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Dragon Ball Adeta Discussion


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The Frieza Force reigns supreme over a majority of the universe. The tyrants rule through fear, conquering or even destroying planets that refuse to bow to the mighty Lord Frieza. Status is gained within the Frieza Force ranks based on their skill alongside their Power Levels, a measurable number of one’s fighting strength through the use of scouters.

Under the command of Cui, a small group of mid-level soldiers are sent to Adeta, a lush jungle with a yellow sky and purple water. Tasked with ridding the planet’s wildlife, a few attack balls land on a grassy knoll. Little does this group know that a secret able to change their lives forever was in their midst…

Edited by FrostyFoster
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Pegras braced himself, fingers digging into the arms of his chair, as the attack ball hurtled towards land and then slammed into it. He hated this part the most. Even though the attack ball was well cushioned against impact, it always made his stomach drop. The drop today felt especially bad, but he reckoned that was because he was already on edge. When word came down that he was being sent on this mission, he was pretty sure he audibly groaned at the Ops guy. Groaning and complaining where someone, especially a member of Frieza’s inner circle, could hear you was very frowned upon and very punishable. But this was Pegras’s least favourite kind of mission. Their job here, on planet Adeta, was to exterminate the wild life—to clear the way for further colonization efforts. As if that wasn’t bad enough on its own, he had to work with one of them.

               As the smoke cleared around the pod, Pegras cracked his neck and shoulders. “Who knows,” he muttered to himself. “Maybe this will go quickly. If there’s anything those apes are good at, it’s killing.” It wasn’t much of a silver lining. Really, it was just an irritating reminder of…well, the entire reason he was here.

               Pegras punched the button to open the hatch and stepped out into the crater formed by his landing. He wondered what made the sky here yellow. Was it always yellow? What kind of freaky animals lived under such a sky? Cresting the crater, the tuffle soldier looked over at the other craters, waiting for his ‘teammates’. Placing his hands on his hips, Pegras sighed. Planet Adeta. Even the name was annoyingly Saiyan.

               This was going to be a real pain in the ass, wasn’t it?

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