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Battle: Artillery fight


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Number of Competitors:

Jonathan Locke - Roromi, Gunner Zaku

Radon Antila - Rad, Buster Dagger



Urban Arena O_o The one with buildings


Restrictions on MWs:

Artillery Units Only No Phase Shift, No Nuclear Power, No Mirage Calloid– Talk to me and we’ll determine what exactly but this should mostly be Launcher, Dopplehorn, Gunner, and Buster Configuration of normal Mobile Suits.


Battle Mode:

Free Battle - free for all (right now a duel)





I should almost be done with my current battle so... soon i should be able to start a new one. I wanted to do something unique so i figured I'd try to start organizing a new battle. Hopefully people will be interested in something like this. I will update the information for this as it comes in :p So who wants to fight with some firepower?

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Alright I'll use a Gunner Zaku instead may be the only time i get to so why not


Model number: ZGMF-1000/A1

Code name: Gunner ZAKU Warrior

Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit

Manufacturer: ZAFT (Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty)

Operator: ZAFT

First deployment: unknown

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: overall height 20.50 meters

Weight: max gross weight 91.11 metric tons

Construction: unknown

Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown

Fixed armaments: MA-M8 beam tomahawk, stored inside shield, hand-carried in use; 4 x hand grenade (ZR30F fragmentation grenade, ZR20E high explosive grenade, ZR271 thermite incendiary grenade, ZR11Q flash grenade, ZR13Q smoke grenade), stored on hip armor; M1500 "Orthros" high-energy long-range beam cannon, power rating unknown; shoulder shield, connected to left arm

Optional hand armaments: none

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Then I will take your initial choice, the Buster Dagger.


Model number: GAT/A-01E2

Code name: Buster Dagger

Unit type: mass production long distance artillery mobile suit

Manufacturer: Earth Alliance

Operator: Earth Alliance

First deployment: 5 July C.E. 71

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: overall height 17.81 meters

Weight: max gross weight 80.7 metric tons

Construction: unknown

Powerplant: ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown; laminated armor (improved type of heat-resistant ablative gel DPX-30)

Fixed armaments: 350mm gun launcher, mounted behind right arm, can be combined with 94mm high-energy rifle, hand-carried in use; 94mm high-energy rifle, mounted behind left arm, can be combined with 350mm gun launcher, hand-carried in use; 2 x 220mm triple missile pod, mounted on shoulders; 2 x ES01 beam saber, stored on backpack; hand-carried in use


Any other specifications?

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