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Active check


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Okay, for those who were original EA members, this should be pretty standard fare, for those that are new here's the deal;  I needs to know just who is still hanging around the site.  So just sign in if you're still active, and if you see this, but are planning on leaving the site, then just send me a PM.  The better informed I am of our member turn out, the more actively I can go about planning events and team assignments.


And for the sake of officiality (I don't think its a word, but I'm making it into one ), Lune Zoldark, aka Kaizer, signing in.

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Ref: Activity.


Will be on reduced activity for the next two months, which may or may not affect status here. I have to go on a military deployment, though I have internet access readily available. Knowing the way I tend to work, though, I wouldn't be surprised if I am still around more often than the rest of you


- Bdr Melvin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay everyone, with the latest changes in place, and a member count coming in the near future, its time to start up the active check once again.  Everyone needs to post here stating their current status unless previously mentioned (ex: Tnsumi's leave for military deployment).  As well, I am using this moment to announce that the MS teams may undergo a few changes in the near future.  With basic licenses available for application, and multiple characters available to purchase, its possible that there may be an influx of EA members in the near future (or a drop in attendance, depending on how the active check turns out).  This means that I'll be revamping the MS teams (and possibly adding a third group) soon, so keep an eye on the EA headquarters for more info; and be sure to post.


Lieutenant Lune Zoldark aka Kaizer, signing in!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don't worry Linite, just take your time, and I hope you had a good summer thus far; be sure to read up on the announcements and updates thus far, the most concerning of all being the storyline restart. (as well, seeing as you were an official pilot academy member, you should have a basic license if you check your awards section on your member page; if not, PM me or Valiant and we'll try and get it clarified.)

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