like a good idea, I'd like to see an ocean while I'm down here," another thought occurred to Caine "Food of the base is probably better too." Caine immediately regretted sitting right down into the car, the thing was an oven from the exposure in the sun. Grimacing slightly, he glanced at the cars dash looking for an A/C control. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 17, 2007 Author Share Posted June 17, 2007 (edited) "There's no reason why we can't do both Caine, of course I'm hardly ready to go to the beach but a quick stop at the store will take care of that." Starting the engine of her car Hitomi felt the air conditioner kick in, cooling the hot interior of the vehicle. Pulling out of the parking space and heading for the exit of the base Hitomi silently reflected on what she was doing. 'Perhaps I might be leading him on too much, oh well we'll see where this goes.' After a long drive they arrived at one of the best beaches in the area, the sand was almost white and the water was clear green and it was more beautiful than any picture. Pulling a small wallet out from under the seat Hitomi smiled at Caine, "I'm going to go and buy a bathing suit, perhaps you ought to do the same." After several minutes inside Hitomi settled on a modest black one piece; after all, there was no need to mislead Caine any more than she already was. Thankfully the owner of the shop was kind enough to let Hitomi change in the dressing room and when she emerged she avoided making eye contact with those who stared at her and instead she returned to her car and put her things into the trunk. Edited June 18, 2007 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 21, 2007 Share Posted June 21, 2007 After they were parked Caine got out and went to follow Hitomi into the shop. She was definitely right since he didn't own a suit, and his civvies sure wouldn't work. As he went to go through the shop door he turned briefly to marvel at the panorama displayed in front of him. Having spent most of his life aboard ships the sight of the ocean was almost awe inspiring. Gathering Himself he entered and went toward the racks of men's suits and picked a deep red and black one and put it on in the fitting room. Probably accustomed to such things the clerk was unfazed as Caine handed him the bar code tag. As he walked out of the store Hitomi seemed to be loading her things into the vehicle's trunk. "Alright," he said to her as he approached the car "I'm all set i think." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 21, 2007 Author Share Posted June 21, 2007 "Alright then," Hitomi said as she smiled, "let's go." Closing the car she quickly made her way over the wooden boardwalk that led down to the beach. As her feet hit the sand Hitomi breathed in deeply, enjoying the smell of the beach air and feeling the cool breeze caressing her skin, this certainly beat air conditioning any day of the week. Quickly she found a spot for her things and without even waiting for Caine she ran down to the water and dove in, disappearing underneath it as she let the waves push and pull her. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 (edited) Following behind Hitomi Caine descended to the beach, the hot sun warmed sand enveloping is feet as he walked. This was amazing to him, the sights and sounds were all entirely new to him, and very enjoyable. Even the smell of the cool sea breeze was great. Setting his stuff down next to Hitomi's Caine looked back up to see her running down the beach and plunge into the surf. Smiling in bemusement Caine followed her down to the water and with almost child-like glee, dove into the water, and for the first time in is life swam in an actual body of water, not some indoor pool. It was immensely enjoyable as he simply let the ocean play with him as it will as he laid back and floated on its surface, taking in the sun and waves. Edited June 25, 2007 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fireminerva 0 Posted June 26, 2007 Author Share Posted June 26, 2007 After a while the sun and the water began to get to Hitomi and so she swam back to shore, taking care to avoid the other swimmers in the water. Seeming to rise up out of the ocean's waves Hitomi waded out of the cool brine and made her way to her towel, at least there she would be able to lay down and have some peace far away from the children who ran up and down the beach. Laying back on her sun warmed towel Hitomi pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes, maybe Caine would come along in a while. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carpenoctum 0 Posted June 27, 2007 Share Posted June 27, 2007 After an hour or so, Caine began to tire, unused as he was to swimming for extended periods. Exiting the water his skin gaining a distinct reddish color in warning of the burn to come. Head back up the beach and sat down, next to Hitomi, who was already laying there sunning. "Phew," he said as he laid back "that was fun, but tiring too. Feel like grabbing something to eat?" Sitting back up he reached over to his stuff to pull out a towel, and dried himself off. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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