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“Crossing Into” Campaigns

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For context, these are text based campaigns I played with Replicator using SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays as a backdrop. He would make decisions based on multiple choices I would give him. As such, this wasn’t written in a traditional RP manner, but I felt the storylines needed to be compiled. Let us begin with…


The Corsica Alliance Base, home to a mobile suit factory, wasn’t Reine Le Blanc’s first choice to be stationed at, but it at least kept her out of the front lines. This was a rarity in the Specials, but nepotism had its perks. Reine struggled to make friends in her division, opting to instead perform her tasks of guard duty over all else. In fact, as the days went on, it seemed she was having to guard high value Commanders within the Alliance. Recently, she was even able to catch a glimpse of the Lightning Count himself, but she wasn’t entirely sure of the reason for his arrival.


“All I see is a single unit!” Reine hears over the radio chatter. She can barely see the machine from her Leo, but she can tell it’s one of the Gundam mobile suits that have been attacking OZ soldiers across the planet. This red one has a heavy focus on artillery, firing at the closest Leos it can find while Aries scramble. Fear begins to take over as sweat drips onto the control sticks. Thankfully, her machine has a few options.

Knowing it’d be best to stay back, Reine fires upon the Heavyarms along with the other OZ soldiers. It starts to be a war of attrition as the Heavyarms continues to kill units, but the blimp is almost out of range.

It’s clear the Heavyarms has run out of ammo as it begins to slash toward the Leo and Aries machines, but it becomes worse for OZ as several brown and tan MS come from the rear with their very own Gundam! Out of ammo in her shoulder cannons, She has an option of attacking the Heavyarms while distracted, but their forces are being torn up by the reinforcements.

 Reine runs to the squadron, but it’s clear they’re outmatched. One by one she watches as her squad mates are decimated until only a few are left. The Sandrock has the Maganac deal with any resistors while its pilot calls out for surrender. Reine grips her controls tightly, only to see her machine gun still has some ammo left. It’s a risk, but she could feign surrendering in order to get a clear shot at the Gundam’s cockpit. She’s a soldier first, but could she lose her life here?

Reine knows she could fake surrender to fire at the Gundam's cockpit. At point blank, not even that monster's armor could hold up... but she hears the voice of the Gundam's pilot. It's a child! She tries to do it, but by the time the white machine comes any close to her, she knows she can't bring herself to do it and drops the machine gun...

Some time has passed and Reine has been brought to an extravagant mansion. While she is unable to leave, Quatre did not lie. Her bedroom is lavish and while the climate is a bit humid to her liking, she is fed adequately. After a few days, she is led to what appeared to be Quatre’s office. The boy is playing the violin as she walks in, seeing a display of string and woodwinds in a cabinet next to him. Before she can even speak, Quatre turns and directs his hand toward the display. Clearly he wishes for Reine to join him in a duet, but does she know how?

Reluctantly, Reine grabs a clarinet. She hasn't ever played one, but she is a decent saxophonist. Maybe she'll be able to get the hang of it anyways?

 Noise comes out of the clarinet. Whether it’s majestic noise is debatable, but Quatre’s real reasoning behind the request was moreso about taking the initiative. The duet is passible. “Thank you for entertaining me in this request.” Quatre smiled as he placed his violin back in its case. “I hope you don’t mind that I did some research. It seems you’re not just a simple cog in OZ’s machine.” Quatre poured some Earl Grey for himself and Reine, who pretended she enjoyed it. “While I’m fine with you being here, some of the corps feel differently. I give you free rein to go where you please at our base, as long as you keep the peace.”

As she leaves his office, Reine wonders where she should visit before nightfall. The base is massive, so she’ll only be able to reach one spot.

 Wishing to get a better look at their arsenal, Reine takes a trek down to the cave where their Mobile Suits are held. Inside, she sees dozens of Maganac with a single Gundam standing in the middle. The woman overhears a conversation from two corp members about working on the other Gundam called the Heavyarms from the attack. *“That was here?”* She thinks as a hand stops her from going forward. A scarred individual stands tall, scowling. “I don’t get what the Master sees in you.” He growls. “However, if he wants you to tour the area, I’ll follow his request. What would you like to know?”


Fascinated by the Sandrock’s beauty, she asks about the machine, receiving a neutral response from the scarred man, who Reine would later learn was named Abram. He explained the capabilities of the Gundam, mostly weaponry she had watched destroy countless Leos firsthand, but didn’t delve much further into it. “It’s our shining soldier leading the charge, isn’t it?” Another man who looked to be slightly older than Reine stepped into their conversation. “If only I could use it…” Abram frowned at the other Maganac member. “You never will Ernst. Be thankful we even saved you. You can deal with her now.” Abram walked away as Ernst shrugged. 
“Don’t take it too personal.” He told Reine. “It’s not even the fact you’re a prisoner, they’re just not used to-“ Reine stared at the machine as he spoke. “Not used to some OZ soldier waltzing around the base, huh.” She responded. Ernst had a halfhearted look on his face. “Honestly, they’re not fond of a woman being here. Doesn’t bother me though.”


 Over the next few days, Reine is tasked with helping out around the mansion. During this, she realizes that Ernst statement was only half true. While her being a woman wasn’t in issue, some weren’t fond of her being a woman on the same level as them, giving her more of the menial jobs. One day, she decided to visit with Quatre, only it seemed he had disappeared. Looking around the mansion, all she saw was Rashid, the Maganac Corps’ Captain, running toward her. “Grab her!” He calls out. She has to make a quick reaction.

Fearing her life is in danger, she bolts in the other direction as she hears footsteps from soldiers. Knowing her only shot at escape would be at the garage, she runs down the stairs only for her arm to be grabbed by Ernst. “Don’t worry.” He says as Reine’s squirming stops. “It wasn’t her guys, Quatre left on his own.” Rashid comes down the stairs with a pistol in hand, but holsters it. “How would you know? Master Quatre’s life could be in danger.” Suddenly, Abram bursts through one of the doors, holding a handwritten note. “Because he left this.” Handing the note to Rashid, he reads it quickly, not telling the Corps who had all gathered because of the noise about its content. “That boy…” he mutters, placing the note in his pocket. “To think he wouldn’t tell us.” He then points at Reine. “You were briefly mentioned. Abram… please get a Maganac ready for our guest.”
“WHAT?!” The Corps all yelled in unison.

The Maganac feels wonderful to Reine when she trains, as if the restrictiveness the Leo could have was just gone. Slowly, the Corps began to lighten up around her and while there was still some resistance toward her, it was almost as if she wasn’t a prisoner at all. However, her only real friend was Ernst. She wondered how he ended up with the crew, but opted not to ask just yet. Thankfully, all eyes were taken off her once Quatre had returned. While they already knew of OZ’s declaration of war against the colonies, the boy was able to give official confirmation there are 5 Gundams. Reine wondered how her father was handling all these changes in the political landscape, but couldn’t ponder for long as it was decided the Corps would be traveling to Siberia and she was coming along. *”Will I have to fight OZ?”* She wondered as a queasy feeling was felt in her stomach. *”What has happened to my life?”*

Her nervousness began to take over as Quatre led his troops into the cold region of Siberia. She wasn’t even truly aware of her mission, only that they were “land” support. Suddenly, Leos and Aries began over hills and from the sky, firing upon the squadron as Reine notices the Heavyarms jumping out of a transport ship. “I’m going in!” Ernst states, sending his axe deep into an unsuspecting Leo. As she looks around, she knows she’ll have to fire, but maybe she wasn’t the best shot…


Reine knows she can’t fire at these people. He positions herself near the back of the group, firing acutely as to not make a scene. Ernst isn’t stupid though. “You better take ‘em out!” He utters, placing his hand on her Maganac’s shoulder. “They have no idea who you are!” As he leaves, an Aries blasts by, firing upon Reine. She tries to dodge as the machine gets closer, but she has no choice. Beams hit the sides of the black flyer, causing it to spin out and crash. She gasps in fear, but watches as the pilot opens the cockpit door, unharmed. *“Wait, it’s like Quatre has said.”* She thinks about his devotion to pacifism and knows that she can fire on these machines as long as she tries not to kill.“The train!” Quatre calls out, watching the speeding locomotive speed by. Reine goes to assist, but Abram feels otherwise, saying she needs to stick with the group.

> Reine heads for the train with Quatre, hoping to stop with without bloodshed. Unfortunately, an Aries platoon feels different, firing upon the two as Quatre gets in front of her, taking the shots. “Thank you for assisting, Reine.” He states while sending a Heat Shotel into one of the train cars’ connections. “Take care of the back half.”

Reine is able to nudge the second half of the train off track, sending it into the dirt as Quatre takes care of Leos inside. Abram gives a stern talk as she returns to her squad, knowing she broke rank, but it was worth it to help out the boy.

As the fight continues, she sees a strange black Gundam with a farming tool as their weapon, but what catches her eye is the transforming Gundam dueling with what appears to be some sort of white Leo. “Looks like OZ has some new MS on the production line.” She mutters as she hits a Leo in the head with her axe. The battle turns in OZ’s tide though as a female voice threatens to blow up the colonies if they don’t surrender. “What! OZ would never kill civilians!” Reine states to herself, trying to process the situation. Fortunately she doesn’t have to worry for long as what appears to be the Gundam’s leader accepts surrender, but not of the Gundams.

 Within seconds of that statement, one of the Gundams explodes right in front of Reine’s eyes! “It can just… self destruct in an instant…” The idea of this sheer invincibility of these high value mobile suits has been broken for Reine, understanding they could be gone in an instant. Using this opportunity, the remaining Gundams instead began to retreat along with the Maganacs. She began moving her MS with them, but froze for a second. This could be her one chance to go back to OZ. After all, she did miss Father and could easily get a slap on the wrist if she bluffed her story well. The Maganac’s head turned, but then she thought of Quatre and the hospitality he gave her. She could tell the boy was hurt by the deaths of the soldiers and that Gundam pilot and would need some big sister guidance. What will she do?

Again, Reine's torn between what she knows she should do, and what she knows can't be done. She can't give up on the Alliance, but she can't give up on Quatre either. "Aaaagh! Why can't everyone be friends anymore?!" Regretfully, she heads back with the Maganacs and uses her thrusters to catch up to them.

The Maganac corp are able to reconvene at a makeshift base. In fact, one of the other Gundams has also decided to join up with the team. Reine lowers from her mobile suit, seeing the scratches and scars on the machine. She’d now seen war on both sides.
With some time to chat before they packed up, Reine wondered if she should speak with Quatre. She didn’t know if she’d be bothering him though as he probably had a lot on his plate. Maybe she could get to know the other Gundam pilot, who seemed to be a young priest.


Reine speaks with the priest, who seems odd to her. His nonchalant manner of conversation really hits home how strange it is that children are piloting the destructive machines. “If you’re gonna be friendly, I might as well tell you a bit about Deathscythe.” The pilot, who Reine has learned is named Duo, speaks about the black Gundam’s arsenal. The fact it can turn invisible really takes her by surprise. Time passes by quick as Reine is asked to return to her Maganac and pack up.

Staying out of the sandstorm, The Maganac Corps make it to a hidden base filled with extra machines, including what looks to be a hovering version of the Maganac. Reine is thankful to the nation as Quatre explains who she is to their leader. “A friend of Quatre is a friend of mine!” He says while leading the group to the festival. Reine’s smile widens as she sees the partygoers dancing and eating. This would be the first time in a while that Reine would truly be able to enjoy herself. She has free rein being left on her own as Quatre and Duo go to discuss something privately.

Staying out of the sandstorm, The Maganac Corps make it to a hidden base filled with extra machines, including what looks to be a hovering version of the Maganac. Reine is thankful to the nation as Quatre explains who she is to their leader. “A friend of Quatre is a friend of mine!” He says while leading the group to the festival. Reine’s smile widens as she sees the partygoers dancing and eating. This would be the first time in a while that Reine would truly be able to enjoy herself. She has free rein being left on her own as Quatre and Duo go to discuss something privately.
Reine goes to the array of fruits presented, trying a few as she people watches. There is pure happiness here, not taken away by the wars outside of their borders. A few of the women even come up to Reine, praising her as a pilot and proving herself to the all men Corps.

 As the festivities wind out, Reine and the rest are skirted away as trucks arrive. Reine peeks through one of the slits in the building they’ve been put in to find OZ soldiers speaking with the town’s leader. In the corner of her eye, she sees some wooden crates being hidden between buildings. “What?” She whispers while the soldiers leave. Once the coast is clear, the Corps check the crates to find bombs inside. “No… they wouldn’t-“ Ernst stops her from speaking further. “Shouldn’t this be obvious, Reine? This is why we fight against the Alliance. They’re nothing but snakes.” Knowing they can’t defuse the bombs, everyone is brought underground. Reine hopes the explosives were a bluff, but once nightfall comes, as is proven false as the cave rattles from families buildings being destroyed. “The time is now. Everyone suit up!” Rashid calls out as the pilots scatter. Reine is about to get in her Maganac, only to overhear talk of the Olifant, the hovering MS, squadron being down a few pilots. While she’s used to her Maganac, should she help them instead?

“I volunteer!” 
The Olifants slide out into the battlefield, firing upon Tragos has the village continues to be pelted on. “Stop it!” She yells, gliding across the sand to hit an OZ truck. The machine feels nice, thankful she doesn’t have to maneuver feet through the coarse sand. Its armament reminds her a bit of the Leo she once had, sending machine gun fire and beam cannons at the enemies. “Reine!” Abram through the comms states that help is needed in defending a stolen OZ transport plane the Gundams are being loaded on. Speeding across town, she notices a single Maganac being pelted by enemy reinforcements. It’s Ernst. “Hold on Ernst, I’m coming!” The Olifant watches as the Maganac places its palm out. “No, go to the plane, I’ll be fine!”

Ignoring Ernst’s plea, she rushes in to help him, taking out a few of the Tragos pestering him. As the rest fall back, Ernst is thankful, but sighs as the transport appears to be damaged. “That was our mission, Reine. Those Gundams are gonna change the world, not the little guys like us.” Reine pulls the damaged Maganac up. “No, every life should be cherished. I couldn’t just watch you die.” She looks up to the sky to see the transport barely make it airborne. “See? They didn’t even need-AH!” 
 Tragos cut off their route back to the Corps as they are pelted by shots. The Olifant’s legs are blown off as one of the OZ machines rams into the Maganac. “Re-“ Ernst’s radio cuts out as a blast thrusts Reine’s cockpit door open, tossing her into the sand. It coats her as she fades in and out of consciousness. Faint glimpses of the Corps being overwhelmed are the last thoughts in her head as her head drops into the sand dunes.  


Edited by FrostyFoster
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IMG_6294.thumb.png.6760eb575f4b5cdb5046d51f673e0845.pngTwain Seicenta’s leg bounced up and down as he sat in the transporter on the way to MO-V. This was a mobile suit manufacturing colony that had recently joined OZ and needed to be inspected of its current arsenal. His superior Elfriede Schultz sat in the chair next to him, completely still as she stared out the window. He had known the woman for long enough that casual conversation would be normal, but Twain quickly learned this wasn’t met with kind

Hoping for the trip to conclude, he could feel the ship start to rattle as a beam sped past the left wing! “What?” The transport pilot Rou stated, dodging another blast. Before he could even speak up, Elfriede was out of her chair, floating to the back of the ship’s cargo section.
“Get to your Taurus and meet me out there.”

Just barely having time to put on his normal suit, Twain makes it to the cockpit of his Taurus and launches not far behind of Elfriede. It’s clear from the purple and yellow Leos attacking the shuttle that they are ready to kill. Elfriede gets no response as she tries to communicate with them. “You have my permission to attack, Twain. Protect the shuttle.” The Taurus in MA mode speeds around one of the Leos while Twain stays back. “Wait, did she call me by my name?” He mutters, seeing two Leo heading to the shuttle. Two versus one is never good, but this Taurus is clearly superior.

Twain barrel rolls and curves past the Leos, easily able to make it behind as he fires at both. One dodges, but the other is taken out quick. “Gotcha.” He states as the Leo explodes. Suddenly, a rifle blast takes out the other as Twain looks back. It obviously came from MO-V, but the machine is… “It’s a Gundam!” Twain yells, but it thankfully doesn’t try to kill him as well. “You must be one of the OZ soldiers for the inspection.” The Gundam pilot states. “Gonna guest these other guys aren’t yours.” The Gundam watches as Elfriede butts heads with a heavy looking Leo. Even with the MS advantage, Elfriede might lose to the green and gold machine. “Commander!” Twain jets to the Leo, hoping to strike before it can retaliate.

Twain makes sure to stay quick in order to keep away from the Leo’s cannon. Thankfully the machine takes the bait, distracted by Twain as Elfriede comes in close. Grabbing onto the Leo’s head, she points her rifle at its cockpit. “Why are you attacking us?” She asks while the Leo stays still, but then jolts forward to shake her off. “Tying up loose ends like you.” As he turns to Elfriede, Twain sends a few deep shots into the Leo’s back, heavily damaging it. “Damn Taurus!” He says as the two work in tandem to defeat him. With no way out, he tries to grab Twain, but his MA’s speed keeps him away as he implodes.

Escorting the shuttle into one of MO-V’s hangars, Elfriede thinks about the pilots’ dying words. The Taurus land to see a second Gundam on standby, surprisingly Twain as he gets out of his cockpit. Roga Hermann, the colony’s lead representative, comes to greet the OZ soldiers, but also wishes for an explanation. “OZ Prize.” She utters with a hint of vitriol. “I don’t know much about them, but they operate by their own rules.” Twain on the other hand was completely unaware of the group, still wondering why they’d strike at the shuttle. “Nevertheless, they have attacked OZ personnel alongside an OZ affiliated colony. As such, myself and Mr. Seicenta will be defending this colony alongside you.”
Caught off guard, Twain salutes. “I’m-I’m ready to serve.” He calls out while Elfriede stares at the Gundams. “Ah, I should explain these.” Roga says while pointed at the white one. “That is Geminass 01 while the other is 02. I will have my lead desig-.” Elfriede calms him off. “As the highest ranking officer on this station, I will be piloting 02. I will decide what to do with 01 later.” The test pilot of the machine defends himself as he takes off his helmet. “If I may respond, I’m very effective with 02. I believe our capabilities will be greater if I continue as the pilot.”


Twain felt he had a point. The pilot was clearly good as his job, but should he speak up to defend him over his superior?

Twain stays quiet. He feels sorry for 02's pilot, but Elfriede is best in a MS with melee capabilities and the complete absence of a beam saber in the Taurus is simply unacceptable.

“I don’t think you understand, test pilot.” Elfriede barks out. “Just because you got lucky with a few Leos doesn’t mean you have the experience to pilot a Gundam.” While wanting to respond, 02’s pilot only nods. “However, because of your low count of actual soldiers here, I will allow you to use my Taurus. Be gentle with it.” As she leaves to speak with the engineers, Twain goes to talk with the dejected pilot. “I saw you in battle. You’ll do great with the Taurus.” The pilot smirks a bit. “Thanks, I’m Odel by the way. Me and my brother have been testing these Gundams for a while. At least it sounds like he’ll keep his for a bit longer.” He leads Twain to his quarters, which is essentially just a hotel room. “We thought you weren’t gonna be here long, but I guess this is your home for a while.” Odel states while leaving. Finally able to get out of his normal suit, Twain ponders the situation that has befell them. A strange OZ offshoot wanted them dead, only to be aligned with a colony that joined OZ what felt like five minutes ago. He hoped a good nights rest would clear his brain.

Over the next few days, Twain was able to get a feel for the place. At 100,000 people, MO-V was practically a small city complete with shops and bars, even a movie theater. Having some free time, he wondered if he should enjoy himself a bit and invite Odel to an event. He could also go study up on the mobile suits in the hangar. Rou, the shuttle pilot, was actually one of the designers of the Taurus. He had apparently been helping with Zero-G packs for the Gundams.

Odel accepts the offer as he tells Twain much about MO-V over a nice cuisine at Tinn’s, a vegan restaurant. While a faint amount of resistance still comes from the test pilot, he understands the attack wasn’t the regular OZ’s doing, only that he’ll be ready for the next inevitable strike. Twain only finds the food to be adequate, but doesn’t mention it.


Explosions start to go off around the base as Twain and Odel immediately head for the hangar. Thankfully the Gundam pilots are there to see the OZ shuttle being stolen. “It’s Dr. Berg!” Odin, Odel’s brother calls out as he gets in 01. While crude, both Gundams have their Zero-G packs equipped. Twain wonders if he would’ve delayed that by snooping around the hangar. 02 on the other hand launches with Elfriede in the pilot’s seat. It’s obvious to the soldier this machine is far greater than anything she’s ever piloted, heading directly for the shuttle. As she leaves, OZ Prize has started their assault. “Damn scientist was working with Prize!” Odel yells from his Taurus. “Send out the Leos!” Only three white Leos are available to MO-V and Twain worries it won’t be enough. He sees from Prize’s forces that they’ve also got ahold of Taurus’. 

Twain, sending his Taurus out in MA mode, thinks about heading right behind 02, but thinks about the base’s defenses. Yes, they have their own Gundam too, but what if Elfriede is heading into a trap?
Twain realizes he has made the right decision catching up with Elfriede. While she’s currently busy with a Taurus, Doctor Berg is trying to escape. “Oh no you don’t!” Twain fires into the shuttle’s engines, causing a chain reaction. “No, I was supposed to be much more!” Berg screams as he is burnt to a crisp inside the vessel.

As the two head back, the Taurus are being lead by another customized Leo. It seems to do much better than the last, severely damaging one of the MO-V mobile suits. The pilot almost sounds unhinged as he attacks the base’s defenses. “I’ll be claiming this victory!” He states while stabbing into another Leo’s shield. Who should Twain work with to stop this Leo?

Twain and Odel spin around the Leo-R in tandem, confusing the pilot. “Dumb Taurus, what? Do they think their circus act is gonna-“ Firing back and forth at the Leo-R, he’s only able to dodge so much as the remaining MO-V Leo deals the final blow from behind to disable the machine. The remaining Taurus retreat as their squad leader’s mobile suit is taken inside…

 Once it’s clear Prize won’t be striking anytime soon, the Leo-R’s pilot is brought forward to Elfriede in the hangar. The MO-V team watches as the long haired Prize soldier dodges any questions. “Don’t worry Miss, we’re gonna take those Gundams. We’re gonna take this base. We’re gonna take OZ. WE’RE GONNA TAKE THE PLANET! Praise Prize!”

With each statement, Elfriede gets angrier and angrier until she’s had enough. “Alright. Sounds like you’re useless to me.” She pulls out a snub nose revolver and fires directly at the soldier’s chest.

Odel and Odin watch in horror as the pilot’s body slumps to the floor. “You-you can’t do that! He was a prisoner!” Odin yells, shocked at the amount of blood coming from the chest wound. Elfriede only sighs as she places her revolver back in her uniform. “Anyways, we’ll have another mobile suit once it’s fixed up. It’s yours if you want it, Seicenta.” Twain stands at attention, thinking about his decision.


> “I feel I’m better with the Taurus, commander.” Twain states, gazing at the amazing machine. Elfriede shrugs and turns away. “Very well, we’ll figure out what to do with it later. Odin, you destroyed 3 Taurus last battle. You can remain piloting 01.” Odin didn’t even respond as the OZ soldier left the hangar, watching as their medical unit picked up the Prize soldier’s body…


“You’re waking up. Please come to us, my sweet daughter.”
In an OZ hospital, Reine Le Blanc awoke to see her father standing at her bedside, tears in his eyes. “D-dad?” She faintly utters, her mouth feeling dry. Cab Le Blanc, one of the higher ranking members of the Romefeller Foundation, hugs his daughter tightly. “Oh, my beautiful Reine. I thought you were gone. When I found out those monsters kidnapped you and forced you to fight alongside them, I was heartbroken!” Reine, still struggling to regain her thoughts, was confused. “How would you know that?” She asked.
“The prisoner we captured told the whole story. To think an OZ deserter would treat you like that.” 
*”Ernst! He must’ve lied to cover my-wait… OZ deserter?”* Reine’s eyes felt heavy as she laid her head back on the pillow.

The recovery for Reine is short, being back on her feet at Denver Base in no time. At first, it feels odd in the complex after getting used to sandstorms and sweating in a mobile suit, but she gets used to the familiar environment, even wearing a brand new uniform. She takes walks with her father around the base, who continues to praise and love her for her perseverance against her oppressors. She wonders what became of Ernst until Cab brings up that he’s currently being held on the base. “Anything to say, Reine?” Cab asks, noticing his daughter’s intent look. Reine thinks of telling the truth. How while she was captured, she made decisions in her own accord and that Ernst was her friend. However, if she came clean, she would likely end up in a cell or worse, lose her father’s love.

“Dad… He lied…” Reine stated, not wishing to lie herself. “He was my friend. All of them were.” She told him the whole story about meeting Quatre and the rest of the Maganac Corps. Cab listened intently, believing her. He was also thankful the reports of the Maganac seemingly not trying to kill soldiers in Siberia being her. “…Thank you for your honesty.” He hugged his daughter tightly. “I’ll see what I can do about getting Ernst out of the situation he’s in.” Reine felt a sense of relief telling the truth.
“But first, I have something to show you.” 
Reine is lead to a nearby hangar by her father. Once inside, it doesn’t take long to see why she’s there. “The Gundam had self destructed while you were asleep. We couldn’t find your friend’s body, but we were able to take the scraps.” Reine’s heart stopped for a bit, thinking of Quatre. “I was able to pull some strings since you’d have the most experience around it. I was originally going to send you to become a Prize member, but they’re busy at the moment.” Cab’s smile turns into a more uncomfortable smirk. “We’ve rebuilt it into something much better. You’re going to space sweetie and taking the Gundam with you.”



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The ride to space was uneventful, even though it had been quite some time since Reine had been out of the Earth’s atmosphere. The shuttle was filled with high ranking officers, including Cab and herself, now holding the rank of Baronet. She thought about her father’s words, wondering what her mission even was. It was obvious the Sandking, the upgraded form of the Sandrock, was meant to battle with some high quality machines. *”Will I have to fight Deathscythe and the others?”* She pondered, seeing the lunar base in the horizon.

Everything felt so regimented after being with the Maganac’s. She was expected to go to meeting and do paperwork she would’ve never dreamed of doing. Occasionally she’d pop into the MS hangar to see Sandking along with two special looking machines called the Vayeate and Mercurius. Assuming these machines would be serving under her, she asked to meet the pilots. “Only the Vayeate has an official pilot Ma’am.” A grunt soldier stated. A younger lad with long brown bangs came in to salute Reine. “Trowa Barton. At your service.” The name sounded familiar to her, but she had never met the man before.

She spent the next day reading up on the red and blue MS along with testing her Sandking. The machine’s controls felt amazing, but it would need to go out into live combat in order to know for sure. Fortunately (or unfortunately), her wish came true as she would be intercepting a brand new mobile suit that had been destroying entire colonies. “Here it is.” One of the soldiers said, putting the machine up on the monitor. “Clearly a Gundam.” Reine gulped at the sight of it. It reminded her of the Gundam that self destructed in Siberia, but this machine was much more stronger than it. She hoped this Gundam fight wouldn’t be her last…


Loading Sandking onto the MS Carrier, Reine’s normal suit felt restrictive. She felt that perhaps fighting on Earth was a better option for her abilities, but wished to be proven wrong. About 20 Leos accompanied the trio of stronger machines. *”Shouldn’t we have gotten Taurus’?”* She was told the Mercurius’ pilot was the best man for the job, so she would likely be relying on him and Trowa once she got used to Sandking. With a few Carriers in tow, the OZ mobile suits launched to meet the single Gundam floating through space as it looked at the colony it desired to destroy.

“Gundam. Cease fighting at this instant.” She received no response.
“Gundam. Please turn this way and surrender.”
No response.
“Gundam. This is Reine Le Blanc of the Romefeller Foundation and soldier of OZ. If you do not respond, we will be forced to fire upon you.”
The Gundam finally turned, facing the Sandking.

The Leos surround the Gundam in a circular motion as the Mercurius prepares its defenses by Vayeate. Sandking inches closer as its pilot speaks. “Gundam, we have you-“ 

“Please stay away, Reine.”

Reine immediately knew who it was inside that mobile suit. “Q-Quatre?” Freezing for a bit, the red and blue machines broke formation once they realize it’s their friend. “This wasn’t apart of our plan.” Trowa calls out, firing his cannon at the winged Gundam. Reine, still in shock, watches as the Mercurius sends its planet defenders in front of Trowa and Sandking. “Trowa Barton… He was the Heavyarms pilot! Quatre brought him up once!” Unsure what to do, Quatre made a decision for her. The Gundam’s beam rifles powered up as it spun around, firing into all the Leos in sight. In an instant, they were gone. Reine’s hand shook as she saw the sheer power of a Gundam far greater than anything else.

The enemy Gundam begins heading for the colony as Mercurius and Vayeate follow suit. While finally regaining her composure, Reine has an array of mixed emotions as she takes the Sandking into the colony as well. “Quatre, please don’t do this!” She yells, the winged Gundam stopping in its tracks. 

“If you try to fight me, Zero will destroy you. Live your life, Reine.” The OZ soldiers thinks about his words. Quatre is giving her a way out, maybe Trowa can talk him out of it, but does she really want to take that path?


“No, I’m not leaving you… I’m… I’m sorry.” Sandking’s thrusters ignited as the Gundam pulled out its beam machine gun. If there was some way to stop Zero, she’d have to take that chance. Firing at the rifles, Zero danced around the bullets, watching as it began firing beams back at the trio. Thankfully Mercurius’ pilot, who also seemed to be a former Gundam pilot based on the conversations he was having with Quatre, was able to keep the group safe, but the colony kept getting damaged. Destruction befell people’s lives and homes as Reine saw a boy so committed to pacifism cause so much mayhem. She had to figure out something quick.

While Zero is distracted, Sandking just barely manages to cut one rifle in half, but the other is knocked out of the enemy Gundam’s hand. “This isn’t you, Quatre! I know it!” Reine heads for the Zero but Quatre blasts forward at a break neck speed, sending both Gundams back into space. “Why didn’t you learn anything? I gave you a chance to leave OZ behind and you abandoned that!” The Zero’s hand grabs the Shotels and tosses them aside. “But… you left me… I could’ve gone with you to space!” Reine tries to shove the Sandking’s shield into Zero’s face, but Quatre is able to grab this as well. “It’s not like I chose to be back in OZ anyways. I…I don’t know what else to say…”

The Sandking stops putting any effort into fighting, letting go as it floats back. Zero on the other hand tries to take advantage of this, inviting its beam saber. “I’m sorry you got in my way, Reine.”

Reine awaited death, but a yellow beam slams into the back of Zero, destroying its backpack. Sandking looks behind the damaged machine to see Mercurius and Vayeate holding the remaining beam rifle! Quatre cries out in pain as the Zero is scarred, but still functions. “Reine… Zero is…” Quatre can barely utter the words. “Destroy it. Don’t let it take anyone ever again.” Reine’s eyes begin to water as Sandking floats beside his machine, its beam saber very close by.


“NO! I’m not letting you die with it!” 
With all the Sandking’s might, Reine pulls open Zero’s cockpit door, seeing Quatre in a black normal suit. “I won’t let this machine take you away.” She states while opening her own cockpit. At first, Quatre doesn’t move, so Reine grabs him by the collar. “We’re sticking together now. Plus, this mobile suit belongs to you.” She smiles as Quatre gets in the cockpit with her. The wrecked Zero has finally shut off, but Reine instead takes its beam saber, repeatedly slashing into it and Mercurius and Vayeate watch. “Whatever you did to my friend, you’ll never do again!” With each slash comes rage, but Quatre places his hand on her shoulder. “Don’t let it consume you either. It’s over…” The Wing Zero explodes into a ball of fire. Reine’s mission was successful.

Reine was unsure of what to do next. She knew for sure that Sandking belongs with Quatre, but then where does she belong? “I can take you back if you want.” Quatre stated with a hint of sadness. “If that’s your home, then you belong there.” Reine thought for a second, but knew her answer. “No, like I said, we’re sticking together.” Quatre chuckles, taking the reins over for Sandking. “I’m thankful for you being by my side. All of you.” Quatre watches as Trowa and Heero move their machines close. “We’re not needed in space. It’s time to head back for Earth.”

The three machines headed for the closest OZ affiliated colony they could find, hoping there would be some way to get Sandking back to Earth. “I’m sorry the lunar base wasn’t an option.” Uttered Reine as she looked for any transport ships. Fortunately, she found what looked to be a carrier holding two brand new machines. “These must be new.” Reine felt they looked odd, but it was clear the machines were ready for a fight as they fired on their group. “Hold on!” Quatre called as he flew the Sandking toward the transport. The black OZ mobile suits seemed to have the capabilities as the Mercurius and Vayeate, but their pilots seemed very rigid to Reine.


Opening his cockpit door, Quatre had Reine make a space walk across as the Sandking locked into the shuttle, due to it not having weapons to defend itself. As Reine made her way to the cabin, the ship appeared to be automated. “Where is everyone?” She asked to no one, getting into the pilot’s seat as she patched her communications to Quatre. “We gotta pick up another mobile suit before we can grab the other’s pilot!” Reine saw that each black mobile suit was in combat with the Mercurius and Vayeate, with neither being closer to the other. 

Going to the Vayeate, Heero takes on two machines as once, successfully helping Trowa’s MS get attached. “Come on Heero!” Quatre yells, having made his way to the cabin. Right then, a beam gets too close for comfort, scratching the paint of the transport. “Negative.” Heero stated. The planet defensors go to guard the ship as the Mercurius heads forward. “Reine. You’ll fulfill my mission instead.” The transports begin to reach the atmosphere, Mercurius going further and further away. “Do it for Qua-“ The radio feed cuts out, now out of range. “HEERO!” Quatre screams as the ship’s autopilot kicks in, sending them to Earth.


“I’m sorry, Relena. She’ll be taking over.” The black machines overwhelm Heero as the Mercurius is ripped to shreds. Heero’s waltz through the Earth Sphere wasn’t endless…

Back in space, a blue mobile suit sits in a hangar with its pilot tinkering with the controls. “PX System…” Elfriede whispers, gently caressing the control panel in front of her. “Next time we fight, I want you to show me this power…”




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Training exercises began to take over Twain’s days on MO-V. Less and less opportunities were being presented to hang out as the shops and restaurants closed one by one. He finally got the courage to ask what was going on the Elfriede. “Something big is happening, isn’t it?” He asked in her office. She held some paperwork, not looking up at Twain. “Roga is sending all the civilians off the colony. If this place is gonna become a war zone, they shouldn’t be involved.” She turned back in her chair, staring into the depths of space. “You’ll be escorting the shuttles with Odel into OZ Prize’s control at 0800 hours tomorrow.”

Twain was flabbergasted. “Prize? We can’t trust them.” Perhaps Prize would show some form of chivalry, but he felt this was unlikely. “We don’t have a choice. Their armaments are stronger. We’ll have to hope they keep their end of the bargain. Dismissed.” Twain walked out after Elfriede said this, wondering how he’d spend his time before his next assignment in the morning.   

Controlling the Taurus begins to feel like second nature for Twain, easily taking over Odel as the superior pilot. Unfortunately, he stays up too late training as he hears alarms blare the next morning. “Shit!” He calls out, running to the hangar without putting on his normal suit. Once he makes it inside of the Taurus, the shuttles have already begun launching.

Twain is able to catch up with Odel before the shuttles reach Prize territory. He watches as their own Taurus’ are commanded by a red Leo, giving Twain a sense of dread. “This is Twain Seicenta, escorting MO-V shuttles into your jurisdiction.” The shuttles begin to make their way forward, only for one to suddenly combust. “Who fired?” Called out the red Leo’s pilot, only for him to be silenced by a mysterious black machine.


“A-a Gundam?!” Twain tries to regain his composure as he attempts to reach MO-V. “Prize! They’re attacking the shuttles!” He is forced to dodge the enemy Taurus’ lasers as Elfriede sorties. “Where’s my L.O. Booster?” She asks, noticing the transformable pack wasn’t equipped. “Odin took it in 01 Ma’am!” This response angered her, realizing she wouldn’t be able to make it in time to save any of the shuttles.

This was going to be a losing fight either way, but Twain had to make a decision. If he told the shuttles to scatter until reinforcements arrive, they’d be a harder target. If he had them retreat to MO-V, they’d be much easier to hit, but maybe they’d be in safer hands sooner. 

“Keep moving around, shuttles! Just make sure those movements are random!” The shuttles begin to do so, actually being quite effective as Twain and Odel took out the enemy Taurus’. Twain was lucky he had trained so substantially, easily able to stay away from the Gundam. However, it set its sights on someone else…

“I-I can’t shake him. Twain, tell Tricia I-“ Silence befell the Taurus as it took the full blunt of the Gundam’s cannon blast. Twain could only watch as his friend was taken away forever.


Odin made it to the battlefield, but was too late to reach his brother. “Odel? Odel!!!” Twain could only hear screams as he watched the might of the PX system be shown to the enemy Gundam. “You… You’ll suffer!” Having his own beam cannon in his arsenal, he fired at the black Gundam, but was only able to take its left arm as it barely dodged the full blunt of the blast. “Hm, You don’t get to damage Hydra. Now you’re next” The Hydra sped toward the Gundam, completely ignoring Twain and the shuttles. Now it wouldn’t be long before reinforcements arrive to help against the enemy Taurus, but should he take the chance to strike the Hydra from behind and finish this? 

“Now’s my chance!” Twain lines up his Taurus perfectly to hit the Hydra’s back, firing just when the time is right. Unfortunately, the Hydra literally has eyes in the back of its head, turning to see Twain and dodging the attack completely. “Shit!” Twain can only watch as the Hydra goes in for the kill, but…


“Stay away from my friends!” Lucille, a mechanic for MO-V, makes it clear she’s stolen the Leo-R to keep a distance between Twain and the Hydra as they both dodge. Elfriede and MO-V Leos follow suit as they head for the shuttles.

“Hahaha! Two Gundams? I’m meant to kill all of you!” At that moment, Elfriede knows the pilot of the Hydra. “Valder Farkill. The Dark General of Destruction. Your reputation proceeds you.” Valder only scoffs at this statement, waiting for 01’s PX to run out. “Elfriede. Your reputation is pathetic. You will die with the rest of these lowlifes.” Odin goes in for a close ranged strike, only for his PX to stop, giving Valder just enough time to slash at his torso. Twain can only hear Odin coughing up blood as the 01 is put out of commission, depowering.

“One down.” Valder utters, locking blades with Elfriede. Twain continues to look for an opening, but none are given as he watches the Hydra take control of the battle. “Elfriede, what can I do?” Twain calls out. Elfriede stares at her control panel, contemplating a major decision. “I will be using the PX system. It’s the only way we’ll have a shot against stopping this demon.” Twain knew the consequences of this decision. Only Odin and Odel were able to use that mode without damaging their bodies. Who knows what could happen if she used it? However, Twain knows her statement was likely correct. 



The 02 glow blue as its able to be a much better match against the Hydra, impressing the famed soldier. “Perhaps you have skill, but you’re only delaying your death.” Shoulder Claws burst out of the Hydra, digging deep into 02’s thrusters, but Elfriede doesn’t care, she uses all auxiliary power to push her beam saber near the cockpit of the machine, just giving Valder some room to survive the blow. The 02 shuts off, floating alongside the Hydra. “Big mistake, you-what?” Twain comes rushing in, transforming as he places Taurus’ hands onto 02’s arm, pushing the beam into the Hydra’s cockpit as Valder screams.

“Elfriede? Elfriede, are you there?”
Twain keeps trying for communication, but no response is given as the three Gundams float in space. Thankfully the Leo squad mopped up the rest of the enemy Taurus’, giving the shuttles a route back to MO-V as they grab the remaining machines…

> Odin was the best off, only taking minor damage physically, but mentally he was a wreck. Losing his brother took quite the toll on him as he kept himself locked in his room. Valder wasn’t doing well, on the account that body was nonexistent, but Elfriede wasn’t much better off.
“Can you feel anything?” Twain asked, sitting at Elfriede’s bedside. The OZ soldier had become quadriplegic as she lay under a blanket. “Nothing.” Her head didn’t even move as she spoke, staring up at the tiles of the hospital room. “That doesn’t matter though. They’re gone.” Elfriede was correct. Prize’s battleship had disappeared from MO-V vicinity to unknown territory. Twain hoped he didn’t have to run into them on his trek home.
It was a tough decision, but he was still a soldier of OZ and needed to let them know of Prize’s treachery before they could do more damage. He was treated like a hero due to his decision making with the civilian shuttles, but he wished Odel could’ve been there to join him. As he made his way to the hangar, Roga stopped him. “Don’t worry about Elfriede, she’ll be in good hands.” He then pointed at the three Gundams stationed in the hangar, all of which had been repaired. “You’re gonna need one of these incase Prize finds your shuttle. Please, I’d rather you have one.”

“Elfriede, I’ll be taking 02 now. It won’t ever hurt you again.”

Rou and Twain got in the cabin of the shuttle as 02 (along with Twain’s Taurus) were loaded into it. Never in a million years did Twain think he was going to be apart of so much death in this conflict, but here he was, heading away from a former war zone and likely ending up in another. He hoped the Earth had found peace during his stay away from it, but he knew that wasn’t the truth…


“We found their transport!” OZ soldiers surrounded the abandoned ship which had washed onto a beach. What they found were no mobile suits or people inside. “It’s been abandoned for quite some time.” One of the senior officers uttered, nodding to another soldier. “Tell Mr. Le Blanc that his daughter is still on the run. We’ll get her and Sandking back.”

“Are you sure they’ll let us in?”
Trudging through the woods, Sandking and the Vayeate have had to dodge a few OZ convoys on their way to the Sanc Kingdom, a country Reine admittedly knew little about, but felt comfortable going to a place that shared Quatre’s commitment to pacifism.
Unfortunately, it seemed that goal of peace isn’t getting closer now that a Treize Faction has splintered off from OZ. Nevertheless, Sandking had to a mission and while Vayeate could work on Earth, the primarily space based MS was Trowa’s only option until he could obtain Heavyarms once more.
White Taurus’ appeared through the groves as Reine gripped Sandking’s seat. Thankfully she wasn’t the one piloting, as she likely would’ve fired upon the Sanc Kingdom machines. Leading them to a hidden hangar, Reine was reminded off the Maganac’s many underground bases. As the trio got out, the leading Imperial Guard member introduces herself as Noin. A sense of relief comes over Reine as she joins the others, but she’s shocked to see the winged Gundam from Siberia rebuilt. “That was Heero’s…” Quatre explained to her.


“He’s… gone?” Relena’s heart sank as Quatre told her the bad news. She sat back in chair trying to process this pain, looking up to Reine. “If he said for you to continue his mission, then the Wing Gundam belongs to you.” Reine was honored and grateful she’d have a mobile suit again. “Thank you, Ms. Peacecraft. I am sorry for your loss.” Knowing it would be best to leave Relena alone, Noin shows Reine to her quarters. The kingdom’s buildings were lavish, just like Quatre’s mansion, so she’d feel right at home. As they walked outside, one of the academy’s students was going the other direction, turning to Reine.

*”Dorothy. That bitch is here? What? Is she gonna steal another boyfriend away?”* Reine kept walking, only for the blond lady to call out “Hi Reina! Didn’t expect to see you here.” The soldier had no choice but to turn back.
*”No one ever gets my name right…”*
Noin looked perplexed that the two knew each other. “Small world, isn’t it?” She asked, but Reine wished it was much bigger. “We knew each other, a while ago. She-“ Dorothy waved her hand away at Reine. “You’d eventually spill the beans, Reina. I’ll have to speak with Ms. Peacecraft now, if you don’t mind Lady Noin.” 
Noin explained that Relena wasn’t currently in the mood for conversation, but obliged and took Dorothy with her, leaving Reine unaccompanied. There was much to do before turning in for the night…

Unsurprisingly, Reine was able to find Quatre, playing the piano by himself. She knew the boy had been through a lot, but they hadn’t talked much about their conflict with Zero. About to speak, Reine glanced at the array of instruments, understanding how she can communicate her empathy to him. As he pressed down on the keys with wonderful fervor, Reine, for the first time in her life, truly felt the power of music as she played the clarinet once again. Without having to say a word, the two shared a platonic bond that could never be broken.

The extravagance of the kingdom kept Reine quite amazed as she looked at the architecture. Plus, it was nice to have some sense of comfort again as the breeze flowed through her hair. Sadly, this moment of peace was ruined by the appearance of Dorothy. “I told Relena of my history with Romefeller. Fortunately, this’ll help produce better dialogue between my grandfather and the Sanc Kingdom.” Reine looked down at the white flowerbed near her. “Sorry I ruined your facade. Makes sense you’re a spy now though. You were always a good liar.” Not wanting to be in same area as Dorothy, Reine walked away at a brisk pace, but the trust fund Romefeller had to say one final thing. “You should be thankful I’m a liar. I could’ve let your father know you’re here.”
That made Reine stop in her tracks.
“He’s not gonna give up looking for you. Only a matter of time he finds you…” Having the last laugh, Dorothy’s comment stings at Reine.

While part of her wonder if she should be enrolling at the academy, it was for the best she kept a low profile, opting to spend time programming the Wing to her specifications over the coming weeks. It only worked somewhat, since the rest of testing would have to come from live combat. Reine also didn’t talk much with Trowa, or rather it was the other way around, but Quatre at least made the Maganac Corps aware of their existence. Part of her hoped that perhaps this could be her new permanent home, but as Dorothy said, this wouldn’t be the case. OZ was getting closer, hearing rumors they were in the midst of attacking Luxembourg.

Luxembourg is overwhelmed by Virgos as Treize Faction mobile suits are easily rid of. Deep within their headquarters, Treize discusses his next plan of attack with another member. “I don’t even know where Reine or Quatre are. I hope they’re not dead, but would they want to pilot…that?” The soldier stares up at the dark red Gundam, fully understanding the power of the machine. Treize can only smile as he takes a lift to the cockpit. “Looks like it’ll be my burden to bear for now, but I know of another who can take my place in Epyon.” While putting on an odd normal suit, Treize takes a deep breath. “Once I’ve destroyed the resistance, take the prototype away from here. I will meet with you again.” Just as the cockpit is about to close, the soldier speaks up. “Yes, of course Treize.”

The soldier watched as Epyon started up. “Reine, please be out there somewhere...”



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“Reine! Get underground!” Barely hearing Noin’s command over the sounds of mobile suit thrusters, she could only catch a glimpse at the machines they would have to tussle with. “Those are the ones that killed Heero…” Reine had learned the machines were called Virgos, mobile dolls that didn’t require a pilot. Trowa was the first one out with Vayeate, who decided to focus on firing at the Aries squadron, since he wouldn’t be able to do much harm against the planet defensors.

Quatre was next out, having to use spare Taurus beam rifles and sabers in its arsenal. Standing tall against an army, Sandking was ready for whatever would befall it. “Sandking. Please protect these people.” He asks it while trying to get shots through any weak spots presented to him. Reine placed herself in the cockpit of the Wing Gundam as Noin and the few other Taurus launched. “Reine, you can follow our lead in the skies or head down with Quatre and Trowa! We just need you somewhere!”

Reine heads in with the Wing, taking the lead as its buster rifle easily tears through what’s left of the Aries’ group. It still feels a bit strange piloting these Gundams to Reine, with their range of motion being substantially quicker than that little Leo she started her career with.

While the Aries are taken out easily, the Virgos continue to pose a challenge, pairing up planet defensors to cover any weaknesses. The Vayeate retreats back, wondering if he could use one of the nearby buildings to get above the Virgos, but Quatre is getting pounded by beams, until…


Abram and the rest of the Maganac Corps position themselves behind many of the Mobile Dolls, slowly taking some out one by one. “You guys came! Thank you!” Quatre called out. “We can win this!” Abram laughed as he had his turn using a powerful Gundam, sending volleys of bullets and missiles out. “Thank Trowa for letting us know Heavyarm’s location.” He responded, with Trowa’s Vayeate silently nodding.

Transforming, Reine blasts forward with the Wing as the Virgos begin spreading out. Using this opportunity, she jams her shield into one of the black dolls and maneuvers it toward another, causing both to accidentally fire on the other.

Relena the battle intently, contemplating on whether it’s right to watch these brave pilots lose their lives against a weapon completely controlled by AI. She can no longer rely on Heero and she hasn’t heard from her brother in a while…

”Stop fighting! We have to work together!” The Tallgeese spars with the Altron atop the Peacemillion, but the outdated machine is beginning to lose the battle. “Shut up! You’re an enemy!” Wufei screams, sending its trident into Tallgeese’s torso, almost slicing it in two. As he spins his weapon, the Gundam pilot looks disgusted at the mangled mobile suit. “Disgrace.” Wufei leaves the area as Howard’s crew rushes to safe Zechs. “He’s alive, but unconscious.” One of the crew members states, with Howard furrowing his brow. “He was right. Tallgeese must be rebuilt into something better…”



Reine is feeling confident working alongside her comrades. No longer is she just a member of OZ or another soldier in the Maganac Corps. She is a Gundam pilot, ready to take action against all who fight against pacifism. “Wait… They’ve brought reinforcements!” Noin utters, watching as plenty more Virgos take the place of the ones already destroyed. The Kingdom’s machines have had most of their armaments diminished by this point. Reine doesn’t want to give up, but soon she is forced to.


Relena officially surrenders, shocking many of the MS pilots. “No, we were so close!” Abram says while pulling back with the Maganacs. Trowa follows suit, but mostly because he hasn’t been returned just yet. “If we can’t stay back on Earth, then is space our final option?” Quatre wonders as Sandking looks at Wing. Reine is about to nod back, but a thought appears in her head. Sometimes, fighting in these mobile suits felt as if it was for naught. Could Heero’s wish for her to continue his mission be fulfilled in a different capacity? “Quatre, what if I surrender with Relena? Maybe I can fight through words with her using my status?” Admittedly, Reine is unsure of her claim. At first, Quatre thinks of denying this suggestion, but decides not to. “I still think you can do just as much with the Gundam, but it’s your decision. Stay or come, I know you’ll make the right choice.”

“This isn’t goodbye, Quatre. We’ll work together again, I promise.” Reine watches as the Kingdom’s defenses all retreat, with the Wing Gundam standing amongst the remaining wreckage…
OZ and Treize Faction Leos fire amongst each other as a single Gundam watches. “Oh boy, what the Hell have I missed?”
Twain’s shuttle was destroyed in their firefight, killing its pilot, but he was able to escape with 02 using the explosion as cover. He had expected to join back up with OZ in the ongoing fight against the 5 Gundam pilots, but the world has changed. Many factions have arisen and he’s unsure where his loyalties lie. Sure, he always loved Treize’s speeches, but would going back with such a splintered group like OZ also be a good option?  

“The OZ I knew is long gone.” The 02 began firing on OZ machines as the Treize Faction watched in awe. “Wait, do we have another Gundam?” One of the soldiers asked.
“You do now.”


Relena and Reine were immediately brought to Romefeller’s headquarters. The pilot thought about how the Wing Gundam was taken away, and while she hoped peace would allow her to never have to use it again, she was still saddened to see another Gundam out of her hands. The two prisoners were separated once inside the building, but when Reine was placed in a bedroom, her father came through the door soon after. “Dad, I-“ tears began to fall as her father came to hug her. “I know sweetie, I’m sorry for not allowing you to follow your own dreams.” Reine knew of the affection coming through to her.

“I want you to know that whatever you do from now on, I will be by your side to support you. No matter what.” The father and daughter hugged tighter, but she had been let down by her father in the past. He seemed genuine about this, but was he really truthful?


Reine knew in her heart that her father was speaking the truth, not wishing to let him go. “Dad, I love you… please don’t leave me!” Her dad smiled. “I’m her for you, Reine…” Right then, a soldier burst through the door. “Sir! Turn on the TV!” 
Reine watched intently as a liberation army known as White Fang announced itself to the Earth Sphere, calling for the freedom of the colonies from Romefeller. “There are some who still don’t understand.” Her father muttered. “I know you can make them. Whatever be the case, Reine would have to take charge of her own destiny quick if she wanted to help create peace.
Twain drank some soda as he watched the announcement from a Treize Faction battleship, appalled that another faction could appear at a time like this. “Romefeller, Treize, OZ, Prize, this White Fang. Dammit, when will it end?!” He tossed his drink at the television screen. How many people’s lives will be ruined?! I-I’ll help fix this world somehow, I promise, Elfriede!”


“OZ is everywhere!” Taurus surrounded the small squadron led by Quatre as they tried to fight back. While Sandking and Vayeate (who was now piloted by Abram) could function well in space, Heavyarms was not built for this environment while Noin was the only ally Taurus left after the others perished. However, within the corner of Quatre’s eye, he sees an angel coming to their rescue, shifting sending its spear into its enemies as the biggest battleship any of them had seen called out to them as their new home. As they continued to fight for peace, the Peacemillion was to be a valuable ally.



Reine couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched Queen Relena give her speech from her cabinet seat. Never in a million years did she expect to be seating with her dad at such an important event, but that paled in comparison to what was presented to the world. The Earth Sphere Unified Nation was born to erupting cheers, but Reine felt her mission for peace was only half done as the ESUN was tasked to rid of the colonies and any rebellions once and for all. After the significant address, the Romefeller bigwigs all met at a lavish party. Reine didn’t talk much with anyone but her dad. The conversation was cordial until he had to bring up the elephant in the room.

“This ESUN… They’ll fight for peace against anyone in their way. If they cannot convince the Gundam pilots…”
Reine was saddened at the statement, knowing what was coming.
“Be honest. If that time comes and you have to fight, could you stand against them?”

“I hope it never reaches that point, but if they refuse… I will fight them.” Reine takes a large drink from her wine glass as her father is whisked away by some of his friends.


The Grand Chario docked against Libra, White Fang’s newly acquired battle station. The remnants of Prize, having nowhere to go, decided to join up with the group, but Quinze was disappointed to hear there wasn’t a qualified leader onboard with them. With no other options, he got ahold of an old friend.

”I understand this isn’t apart of your plan, but when have our plans gone accordingly?” Quinze sat with another older gentleman as they drank tea. “Are you saying Operation Meteor should be attempted once again? At this stage in the Earth Sphere’s lifespan?” He contemplated for a second, but looked at Quinze directly. “Who knows if I’ll ever have this chance again. Libra shall fall and from the ashes of civilization, I shall be their god.”



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Twain had only participated in a few minor skirmishes with White Fang or OZ loyalists since returning to the Earth Sphere. It felt strange working with many squad members in the Treize Faction, but none of these pilots could compare to Elfriede or even Odel’s skills. That being said, the 02 was a powerful machine in the right hands and could hold its own, but Twain’s hand always hovered over the PX function in battle, always having to stop himself. During a maintenance check, one of Treize’s men came up to Twain. He didn’t dress like a typical soldier, but his dog tags were a giveaway. “Boss is glad you’re in his vicinity right now. Come with me.”
Twain was brought to an admittedly gaudy room in the station he was currently at, but it didn’t matter as his leader stood directly in front of him. “T-Treize! Sir!” Twain stood at attention in the presence at the gallantly dressed man, who nodded at the soldier who brought him here. “You can go now, Ernst.” The soldier left Twain alone with Treize, making him shake a bit from nervousness. “There’s a reason you’re here and it’s not because of your Gundam.” Treize sat back in his cushy chair as Twain still stood at attention. “Valder Farkill. What happened to him?” Twain’s nervousness began to get worse. Was he a friend of Treize’s? How would he feel if he knew Twain helped kill him?

Twain explains the entire story of his time at MO-V to Treize, even mentioning the vegan restaurant. While Treize is bored by some of it, he gets the answer he needs once Twain mentions how Valder was killed by him and Elfriede. 
“First of all, my condolences to Elfriede. She will receive the best care once she’s brought to the Earth Sphere. You and her got rid of a possible pest for me and I greatly appreciate it.” Twain’s nervousness subsided as he continued. “You will be quite useful in the coming days. I value your strength.” Whatever Twain had said, it worked to get on the bosses’ good side as they left the room. “I must attend to a matter, but we shall see each other soon.”

Not long after Twain’s meeting, Bulge, OZ’s greatest space fortress, is attacked. A super weapon that had the chance of stopping Libra is destroyed in an instant by what some would consider to be its own super weapon, Epyon. The war will be prolonged…


Literal screaming matches start to occur at Romefeller’s headquarters once it’s learned that Bulge has been destroyed. As much as Cab wishes to get involved, he knows anything he’ll say won’t be valued. Various bureaucrats worry that Treize’s Faction had become too dangerous and that him and his mysterious Gundam had aligned with White Fang. Reine wondered if Relena could calm down the cabinet members, but nothing was going to her plan. Very few seemed to believe in her idea of peace once fear set in. “Please listen!” She called out to the crowd. “Even if Treize has aligned himself with the terrorists, there must be a way to-“
“Align myself with terrorists?
The doors burst open to reveal Treize Khushrenada, already on Earth!

“People of Earth! You may think White Fang has removed our only source of safety by taking my Gundam and Bulge away from us. However, let it be known that the Earth Sphere Unified Nation has an army. My army!”
Television screens across the Earth Sphere showed Treize’s face as he spoke. The sheer charisma overtook many human’s emotions, but the people of the Peacemillion weren’t impressed. Milliardo Peacecraft wasn’t pleased to see his sister pushed aside to make room for Treize’s new regime.
“Every human’s life is precious. Thanks to Queen Relena’s great will, I’ll be able to finish this once and for all. Humanity, after so long, can truly have peace once again!”
For a millisecond, Reine has time to speak up. As to what she says, it could change the course of history forever…

Reine is the first to stand, clapping as she speaks. “Treize is our saving grace! Everyone should stand by him!” The viewers of the broadcast can all see this white haired woman lead a crowd of bureaucrats in applause. Once again, the Peacemillion crew is not impressed. “Reine? What is she doing?” Abram utters, glancing at Quatre. The boy doesn’t even know how to respond as so many thoughts race through his head. However, the public has spoken. They are behind Treize…

White Fang Taurus’ surround the wreckage of the Bulge. “Thank you. Having you here meant we didn’t have to use our main forces.” One of the Taurus pilots stated to the Epyon. Slowly turning, the only response he received was a beam sword to the torso. Twenty Taurus’ were taken an in instant as Epyon fulfilled its mission. “OZ. White Fang. The Gundam pilots. All of them are filthy with no sense of honor. Everyone who stands in my way doesn’t deserve to live!”


Any and all military personnel is shipped off to space as it is clear White Fang will be striking at their forces soon. Fortunately, Reine is not alone as her father has decided to come along, not wishing to leave his daughter behind again.  MO-II, a former resource satellite, is to be used as their base of operations for the time being. “This is where they took your Gundam, you know.” Cab states as they catch a glimpse of the base from their shuttle. Once they reach the hangar, Reine is in awe at the amount of mobile suits in stock for the ESUN. “They even have a blue Gundam.” Reine mutters. Getting off the shuttle, Reine has to once again get used to the environment as soldiers are rushed around in spades.

“World is changing, isn’t it?”
Startled, Reine turned to see Ernst smiling. “Ernst?! You’re here?” She can’t help but run to hug the soldier, reuniting with an old friend. “You can thank for father.” Ernst responded as Reine still held him. “He’s the one who got me out of that jail.” Cab chuckled a bit. “Indeed, but I didn’t expect you to end up still fighting for our side.”
Ernst pointed at one of the mobile suits near the back of the lineup. “It has its perks. You’re not the only one with a Gundam, Reine.”


Helping personnel get to their stations, Twain had been running across hangars for what felt like forever. Catching Ernst within the crowd, he bolted toward him. “Ernst, should we keep the Altron’s-“
“Oh, this is Twain. He’s the pilot of the blue Gundam over there, Geiminass 02.” Ernst uttered, interrupting the soldier. “Twain, this is my friend Reine and her father. She’ll be joining us in the Gundam squadron.” Twain noticed the woman’s demeanor. She didn’t seem to have the confidence of someone like Elfriede, but if she was a Gundam pilot, she had to be talented.

Twain is friendly enough to Reine. Strangely, they both had a faint feeling of someone almost puppeteering their conversations, but they brushed it off as just nerves. “So I bet your Gundam is nice.” He stated, though thinking in his head nothing could much 02.
“Honestly, I haven’t even seen it in a while. Hopefully it is still nice.” She smiled, but an alert blared throughout the base as an almost blinding light sped past them.

The Romefeller headquarters, now the ESUN’s, still had the rank and file of the nation. Relena, still hoping for peace, but believing it wouldn’t come for Treize, spoke with Dermail and his granddaughter. “Our time will come once again. Perhaps you and Dorothy could lead together?” Dorothy had a nasty grin as Relena thought of the consequences of such a leadership. Fortunately, she wouldn’t have to think for long as the ground began to shake.
“What was-“
Relena Peacecraft has died
Dermail Catalonia has died
Dorothy Catalonia has died
95,000 people have died


Every news station on the planet estimated the death count as around 100,000. The city’s citizens, along with plenty of political figures, were all erased from the planet. Treize made an announcement to every ESUN station within space that they’ll be attacking Libra head on soon, but doesn’t give an actual date. *”It’s not complete yet.”* Ernst thought while people scrambled all around him. Over the next few hours, the situation went from bad to worse as within the bridge of the base, officers watched as a large silver battleship made their way toward their vicinity, but stopped. “Should we sortie units sir?”

“No, I’ll go out there myself.”
Making his way to the hangar, Ernst and Twain caught up with their leader. “I’ll get Altron ready for you sir!” Ernst called out, but Twain had a different idea. What if he offered Treize the 02? After all, its Zero-G pack would allow for much more movement within space. However, Twain felt he could be quite effective in his machine alongside Treize if they got into trouble.

“I’ll go out with you sir!” Twain offered, but Treize declined. “I appreciate it, but I must do this on my own. As he got inside the Altron, he thought about its former owner who had “stolen” Epyon from him. *”Get ready Wufei. Next time we meet will be the last.”*
As the Altron went into space, out came a single unit from the Peacemillion, which Treize recognized as the Tallgeese. “You’ve upgraded it, haven’t you? Beautiful machine, isn’t it?” Ignoring the question, Milliardo had come here for one thing. “We’re stopping Libra. Together.” Hearing this from the Peacemillion’s bridge, their Gundam pilots couldn’t believe it. “What? I’m not working with that chump!” Duo, who had joined up with the crew prior, said while folding his arms. Trowa on the other hand understood completely. “He lost his sister. His mind isn’t in the right spot currently.” Quatre stayed silent as he stared at the base, wondering if Reine was there.

“Is it truly all? Or will you stab me in the back when the time is right?” Treize uttered, readying his stance in the Altron. Milliardo remained defensive in his machine, only to hear a warning blade as a blast went past him. Treize, without any effort, dodged the beam completely as the Vayeate heading toward him. “If he won’t kill you, I will!” Abram kept firing and firing, but Treize continued to glide past each. “Abram, stop this!” Milliardo yelled, catching in the edge of his eye another mobile suit above them.


“I’m sorry, Abram.”
Reine watched as her former ally became dust within the universe as Vayeate disappeared. She had just taken her first step down a path some might consider unbelievable, but necessary as she made a statement in her Gundam.

Reine was in awe at the machine in front of her as her father handed her a helmet. “I’m the one who decided on the green. It reminded me of the forest behind our house when you were a child. I hope you can visit there again. Visit mom.” Placing her helmet on, Reine rode up to the mobile suit as her dad watched. “I know you’ll make me proud. Show everyone the beauty of the…”


“Cease hostilities at this instant, or the Everwing Gundam will be the last sight you see!”


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Twain couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Everwing Gundam. That boost of confidence from such a strong unit would be necessary in the long run. Quatre called out and begged Milliardo to stay, but his decision remained unchanged. “You don’t understand that being a Gundam pilot isn’t as special as you think. Having a battalion alongside Gundams, that’s what’s needed.” Milliardo took Tallgeese along Altron and 02, but not before another unit came to him. “Wait. I’m coming with you!” Noin stated, flying the Taurus into their area.

Eventually, it was time. Loading up all the forces they could, the ESUN made its way to Libra. Sitting inside her Everwing’s cockpit, she knew the Gundams would be leading the charge of Leos and Taurus along with plenty of battleships. White Fang, on the other hand, had a seemingly endless supply of a new Virgo model, but Treize had a trick up his sleeve. “White Fang!” He called out through the channels. “Today is the last day you will ever be in existence. The lives you took though, will never be forgotten. Aquarius, finish this!”


“Reine Le Blanc, Everwing Gundam, launching!”
“Twain Seicenta, Gundam Geminass 02, launching!”
“Ernst Jeager, Altron Gundam, let’s go!”
“Milliardo Peacecraft, Tallgeese Flugel, launching.”

Virgos immediately headed for Treize, who didn’t move an inch as the machines started to malfunction. “Mobile dolls will never be of value.” He scoffed as he jammed the ones closest. It was a slaughterhouse for the ESUN as the Gundams tore through units one by one, but all would be naught once another Gundam arrived to the scene.

“Hahhhhhhh!!!!” The Epyon looked heat rods with the Aquarius, its movements were horrifyingly aggressive. “What-What did you DO TO ME!” Wufei bashed his mobile suit’s fist into Treize’s head. “Why did you give me this?!” 
> Treize began a hearty laugh, readying his dober gun. “You’re a petulant child, but you needed a machine much greater than you had. Epyon gives you strength. The strength to defeat me.” The two’s battle began making its way further from the other mobile suits, but this unfortunately meant the Virgos were now outside of range as they started firing upon the ESUN again.

Chaos erupted as Reine took charge of the team. Libra needed to be stopped by someone, but their forces still needed defenses from a powerful machine. White Fang’s battleship, the Grand Chario, was giving a beating to any of their forces getting close. Lastly, the Peacemillion had arrived. It was bound to cause issues.

Milliardo heads over to stop the Peacemillion from getting in his way, but Heavyarms stops the machine in his tracks. “I’ll have to kill you.” Trowa uttered, firing his gatling gun, but not even the upgrades to the Gundam could match the speed of the Tallgeese. After a short duel, Heavyarm’s corpse floated behind Milliardo as it became a ball of fire.


Ernst takes a beating from the Virgos, but is still able to push forward further and further. “We can take these guys, just-“ The Altron’s back is sliced by a beam scythe as Duo appears on the scene. “Hey, you don’t belong in Wufei’s suit. Don’t worry, I’ll get rid of it for you.” Ernst slices back to match the scythe as the two clash. Sadly, the ESUN MS are preoccupied to help Ernst as Duo takes the reins in the battle. “Heh, I wonder if I made the right choice?” He muttered to himself as the Deathscythe cut into his waist. “People wanted to give me a home, but I was always a drifter anyways. Time for the next adventure…” Ernst drifted off as the Altron exploded.

A behemoth of a battleship, the Grand Chario was thankfully only guarded by the White Fang’s Taurus scraps, the bulk of the Virgo forces currently at the front lines. Using the speed of the 02 to his advantage, Twain is able to squeeze past a Taurus’ to get a clear shot at the Chario’s bridge. “What, how did he?” Quinze screamed as the crew was rid of. Ironically, since Twain never saw the battleship at MO-V, he was unaware of the ship’s status being from Prize. He had finished avenging Elfriede, or did he?


The battleship was slowly being pulled in by Earth’s gravity. Even if Libra were to be stopped, this could do quite the damage to the planet. Fearing what was next, Twain watched as the Peacemillion slammed into the side of the Grand Chario, pulling it off course as the ships tangled their parts into each other. “Phew, I better get to Libra!”

Libra was essentially a maze as the Everwing made its way inside. Unfortunately, Reine couldn’t find any area that came close to looking like a control center. “Dammit, where is something useful?” She screamed, slamming her fist on the control panel.
The Everwing turned to see Sandking, now fully armed once again. She could hear Quatre cry as he talked, pleading for some way they could work together. “Do-do you wish to fight?” She asked, understanding the decisions she had made leading up to this point. She felt the right thing was done, but lives had been lost like Abram. Would Quatre try to attack?

The Everwing began to fly away as Sandking followed, but did not try attacking Reine. “Why did you leave us? We could’ve worked together to stop this without Bending over to Treize’s will!” The Everwing continued forward as she heard this. “Like Milliardo said, times have changed. A few Gundams haphazardly fighting across the Earth Sphere isn’t a valuable as it once was. Now please, if you won’t fight me, then you can go.” The Sandking stopped for a second, Quatre thinking about the bond he still shared with Reine. “I do owe you one for saving me. I’ll help with whatever you need.”
Reine sighed in relief. “Thank you friend. Where to?” The Everwing received no response, only hearing the sound of beams.
The Everwing turned back to see the Sandking crash to the floor with 02’s rifle raised.

“Phew, got that Gundam on your tail.” Twain excitedly said to the Everwing. “Alright Reine, let’s stop this station!” Reine violently shook in her cockpit seat, screaming in agony at the sight of Quatre’s non-responsiveness. “No no no! He wasn’t supposed to die! No please no!” Igniting her beam saber, the Everwing blasted toward 02. “AHHHHHH!”

“What are you doing?” Twain exclaimed as Reine kept swinging her beam saber at him. “Dammit! All I wanted was peace! That’s what I fought for, but EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. someone just has to ruin it!” She pulled back to fire her rifle at 02, but Twain had gotten desperate. “Damn, I can’t get out of this one. PX System!”
Geminass turned a bright blue as it now had the speed advantage against Everwing. For 90 seconds, Reine’s life was gonna be hell.

Hoping to match the speed with her MA mode, Reine would try all sorts of tricks to get around the 02’s current advantage. While Twain was technically the more experienced pilot, Reine had the power of anger at her side.
“Damn Gundam, you don’t get to live in this world!” Reine watched for the perfect opening, sending the beam saber in 02’s shoulder blade. Twain tried to push back, but it soon became clear his fate couldn’t be averted. He thought of Elfriede as he accepted this, but within the scuffle, the Zero-G backpack had received some damage.
The pack shoves the 02 forward as it slams into the Everwing, causing it to lose its grip. Using this act of god, Twain grasps the controls and hightails it out of Libra. Unfortunately, 02 would likely have to be scrapped after this, but the soldier just barely escaped with his life.

Treize breathed heavily as the Aquarius and Epyon wore each other down. “Heh…” He panted, overworking his body to fight his own creation. “Your life is valuable, just like mine and everyone else here.” Treize thought for a second, looking at the carnage orbiting the planet. For once, Wufei didn’t pout and scream in response to Treize. His beam sword slowly turned off. “Tell me, Treize Khushrenada, was this all worth it?”*
Only Wufei was able to hear the answer as the two Gundams were never seen again.*

”Ready the cannon! We’ll fire at MO-II when ready!” Dekim Barton barked out orders as his small team of soldiers calibrated the super weapon. “Once that’s out of the way, we’ll evacuate. Earth will be receiving a nice present soon.” Dekim thought of all the changes he’d be able to make in the Earth Sphere. He was in complete bliss at the mayhem he’d cause. This state of happiness would be the last thing he felt as a bullet went clean through his face.*

“Dekim!” One of the soldiers tried to grab his weapon, but his hand was shot instead. The perpetrator held a machine gun as bandages kept him from losing anymore blood. The fate of the universe decided to save two lives today.


Flying through the Libra’s corridors, Reine’s thoughts raced at the idea her emotions could take over so potently, but this next emotion was a first. “I-I feel it.” She stated, her heart racing. “This is it, the heart of outer space! I can hear you Quatre!” Finding her way to the control center, the Everwing transformed, looking through the window to see her friend setting up the self destruct system on the Libra. “Reine! We have to go now!” He said, floating up to her cockpit door as it opened. The two hugged. Happy neither had perished. It wasn’t long before the Everwing was guided through the maze by their feelings. The mobile suit, having been singed by various explosions coming from all over the corridors, barely escaped the base of operations as it began its permanent destruction.

From the wreckage came the Everwing, far from any sort of conflict that could possibly have occurred as Reine and Quatre realized the Gundam had been pushed far away, making its trek through the atmosphere. Thankfully, the machine was equipped with the capability to do so safely, but the wounds it had taken would mean the Everwing would have to be abandoned once they landed. 

Landing near a forest, Reine and Quatre stepped out to see the beauty of the planet that had been saved by them. “It reminds me of my house…” Reine said as Quatre bent down to touch the grass. “It was where I found my peace…” The two thought about their quest for peace and the morals they broke to reach that conclusion. Reine had killed countless people, including a friend, and while Quatre  saved the planet with his decision, the thought of murdering White Fang’s leader stuck with him. “Reine?” He asked. “Should we continue down this path or have we done enough?”

“We'll fight so the next generation doesn't have to…”

The year in AC 200. While peace has never truly come, the Earth is in a much better position than it once was. The ESUN’s remaining cabinet members, after Treize was declared missing, voted to make Milliardo Peacecraft their new leader. While reluctantly agreeing, Milliardo was proven to be quite effective in keeping the planet from falling into another conflict. However, skirmishes would still occur and he’d be ready. Twain and Elfriede, who had both mostly recovered from their PX usage, were the first soldiers by his side.


The citizens of MO-V joined the ESUN, continuing to build MS. However, Odin never truly recovered from the loss of his friend, leaving the mobile suit business altogether.
Duo lived with Hilde after the war. Even once in a while, he’d have to bring out Deathscythe, but his time as a full fledged Gundam pilot was over.
Noin and Cab became advisors on Milliardo’s board. While Noin was there to keep him in check, Cab used this newfound influence to help keep his daughter’s dream alive. As for her…
The Maganac Corps still operated wherever help was needed. They didn’t have a Gundam anymore, but they didn’t need one. Reine and Quatre continued to spread harmony across the planet. Rarely did they have to use a rifle. In fact, most of their jobs were using the mobile suits for construction as the world kept rebuilding. Reine never gave up on humanity. As flawed as they were, she knew deep down that everyone believed in their own version of peace. While it may be different for some, one element of peace was the same across every life. Love. Just love.




WING Main Character MS:

Reinae Le Blanc:
OZ-06MS Leo
WMS-03 Maganac
WMS-04 Olifant
XXXG-01SK Gundam Sandking
XXXG-01W Wing Gundam
XXXG-01WLS Everwing Gundam

Twain Seicenta:
OZ-12SMS Taurus
OZX-GU02 (X-GU02) Gundam Geminass 02

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(Gonna include the multiple choices now. The response chosen will be in bold.)


16 year old Gene Nerick is a student living at Heliopolis, a civilian colony located at Lagrange 3. While he’s a star striker for the Orb Lions, he can be a bit of a klutz off the pitch. Unfortunately, war seems to have to taken over the thoughts of many as more and more of his classmates decide on joining the fight.


“You know for sure?” Gene asked one of his friends, Junas Liam, about Nemia Milliais applying for the Mistral Program. It didn’t surprise Gene to hear that Junas would find out this information, since the kid hated war and hoped Gene could convince her to reconsider. Unfortunately, Junas got some bad news. “That settles it, I’m gonna join up with her.” Gene stated while drinking his CE Cola at lunch. His other friend, Sheld Forley, was surprised by the life changing decision, but knew Gene was head over heels about Nemia. “Are-are you sure? I couldn’t imagine piloting one of those things?” Sheld muttered.
> Gene had known these two for years, basically becoming family to him. It’d be sad to not see them for a while, especially his best friend,
• Junas


Gene would miss Sheld’s discussions on comic books and sitcoms, but a decision had been made…
Only a few students had signed up for the program, but before long, Gene was in a Moebius training cockpit simulating attacks against ZAFTs greatest invention, the mobile suit. 
“Come on!” He yelled out as he pulled on the joystick, sending himself around the monoeyed machine. Able to get a few shots in, Gene was able to take out the nonexistent machine. SIMULATION OVER popped up on his screen as the door opened. “I’m surprised you ever able to get behind that mobile suit so fast, let alone take it out. What’s your secret?”

• “It just feels natural to me.”
• ”I’m able to coordinate my movements well.”
“Maybe I’m just a new type of pilot?”

Gene explained this new type of piloting to the advisor. “Well, with that type of skill, you’d could end up being a Zero pilot in the future.” As the advisor left, Gene wondered how his career would go…
Gene doesn’t see Nemia much over their testing, but he kept hoping for an opportunity to become squad mates in the future. Fortunately, he was able to visit his friends one last time before he was shipped out. “They haven’t assigned me a Moebius just yet, but I should end up on the same ship as Nemia.” Gene told his friends, who were still surprised to see him in such high spirits. The war wasn’t getting better and they were worried of his untimely demise. “Seriously.” Gene uttered, noticing a bit of rumbling underneath him. “You guys should-“
An explosion rang out far from them as a GINN blew above them, blowing Sheld’s Captain OMNI hat off. “A-a mobile suit?!” Sheld called out, abandoning his friends to head for the nearest bunker. With only Gene and Junas left, the two tried to reach some sort of military personnel once Junas was insistent on trying to help out.

Massive firefights broke out in the colony as it was clear ZAFT was making an assault. “Come on, this way!” Gene yelled, pulling Junas into an underground complex as a missile blasted past the two, hitting one of the nearby buildings. “Dammit! ZAFT are monsters. Think of how many civilians are here!” Junas punched the concrete wall next to him, regretting it quickly as Gene thought of a plan. The way they just came was now blocked by rubble, but two corridors in the complex were directly in front of them.  “Let’s go left. I have a hunch that could lead us out.” Junas stated, clearly not knowing if that was true. Gene noticed stairs at the end of the right corridor though, but didn’t know where they led.
Go left
• Go right

Gene followed suit as Junas led him down the left path. While it was clear from the wires and small machinery they saw on their trek this was an Orb research facility, everything about it felt too… combative for Orb’s tastes. The rumblings continued, getting more and more violent as the two got nervous. “Gene!” Junas screamed, looking above his friend. “Watch out!” The roof above them, as well as the floor below, collapsed. The last thing Gene remembered is Junas jumping in front of him…
Awaking, Gene opened his dust covered eyes to find himself inside a massive hangar, riddled with pieces of what appeared to be mobile suits. “What? Why would…” Gene could barely get words out of his mouth once he saw Junas, or what was left of him, between some concrete slabs.
*Junas Liam has died*

Gene felt like throwing up. He hadn’t even served in conflict yet and he’d already lost his friend. Trying to navigate around the hangar, it became too dark to see what was even in front of him. “Wait…” Gene squinted, running toward a faint illuminating light, barely shining over a single intact mobile suit.


The rumblings seemed to have subsided, but Gene still had no choice but to get inside the mobile suit. “How do I even pilot one of these? Is it similar to the Moebius?” Booting up the machine, “Astray” was shown on the control board as Gene tried maneuvering the machines hands, pushing the mech into an upright position. “Those must be its weapons.” Gene stated, grabbing a nearby dusty shield alongside a rifle as he tried to find an exit. Thankfully, one of the hangar doors seemed to be protruding. Slamming the Astray’s shoulder into it a few times, the door was eventually able to fall down. What Gene saw was the aftermath of a war zone. Homes and parks had been decimated by ZAFT, causing much anger in the boy. “You’ll pay for this.” He muttered, moving the machine forward as he tried looking for survivors. Instead, he saw a battleship in the distance in some sort of conflict with GINNs and what appeared to be a red mobile suit. “Is that an Earth Alliance ship?” He stated, only for a few bullets to head his way. Just barely having enough time to block, a single GINN who strayed from the pack began firing on him!
What should Gene do?
Use Vulcan guns
•use rifle


Gene gripped the trigger tightly as bullets flew out of the Astray’s head. While it was able to stop the GINN’s pod missiles in time, the ZAFT mobile suit was able to get around Gene once he ran out of vulcan ammo. “Crap!” Gene pulled back, but his inexperience caused the Astray to trip and fall back. Using this advantage, the GINN pulled out its sword for the kill.


Suddenly, a Moebius fired upon the GINN, hitting deep into the backpack of the machine as it destroyed the torso. The lifeless GINN fell to the side as Gene watched in awe. “Mobile suit pilot! Please return to the Archangel!”
“Nemia?!” Gene asked, thankfully for the save, but surprised she was already in a Moebius.


So much happened fast as Gene made his way to the Archangel. Thankfully, the ship allowed him to dock the Astray inside, but there wasn’t time for formalities. Heliopolis was in shambles from the damage it received. Gene watched as the colony he went to school on crumbled away.

With all the chaos surrounding the situation, the Archangel’s crew, or rather its intended crew, weren’t keen on the idea of a mobile suit not even in their database being piloted by a random kid. “Hey!” Gene called out as he was grabbed by two soldiers. “I was supposed to ship out soon!” Nemia yelled out as he was hauled away that she’d explain everything to the commanding officer, but her pleas didn’t stop them from throwing Gene in the brig. 
The boy thought about if anyone he knew survived. While he didn’t have family aboard the colony, he didn’t see any of his friends like Sheld on the Archangel. Eventually, a EA Ensign came to visit him. “I was able to find your file, Mr. Nerick.” The black haired lady stated, flipping through papers. “You were going to be stationed with the Dento all the way across the Earth Sphere.” Gene realized he would’ve been far away from Nemia if things had gone to plan. “However, due to these circumstances, we need soldiers and Nemia vouched for you. Right now there’s a ZAFT vessel on our tail and we need assistance. Can you pilot that mobile suit?”
Gene wondered how confident he was. Maybe someone else should pilot it, but would he ever have the chance to be of use again without it?
Agree to sortie
• Decide against it

Gene is brought to the hangar where he reunites with Nemia. “I’m glad I was able to convince them you weren’t some spy or something. Glad you can join Mu and I.” Gene sees Mu get inside one of the Moebius Zeros he learned about in training while seeing another pilot get in the mobile suit similar in shape to his. “He got the only pilot suit that’s fit you. Good luck!” Nemia left for her mobile armor. Leaving poor Gene behind as he is thrust into Astray once again. The communications officer showed up on one of Gene’s screens as the captain of the ship spoke. “I still have a lot of questions for you, but now is not the time. Protect the ship with Nemia.” She stated, Gene being last to launch.
“Gene Nerick. Astray. Launching!”

Blasting off into space, Gene landed atop the Archangel’s right hangar as their other mobile suit and Moebius Zero were long gone. “We got this, Gene.” Nemia said while spinning around the battleship. No GINNs seemed to greet them, but Gene saw three mobile suits in the distance. “What are these machines? Why are there so many of them?” Gene panicked and fired upon the three, learning his rifle was in fact beam powered. In fact, it seemed as if all of them were as the blue one branched off to fight the Archangel’s mobile suit. “Maybe we can focus on one! Take them out first?” Nemia flew behind Gene, who jetted up to meet the duo.
Focus on black MS
• Focus on green and tan MS


Working in tandem, being in space feels much better for Gene, as if he could pilot the suit like a Moebius. “This is what I trained for!” Gene yelled, firing indiscriminately at the black MS. Retaliating with its own rifle, the ZAFT pilot sends one of its lances into Gene’s shield, causing it to explode into chunks. “Ah!” Gene growled, trying to make distance, but Nemia used the opportunity to fire at the enemy, sending shots into its head. While not damaging it, it’s dazed enough to start retreated. “You better run!” Gene stated, looking for Nemia. “To think, we make such a good team.”
Nemia smiled in her cockpit. She had always thought Gene was a bit of a dork in school, but for him to not only take initiative in joining the military, but also fight against these new machines was astounding. She knew they’d work together well.
*Nemia Milliais is now your friend*




“What?!” Gene watched as Nemia’s Moebius is pelted with missiles, hearing her screams from the comms as her mangled body is sucked out into space.
*Nemia Milliais has died*




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  • 5 months later...

“Astray! Retreat!”
Gene heard the comm officer’s command as both Alliance and ZAFT machines begin to pull back. “She… She’s the reason I’m here. The reason I have to fight now. I… Did I love her?” Deep inside, Gene knew their connection wasn’t as close as he’d like it to be, but it was important to him. Now, it’s gone forever. He watched as the murder takes his leave, but did he deserve to leave? Should Gene disobey his order?
Strike at Nemia’s murderer
• Retreat back to Archangel

“I’ll kill you!” Gene screamed, heading directly for the enemy MS and catching it off guard. “WOAH!” the pilot called out as his cockpit got sliced with the Astray’s saber. The heat of the blade burnt deep into the pilot’s left arm, but he was still able to pull back. “You’re not getting away!” Gene’s machine was then grabbed by the other mobile suit and pulled back to the Archangel, Gene struggling with all his might to break free…
IMG_6709.png.43a5af3cbd2c53bfbdae6814e4a206fb.pngAfter a slap from the captain, Gene was brought back to the brig he’d came from for the time being. However, as he was escorted out the hangar, he felt a strange tingle coming from Mu. Perhaps he wasn’t alone in this strange world.

Nicol was saddened to hear the news that the Buster’s pilot had been injured by the same mobile suit who had attacked him. Yzak was just annoyed that only a measly Moebius was destroyed in the battle while Athrun’s mind was preoccupied by Kira. It’d be a while before Dearka could recover, but he eventually would.

Gene could tell the Archangel was docking while in the brig. He wondered if this base would be taking him or Astray away as he listened to the conversations crew members walking by would have. Apparently, the other mobile suit was called the Strike and a Coordinator civilian close to his age piloted it. *”Coordinators…”* Gene thought as he lied on his thin bed.
What are Gene’s feelings on Coordinators?
• Positive

“Damn Coordinators think they’re sooo special. I bet I could pilot that Strike just as well as Astray.”* Gene began to drift to sleep. *”I need to get back in a mobile suit. I HAVE to avenge Junas and Nemia…”
Gene is jolted awake as the ship is clearly in some sort of firefight. “Hello?!” He called out through the window of his cell, but no one was around. Whatever was occurring outside wasn’t good, but eventually the sounds subsided. Thankful he hadn’t been blown out into space by a stray missile, he still wondered when he’d get a meal.
It wasn’t too much longer when Mu himself opened the cell door. “Kid, you wanna be useful? Then follow my lead.” The soldier grabbed the confused boy, leading him up to the bridge of the Archangel. Natarle was appalled to see Gene. “Mu! What’s the meaning of this?” She asked as Murrue watched intently. Mu then said something that surprised Gene. “I wasn’t performing at my best using Astray in Artemis. I’m a mobile armor pilot first and foremost.”
”He used Astray?!” Gene thought, assuming he had participated in whatever conflict had arisen by the Archangel. Mu continued to talk about how while Gene had disobeyed orders, he did manage to almost destroy one of the enemy mobile suits. Murrue sighed at the defense. “Hm, we already have two children piloting these machines, but he’s at least trained. Gene. Make your case.”

“Whatever you need me to do. I’ll do it.” Gene stated, standing at attention. “I just want justice for Nemia.” Mu was saddened to hear her name. Even though he had only known her for a short while, losing anyone was always painful. Nevertheless, Murrue accepted Mu and Gene’s request. “Very well, but you’ll follow my orders. You are a soldier in the Earth Alliance”
Ironically, Gene’s brig was bigger than the cramped crew quarters he’d been stationed to. He couldn’t complain through, as he was finally free once again. Unsure where to go first, he was hungry, but checking on Astray might be a good idea.
Go to mess hall
• Go to hangar

Heading to the mess hall, Gene saw a couple of the other civilians saved in the Heliopolis attack, along with the comms officer from earlier. “Hey, you were the Astray’s pilot.” The black haired one stated. “I AM the pilot. Just got reassigned to it.” Gene responded while taking his ration tray. Food hadn’t tasted as good as today for Gene as he scarfed down on the meal. “That mobile suit clearly isn’t EA tech. I studied it a bit.” The one with the glasses introduced himself and the others, opting to talk more about Astray. “It can’t use the weapons Strike has, but their shields are compatible. I wonder if Orb made it themselves…”
The other kids were friendly enough to Gene as he answered their questions, but they backed off a bit once he mentioned Nemia, clearly hurt by the tragedy. “If you need to talk, come find me.” The red headed girl, Flay uttered as Gene dumped his tray. However, Gene had a mission. He had to get better with Astray as best as he could.


Over the next few days, Gene spent most of his time tuning up the Astray with the mechanic of the ship, Kojiro. While the machine was a beauty, the Archangel’s top mobile suit was still the Strike with its more versatile arsenal. Gene knew he’d have to make up for the lack of firepower with raw skill.

Gene’s first assignment back in the Astray wasn’t an assault, but a scavenger hunt. He was tasked with finding any useful supplies in the wreckage of Junius Seven. Gene was well aware of what had occurred here and how many Coordinators had died that day. “And then they kill a bunch of us.” He scowled, seeing a ZAFT bazooka in the distance.

As he got closer, Gene panicked, hiding behind some debris as a strange looking GINN flew around him. “There’s still some ZAFT here?” He muttered, watching as the GINN got closer and closer, but didn’t notice him just yet. Gene only had his beam sabers with him at the moment. He could try to slice at the machine while he wasn’t noticed. However, he could also quickly grab the bazooka in his line of vision and press it against the cockpit of the GINN. “Capture or kill…”
• Slice up GINN
Capture with bazooka


With his quick intuition, Gene decided to not add another kill to his count just yet as he easily managed to grab the bazooka, pointing it directly at the GINN’s torso. “Your move.” He stated.
Thanks to the capture of the ZAFT mobile suit, the Archangel is able to stick around and scavenge water along with weaponry for the Astray and Strike. The two pilots (Gene found out the GINN is a recon type two-seater), were whisked away to the same cell Gene once occupied, likely to be questioned. “Well, we got another machine to manage.” Kojiro uttered, staring at the GINN as Mu wondered who could pilot it. While it was decided that Kuzzey would be the copilot, someone needed to actually control the machine.
Gene had gotten to know the most likely candidates from his few days aboard the ship, but none seemed particularly skilled with a mobile suit. He, Mu, and the Coordinator would have to train them. “Who do you think?” Mu asked Gene.
• Tolle
• Mirialla
• Flay

“Sai showed the most amount of interest in mobile suits whenever I’ve talked to him. Could be a good fit?”
Mu nodded. “Good pick. We’ll figure it out after we get this lifeboat open.” Gene saw that the Strike had managed to grab the lifeboat before heading back to the Archangel. It was incredibly small, with Gene wondering if anyone was even inside. Once it opened, a pink toy flew out spouting “Haro” as a girl followed…


The girl introduced herself as Lacus, daughter of PLANT’s Chairman, Siegel Clyne. Plenty of the crew members were smitten by her, but Gene couldn’t get past the fact she was a Coordinator. *”Of course we end up with some big shot’s kid.”* Gene thought while she was escorted to her quarters.
Later on in the day, Gene was having dinner when Sai told him the good news. “They’re putting me in the GINN. Thanks for recommending me!”
*Sai Argyle is now your friend*
Unfortunately, Lacus had to come in the mess hall. Gene watched as Flay told her off, not wanting to even shake hands with the Coordinator as Lacus eventually leaves. “Nasty Coordinators. You guys agree with me, right?” Flay asked, sitting back in her chair. No one responded, except for Gene. “Yeah, she’s bad news.“ He stated without missing a beat.

“At least someone here understands!” She responded, nudging herself closer to Gene.
*Flay Allster is now your friend*
Before heading in for the night, Gene had some options. He could train Sai on how to use the GINN, but he was curious about those ZAFT POWs in the brig. He also could see about getting to know Mu better after feeling that connection with him.
Train Sai
• See POWs
• See Mu

Gene is able to train Sai on basic piloting. While Kuzzey’s job was completely foreign to Gene (plus he considered Kuzzey to be untrainable anyways), Sai was able to get the hang of the GINN. At least that’s how Gene felt as he watched Sai maneuver it in the hangar. 
Gene later learned the Archangel would be rendezvousing with the 8th Fleet’s Advance Team, causing him to wonder if training Sai would be for naught if he was able to leave the military. There wasn’t much time to ponder about it though. They were under attack once again.

“Gene Nerick. Astray. Launching!”
“Sai Argyle. GINN. Launching!”
Tossed into his first battle, Sai gripped the controls tightly as Kuzzey was able to get a read on ZAFT’s arsenal. “Three GINNs, one Aegis!” He called out, Sai getting ready to aim. Athrun, who was attempting to take out the flagship Montgomery, was shocked to see their missing recon type being used by the Archangel. “Desperate…” He stated, heading for Kira in the Strike.
Gene scavenged the battlefield for the enemy GINNs. He wondered if he showed take them out first or go protect the Montgomery. It was taking a beating.
• Take out GINNs
Protect Montgomery


Gene chose correctly in protecting the ship. While the vessel itself was never going to survive, the Astray was able to defend the surviving lifeboats on their way to the Archangel. However, the fight gets worse for the Alliance as out of desperation, Natarle reveals the Chairman’s daughter is on board. Not wishing to risk harming the woman, the Vesalius pulls back to a save distance. While Sai isn’t able to get a kill, his defense of the Archangel is commended.
“Dad!” Flay called out, hugging her father tightly. “Oh Gene! You saved him!” Gene smiled at the woman, thankful he was able to make it in time to save the boats. They would have to be on high alert as while the Vesalius wasn’t attacking, they would be hot on their trail as the Archangel headed for the 8th Fleet.

The next few days are uneventful, but Gene found himself in a predicament as he watched Lacus being taken by Kira! “What’s going on here?” He asked, seeing that Sai and Miriallia were helping. “We-we shouldn’t be taking hostages. Please just look the other way Gene.” Sai stated, looking downward.
While Gene knew this wasn’t the best way to keep ZAFT off their backs, these four were committing a serious violation. In fact, Gene did have his standard issue firearm on hand…
• Force them to stop
Look the other way

Deciding against reporting on them, Gene went back to his quarters. Eventually, Kira returned alone in the Strike and was heavily reprimanded, but Gene was just glad the ship held one less Coordinator.
He began spending more of his time with the friendliest of the crew members, Flay (much to the chagrin of her boyfriend Sai). Her father, being the rank that he was, took note of Gene’s abilities on the battlefield. “You’re no Coordinator, you’re much better.” He stated, deciding to put in a good word for the soldier.



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Meeting with the 8th fleet, it’s revealed the Archangel’s mission is to descend toward Alaska. Gene watched as the remaining Heliopolis civilians were to be sent to the Menelasos along with Flay and her father. “Are you sure you’re not coming with?” Flay asked Sai, who was still in his Alliance uniform. “No, the Archangel needs all the help it can get. Me and the others have officially signed up for the service.


Flay doesn’t react much as she got inside the shuttle. “Okay then. I’m breaking up with you. Hope to see you soon, Gene!” She waved at the Astray pilot as the shuttle’s door closed.
“Wait. What?!” Sai uttered confusingly.

Gene was surprised the group had decided to stick around on the Archangel, but was glad somebody could use that GINN. Of course, that mobile suit would come in handy against the ZAFT fleet headed their way. Gene and Sai waited in the hangar expecting to sortie, but no call for battle came as the ZAFT mobile suits began tearing into the 8th fleet.

“Dammit, launch us!” Gene yelled, slamming his fist into the wall. It was hell waiting for the OK as Gene began thinking of all the Moebius pilots being slaughtered. “No, not like Nemia. What if they…” she started thinking of Flay and the kindness she gave him.
Soon after, the Archangel pulled off from the main fleet, but began to send out their forces to help with the assault. Gene was ready alongside Sai and the others. After all, his Astray had recently received a few upgrades from the supplies they’d found.


Gene understood that he had to make it back before the Archangel made its full descent or else he’d be stuck up in space. Placed in charge of Sai and Kuzzey, they had to act quick. While he caught Buster, the mobile suit that killed Nemia, in the distance he wondered if focusing on the Blitz tearing up their ships was a good idea. For Sai though, did Gene feel it was best for him to stay closer to the Archangel or help him with the ZAFT machines?
Head for Buster
• Head for Blitz

• Bring GINN with you
Keep GINN back with Archangel

“Protect the ship, Sai!” Gene sped off toward the Buster, leaving the GINN back. “He wants revenge…” Sai muttered as Kuzzey caught a blip on his radar. “An escape shuttle is heading out of the Menelasos! Enemy GINN headed its way!”
Sai caught a glimpse of the craft, lining his rifle up for the perfect shot. “Stay away!” The GINN’s bullet slammed into his enemy brother’s torso, destroying it. “I-I…” Sai watched as the remains got caught in the atmosphere. “I think I’m gonna puke.”

“BUSTER!” Gene screamed out, firing missiles alongside his bazooka at the ZAFT MS. Dearka’s arm stung as he saw the blue machine head to him. While he didn’t have to amputate, his appendage would never be the same, effecting his piloting skills. “Alright then, we’ll finish this!” He called out, firing back to take out the missile attack. While he got most, Dearka was unable to directly hit a few, pelting the mobile suit back into the Earth’s gravitational pull.  “I got you now!” Pulling out his rifle, Gene had a clean shot at the Buster’s cockpit. 
“Gene! Get back to the Archangel immediately!”

Distracting him, Dearka tries to get in one final shot, but a flash in his mind lets Gene know of the attack without even seeing it! “That power! I really felt it that time!” Heading back for the Archangel, he hoped the Buster would burn up on its way to Earth, but he doubted it. Those mobile suits were special, even moreso than Astray…

While Gene was able to make it back to the Archangel in time, the battleship had still gone completely off course. The only info the crew of was that the 8th Fleet had been wiped out, but the Heliopolis citizens made it to the planet safely. “I hope Flay was on that transport.” Gene said to himself as he stared out to see endless dunes. They were on their own and wouldn’t have much time to rest. Libya was ZAFT controlled territory after all.


The night after the Archangel landed, ZAFT began their attack against their MS squadron alongside Mu, who had switched over to one of the new Skygraspers they were given. With the might of the EA machines, Gene and the others are able to push back even in the unfamiliar terrain.

Knowing that ZAFT wouldn’t relent, the Archangel came into contact with Desert Dawn, a resistance group operating in the area. While at first a bit hostile, Gene understands their plight against ZAFT. Apparently, Kira even knows one of the members, a blond haired girl named Cagalli.


While tuning up his Astray, Desert Dawn’s base in Tassil is wiped out. Gene wonders if there will be a counterattack against ZAFT, only to see many of Dawn’s soldiers already going out. Gene wonders if he should join. If he asks to volunteer, Captain Ramius could decline. If he goes on his own, maybe he’d be able to stop the ZAFT force, but he’d be breaking orders. Could it be best to stay out of it?
Volunteer to fight
• Go without permission
• Decide against going with Desert Dawn

“Captain, I’d like to help with the Desert Dawn’s assault!”
Murrue thought about the request for a moment. “Alright Gene, I’ll let you sortie, but be careful. Ammunition for your Astray is getting low.” 
Making the trek across the desert with Dawn’s halftrucks, Gene was surprised to see their GINN catching up behind him. “I didn’t wanna leave you alone, so I asked to come along.” Sai stated, not bringing Kuzzey along with him. “Ok. Follow my lead.” Gene responded as they noticed a few BuCUE in the distance.
In reality, Sai was feeling mixed emotions about Gene. Something was going on between him and his seemingly ex-fiancée Flay, so he worried the two would get closer the next time they met.

The fight was fierce, but the raw strength of the Astray was at least keeping Desert Dawn’s forces safe for now. Meanwhile, Sai fired with his rifle, but kept missing his shots. “Gene!” He called out. “I’m gonna go in with my sword!” Pulling out his weapon, Gene worried his wing mate was gonna get himself hurt, but telling him to stay back might put a damper on their relationship on and off the battlefield.
• “Go for it, Sai!”
• “No, stay back!”

“No, stay away!” Gene uttered while firing at the BuCUEs. While annoyed, Sai followed his command as Gene took over the battle, destroying the three dogs. However, a ZAFT vehicle is able to escape.
Back at the base, the Archangel needs to resupply their ammunition amongst other resources. Natarle has Gene come along for the ride as they meet with some dealers. “You’ve really proven yourself on the battlefield.” She said while lying back in the vehicle. “You’ve been able to keep your emotions in check, unlike Kira.”
After retrieving the supplies, a mutual respect is formed between the two.

With supplies in tow, it’s time for the Archangel to leave for the coast. However, they are unable to escape without ending up in a massive firefight with the ZAFT group that has been hunting them, the Waltfeld Corps.

“Gene Nerick. Astray. Launching!”
“Sai Argyle! GINN! Launching!
Kira’s Strike is last to sortie as the three mobile suits are up against a horde of BuCUE and ZuOOT, an artillery machine. Both are doing damage to the Archangel’s forces, but Gene can only focus on one.
• Fight with BuCUE
Fight with ZuOOT


Focusing on the ZuOOts, Gene met his match in terms of artillery, but it was best for him to take them out first. As for the BuCUE, Sai was able to take out a single one before retreating. “Stay away from the Archangel!” Sai called out.

However, Gene spotted a lone mobile suit atop the ZAFT Lesseps. “Buster?” He stopped in his tracks, spinning to head its way. Learning the Buster had not only survived its encounter with gravity, but was also still attempting to stop them put Gene on a path of redemption. Thankfully, Kira, Mu and Sai were able to hold the fort down against an orange BuCUE ace.

The Buster leaped from the land cruiser to fire upon the Astray, but its firepower alongside the Lesseps was keeping Gene from advancing. “Gene!” Sai called through the comms. “Maybe I can take care of that ship for you! I still got some ammo in my rifle.”
While that would help Gene and the Archangel substantially, there was a risk involved of running out of ammo.
Tell Sai to fire
• “Not now, Sai!”

Sai readied his rifle as Kuzzey calculated the velocity of the bullet drop. “I’d say… just fire a bunch and you’ll hit it.” 
Realizing Kuzzey won’t be of much help, Sai took a deep breath. “This is what you’ve trained for. Come on dammit!”


A direct hit.

*Martin DaCosta has died*
“Martin!” Andrew yelled out from his LaGOWE, giving Kira the opportunity to strike him down once and for all.

 With nowhere left to go, the Buster couldn’t escape in time as Gene let loose every single missile he had into the machine. While the Phase Shift Armor took most of the damage, it was enough to knock over the machine. “Time to finish thi-“ Gene watched as the ZAFT pilot jumped out of his cockpit. “Oh no you don’t!” Pulling out his sidearm, Gene got out of his machine to pursue. 
Realizing there wasn’t a way out, Dearka tossed his helmet at the EA pilot, but Gene was able to dodge, firing a warning shot. “STOP!” He yelled. Dearka complied, but his hands still weren’t raised. “You-you killed my friend! You need to pay.” Having the Buster’s pilot in his sights, he could finally finish this. But should he?
Kill Dearka
• “He must stand trial!”

Gene unloaded his entire clip into Dearka, watching as the pilot dropped onto the sand. It looked like he made the right call from a practical standpoint, noticing a knife roll out of Dearka’s lifeless hand. From a moral standpoint though, Gene was satisfied.  Not only did he avenge Nemia, but now the Archangel had another mobile suit in their arsenal. “What did Kira call our mobile suits? Gundam, right?”
*Dearka Elsman has died*

As the Buster was loaded into the hangar, now there was a predicament on who’d pilot it. “Kira will mess with the OS to make it compatible for non-Coordinators.” Mu stated, noticing the ZAFT pilot’s body being placed in the back of a Desert Dawn truck. “We can’t let this machine go to waste though.”
• “It’s all yours, Mu.”
“I’ll pilot it.”
• “What if Sai used it?”


“I’ll take it. That way it can never take one of my friend’s lives again.”
Mu understood, deciding to take the Astray for the time being. Thankfully, the OS was able to be completed for Gene by the time the Archangel reached the coast, with Cagalli and her advisor deciding to come along. The cool ocean breeze felt nice to Gene, but strangely, he felt the same feeling him and Mu had from one of the nearby dolphins jumping above water.


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Unfortunately, the Archangel wasn’t out of the woods just yet. Two DINN and GOOhN were spotted on the GINN’s radar. Gene jumped into the Buster, but was worried his complete inexperience with the machine would cause issues, especially since he couldn’t leave the Archangel’s hangar to fight.
Stay back and let the others take over
• Try to take charge against the ZAFT forces

Knowing it’d be best to stay back, Gene only used the left hand energy rifle as covering fire while the others mopped up the rest. Kira was able to take out one GOOhN while Mu jumped up at one of the DINN, slicing it in half. Surprisingly, Cagalli was able to take out the other DINN before it could escape. 
While one GOOhN got away, Murrue felt they wouldn’t be messing with her ship again anytime soon.
*Marco Morassim has died*

After getting dangerously close to Orb territory, their defense forces advance to pursue the Archangel. However, due to the revelation of Cagalli Nara Athha and the fact the Archangel isn’t currently being attacked, they are allowed to stay at Orb for the time being in exchange for data on the G-Project mobile suits.

“At least we’ll be able to stay outta ZAFT territory for a while.” Mu stated as he did some tuning to the Astray. At that moment, armed Orb officers made their way into the hangar. “I see you saved you’ve Blue Frame, even if it’s seen quite a few battles.” The long haired noble uttered, walking over to the machine. “You must be the pilot who stole it? Has it served you well?”
Gene watched from the distance as Mu talked with the pale man, learning his name was Rondo Gina. “Look, we just found it. We should be asking you the questions.” Mu took a step forward, only for the guards to get slightly more aggressive. Gina smirked. “Feisty one. Come with me, we’ll settle this out.”

Gene knew Mu was taking the blame for him! Sure, he piloted the Astray a few times, but Gene was the one who found it and primarily used it. Part of him wanted to admit to that, but did Mu have a plan?
• Let Mu go with Orb
Admit to being the Astray user

“No, I’m the Astray user! Gene walked over to the group and explained the situation. Intrigued, Gina asked him to politely come with him. “I’m happy that an Orb citizen has put the Blue Frame to good use…”
 No longer escorted by armed guards, Gene and Gina had a moment to chat. “Why would we even build a mobile suit? That goes against Orb’s principles.” Gene was hoping for a satisfactory answer, which he got once the two made it to Gina’s destination.


“I-I… Mass produced Astrays?!”
“Orb must protect itself, but it will not attack unless provoked. Your usage of the Blue Frame has sped up the process of changing times for our country during this war. Some might find it unfortunate, but I find it to be glorious.” Strangely, Gina seemed distant about these Astrays. 
“Why do you keep calling mine Blue Frame? These ones aren’t even blue!”
“Let’s just say for now that you got lucky finding the Blue Frame back at Heliopolis. Could’ve stumbled upon anything…”
Escorting Gene back outside, the pilot felt he was left with more questions than answers. “We’ll be in touch.” Gina stated while nodding. “Now go and see your family.”
Soon after, Gene was able to catch a bus back home. It’d been many months since he’d visited.

Gene was able to visit his parents, although his sister wasn’t currently staying with them. “It’s so good to see you, Gene!” His mom held him tight. “When I heard you were alive, I couldn’t believe it! My baby is more than just a Moebius pilot now!” Now that the secret was out, she explained her line of work more clearly to Gene, considering the fact he was now piloting one the mobile suits she helped design phase shift for. All this information about Orb’s weapon developments only came to confuse the poor lad more. 
His dad on the other hand didn’t seem as interested in speaking with his son. “Got you this.” He stated, handing Gene a Laurarolla mobile phone box (It wasn’t even one of the new models). “Call your sister sometime.”
Alas, time came to leave his family once again. While he’d miss them, so much time had passed without being around them. Life was much different for Gene.

Gene still had some time in the city, so he went his old stomping ground, the old gaming shop him, Sheld, and Junas all loved. “Junas… Sheld…” He muttered, picturing Junas’ corpse from back in January. Sadly, his guilt got worse as a civilian introduced herself. “Gene?” The woman asked. “We never met, but I’m Nemia’s mom.”

The two went to a quieter location away from the busy streets. “I won’t lie. I’ve been struggling to process it.” Gene could tell she was holding back tears. “I just need some confirmation. What happened to her? No one could get me information on her death.”
A pit filled in Gene’s stomach. Nemia’s death wasn’t a noble one, playing killed almost nonchalantly by the Buster. *”Maybe it’d be best for her to think she died honorably?”* He thought, seeing the mess her mother was becoming.
Say she died a hero
• Be honest

“She saved the Archangel with her sacrifice.” Gene began to fib, discussing Nemia’s strength on the battlefield against the ZAFT forces. It seemed her mother bought it.
“Thank you. I’m glad she was able to fight for what she believed in. I hope you can do the same.”
As she walked away, her final sentence rang in Gene’s ear. Was he truly fighting for what he believed in, or was this all just happenstance?

The Archangel didn’t have to say at Orb for too long, since its repairs were minimal. Kira was able to fix the M1’s OS for Naturals in time before he had to leave, but the Archangel was losing one of their units. “We’re just giving them the Astray?” Mu asked the captain in a raised tone. Murrue could only sigh in response. “I tried, but the mobile suit is technically Orb property. You’ll pilot the Buster from now on.” 
Gene felt hurt by the statement. Murrue didn’t even state which machine he’d now use, if any. *”What? Am I of no use to them?”* He went down to the hangar, watching Astray being hauled out for the last time. He noticed Gina monitoring the transfer from the distance. “I hope you get some use outta it, Gina.” He turned to Gene, but this he was a she. “Oh, I never introduced myself. I’m Mina.”


Gene didn’t know much of the Sahaku family, so this came as a surprise to him. “It’s nice to run into you, Mr. Nerick. I have a proposition for you.”
The Astray (Blue Frame as they called it) was taken to a facility, though strangely not where the M1s were. It was there where Gene saw identically designed Astrays. “We made five back on Heliopolis. Red Frame was taken by some mercenaries. We have no clue where the last one is.” Gene saw the three beautiful machines get lined up. “At least we have three.”
At that moment, Gina stepped in. “Gene Nerick. Your piloting skills remind me of Coordinators, but you’re different. You’re special.” Gina held out his hand toward the Blue Frame. “This mobile suit could still be yours. While I understand your position in the Alliance, how would you like to work for us?”


Gene didn’t even know how to react. He had been offered a position within a noble family. He could finally raise up in the world through Gina and Mina’s help and continue to pilot a mobile suit. The caveat though would be leaving the Archangel and his friends, his career there behind, technically going AWOL.
Join the Sahaku Family
• Stay with the Archangel

Gene made his decision.
“Alright. Let’s do it.” He held his hand out, shaking the sibling’s as they were pleased with his decision. “You’re gonna be great, Gene.” Mina uttered, ushering him into a brand new world…

”We need Gene in one of the Skygrapers! Where is he?” Natarle looked shocked once she learned the soldier wasn’t even on the ship after they’d left Orb territory. There would be no time to go back as ZAFT continued their mission against the battleship…

Gene was given his own quarters at the Sahaku estate instead of moving in with his parents, which he was thankful for. However, his mom was placed on the development team for the advancement of the Sahaku’s arsenal. While it was strange to be able to stay at Orb, he felt valued from all the personnel working with him, as if he’d always been there.
“Mr. Nerick.” One of the workers handed him a clipboard of names. “We’re gonna take an M1 out into the field. Who would you recommend as a candidate?” Gene looked intently at each of the pilot’s scores. Most seemed comparable to each other.
Who does Gene pick?

Analia Gilbert
Tobias Garner
Jacqueline McLean
Crosby Rosales
Kinley Bullock
Ben Kaur
Holland Rivas
Damon Gray
Sheld Forley
Cedric Medrano
Halle Powell
Bennett Vu
Kimora Harrell
Nelson Guzman
Ashley Frost

Sheld was brought to the hangar, hugging his friend. “Gene! You’ve really made a name for yourself! Hope I can be of assistance.” He then explained his harrowing escape from Heliopolis (he got lucky his lifeboat wasn’t destroyed) and made it back to Orb. “Well Sheld, I’m just happy you’re alive. Junas and Nemia…” The two realized they were all that was left from their class. So much death and destruction had been apart of their lives and it wouldn’t end just yet.

The two received their assignment from Gina. A Giga-Float constructed by the Junk Guild housed Mass Drivers, which Gina deemed a threat for Orb. “Destroy every single one and leave no survivors. While I wished to fight alongside you, I have matters to attend to. As such, Mina will be your commander in the Green Frame.” 
There was no point of return for Gene. He was in service to the Sahaku family, even if they meant taking more lives. As he made his way to Blue Frame, he noticed it looked quite different. “Oh! You’ll be using the Scale System.” Said Erica Simmons, one of the engineers with Orb. “It’s an underwater pack, so your assignment should be clear.”


Before leaving, Gene got a phone call. “Kay” appeared on the phone’s screen as he answered. 
“Lil bro! Thought I better call you since it’s been awhile.” Gene’s sister, who worked with the Junk Guild, talked about how she might be working on a big project soon and that she hoped to get some time off. *”I hope that “big project” isn’t the Giga Float.”*
Gene was put in quite the predicament. If he told Kay about their attack, she could warn others to escape, but if the Sahaku’s found out, he’d be in massive trouble. If he didn’t, she might get hurt. He couldn’t know for sure though, since asking if that big project was the Giga-Float would be suspicious.
* Tell Kay about the attack
* Keep quiet

Gene spills the beans to Kay about their plan, hoping she wouldn’t get caught in any crossfire. Suddenly, she hung up the phone, not even saying anything in response. Gene began to worry as he got inside of the Astray…

The Giga-Float seemed to be mostly unoccupied once the three arrived on their custom Guurus. The Astray splashed deep into the water, with Gene expecting movement to be similar to space flight. While the Scale System was quick, being underwater still caused a bit of resistance. While Mina and Sheld disposed of the Mass Drivers up top, Gene noticed a whale in the distance. Its movements seemed odd as Gene wanted to survey it, but maybe it’d be best not to mess with whatever was out there.
• Go to whale
Stay at your post

The whale started to get closer, only for Gene to find out it was no whale! A GOOhN began swimming his way. “ZAFT!” He called out through the comms to his squad, taking some minor damage from the missiles. Firing back, the two were in a duel as GINNs up top started an assault.


The might of the Green Frame proved to ZAFT their outdated GINNs would be inefficient, slicing the dicing them one by one. “Keep at the Mass Drivers while they’re busy!” Mina told Sheld as she tore through another mobile suit.

“Gah!” As Sheld headed for a Mass Driver, a ZnO grabbed him from behind. Two GOOhN, deciding to move in for the kill, could easily take out Sheld in his Astray. Gene could jump to the surface and help, but he was still dealing with his GOOhN and his weaponry would be limited. On the other hand, he could ask for Mina’s help, but her leaving the GINNs could lead to an overwhelming by ZAFT.
Try saving Sheld yourself
• Ask Mina to save him

Gene burst out of the water, cutting one of the GOOhNs deep with his knife. This gave Sheld enough time to break free from the ZnO and blast to the sky. “Thanks a bunch Gene! I’ll take out these DINNs coming in. Zabinga!!!”

Sadly, the ZAFT forces seemed endless as even Mina was struggling to keep them at bay. That is until…


“Who is that?!” Gene called out, seeing the CGUE firing. Except, it wasn’t firing at him.


“Lil Bro? You alright?” Kay blasted onto the scene, sending bullets into whatever ZAFT machines she could see. Gene was ecstatic to hear his sister’s voice. “I can’t believe it! Where did you even get a mobile suit like that?”

“Junk Guild has its perks, but it looks like I’m retiring. Thanks for letting me know about the attack, by the way. Everyone got out in time, but I doubt they’ll be fond of me helping out you guys.”
Mina’s eyebrow perked up when she heard this, but stayed silent. Eventually, the four were able to keep ZAFT away while stopping the Mass Drivers. It was a complete success in Gene’s eyes.

The four made it back to Orb’s shores without incident, docking the CGUE Assault alongside them. Gina, surprised to see another soul joining them, welcomed Gene’s sister, but wondered how she’d come across them. Scared Gina was gonna find out about his warning, he started to speak up, but Mina answered her brother instead. “She was at the right place and the right time. Thankfully, she’s now in our service.”
Relieved he wouldn’t be reprimanded, Gene still wondered why Mina kept quiet. “Hey Gene.” Sheld walked up, snapping Gene’s mind back into reality. “Thanks again for helping back there. I would’ve been toast without you and your sister.” Gene looked around for her, but she’d already left to visit mom, dad, and BuBu, their friendly little BuCUE pet. This gave Gene time to himself.

Walking down one of the corridors, Gene noticed a ZAFT soldier being lead past him by two Orb officers. “Wait a minute.” The cuffed silver haired soldier turned his head. “You’re the defector. Still even wearing the Alliance uniform.”




Edited by FrostyFoster
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“Wait, who are you?” Gene asked, perplexed at the prisoner. The guards stopped to let him respond. “I’d been following you for a while. Your friend in the Strike took out my Duel, but at least I got one of yours…”

”Sai, Kuzzey! Wait up!” Mu yelled as the GINN pushed forward.
>“No, I can do this! If Gene isn’t here, then I can take his place!” The GINN fired its rifle at the Duel, taking out its shoulder missile launcher, but it gave Yzak a clear shot. “Die!!!”

*Sai Argyle had died*
*Kuzzey Buskirk had died*

“I’m sure they screamed and screamed, but it’s not like you can do anything about it. Orb has to let me go. I’ll be off to freedom while you’ll have to hide as a deserter forever. Ha!”
Gene’s blood boiled hearing that Sai had died. If he was with the Archangel, Sai might still be around, but this monster just gets to walk away? In the corner of his eye, he sees a knife inside one of the Orb officer’s pouches…
Avenge Sai
• Control emotions

“You-you monster!” Gene grabbed the knife quickly as he tried to push the blade deep into Yzak, but the guard pushed him back before piercing his torso. However, the jolt back made Gene slice upward, cutting deep into Yzak’s face. “Ah!!!!” He cried, the other guard grabbing him as Gene was pinned to the ground. “ZAFT!” He screamed at the top of his lungs. “YOU TOOK JUNAS! NEMIA! SAI! I’LL KILL EVERY ONE OF YOU FIFTHY COORDINATOR PIGS!”
Blood dripped down Yzak’s face as Gene was taken to the same cell he’d just left.

Gene had only been in his cell for a few days when his first visitor finally arrived. Gina, who had just returned to Orb, was curious on why Gene was even in the cell. Once he explained the situation, Gina began to clap.

“My my, I’m sorry you weren’t able to pierce through his heart. I feel he has no place in this world.” Gene felt somebody understood his plight. “I’d like for you to come with me. We’re going to space.”

After months of being on the planet, space was a welcome departure for the soldier. Their trek out of the atmosphere led the two inside ZAFT territory. “Don’t worry, you’re here for a reason.” Gina uttered while tying his hair in a ponytail after putting on sunglasses.
The two dressed themselves into ZAFT outfits as they got off the shuttle. Whatever base this was, it was filled with mobile suits and all sorts of different machinery. “Ah, Mr. Saur. We’ve been expecting you. I see you’ve brought a friend.” The ZAFT soldier looked at Gene.

“Mike Public. Assistant to Mobile Suit Inspector Xander Saur.”
The two were shown one of the newest MS that was being readied for mass production, which was something called a GuAIZ. Gene didn’t feel it was too special, but he clearly understood that ZAFT wasn’t going to give up. “You’ve come at a strange time. Operation Spitbreak is commencing as we speak.” The engineer stated to the two spies. “While unfortunately the GuAIZ wasn’t ready, it and these two will be sortied soon if the Alliance doesn’t surrender. 
“Mike” couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the two machines in front of him. One was a beautiful shade of red while the other had a nice purple tone. “Testament and Regenerate. Our pride and joy. Here are the most recent test results on their capabilities.”


Xander and Mike were assured the mobile suits were in working condition to be piloted. “Now, could we get a look inside the cockpit?” Xander asked gently, which the engineer accepted. Mike couldn’t believe the charisma of his companion as they took the elevator up to the mobile suits.
”How does Gina do it? Everything he says, people just accept.”

Reaching the two machines, Xander and the engineer continued their conversation as the cockpit doors were opened. Now it was time to strike.

What MS does Mike get into?


• Regenerate

Deciding on the Testament, Mike got inside. “Woah hold up.” The engineer blurted out, walking toward him. “You can’t-“ Xander kicked engineer’s chest, knocking him over the railing. “Time to prove your usefulness.” Gina stated over their private communications. The layout of the Testament’s cockpit seemed a bit foreign to Gene, but he was able to get the hang of it once he pushed through the MS deck, heading toward the hangar door. 
“Show me your power, Regenerate…” Gina blasted a large hole through the door, which was easily the largest beam Gene had ever seen come out of a mobile suit. ZAFT soldiers got sucked into space as the two made their way from the base, but mobile suits were hot on their tail…

GINNs and CGUEs met them outside, along with the battleships stationed there. “Cease hostilities and surrender the mobile suits!” One of the fleet commanders sternly stated. Gina’s response was a beam directly through the ship’s bridge. “Perish!” He called out, firing upon anyone who was near him.

“Mop up these fools and follow me!”
Gina sped toward the planet with Gene in pursuit. The gigantic mobile armor was surprisingly quick, causing issues for Gene, who couldn’t keep up. A squad of GINN took this opportunity to attempt a capture, going in close as CGUE fired from behind.
Claw Arm GINNs
• Beam Hand Gun CGUEs

The Claw Arm was extremely impressive to Gene. There wasn’t any resistance from the metal as he tore through GINN after GINN like butter. “Die. Die! DIE!” Gene yelled as the pilots inside were ripped to shreds. Eventually, some of the mobile suits got scared, turning back to base against orders. “This guy is a demon! Someone help!”


“Hm, so that’s that new type of piloting his kind are so great at. Perhaps he’ll make it out alright. Good luck.” 
While the Testament was distracted, Gina took the Regenerate away from the battlefield to sights unknown.


“Alright Gina, let’s… Gina?” Gene looked around, but all he could see were scraps of GINNs, with not a purple mobile suit in sight. “He-He must’ve made it into the atmosphere, that’s all.” Heading for the planet, he calculated his trajectory to land somewhere near Orb, but the descent was going to be risky. If he got the angle slightly wrong, the Testament could burn up. “Perhaps…” While he was being fired upon, a thought popped into his head. Gene wonder if he could use one of the ZAFT mobile suits as a shield, just in case. Whoever is inside would be slowly cooked alive, but I’d be worth it… right?
Take time to plan trajectory
• Grab ZAFT MS for a shield

There was still some humanity left in Gene as he headed to Earth while planning his angle. Strangely, the ZAFT forces gave up completely as they all turned back to base. “Must think I’m some lost cause.” Gene muttered, noticing a weird tiny glint coming from Alaska’s landmass as he broke through the atmosphere. Since the mobile suit was still a ZAFT machine, he tuned his radio. Only able to get bits of dialogue, he learned of JOSH-A being destroyed by some sort of weapon.  *“The Archangel…”* He thought of Mu, Natarle, Murrue, and all the other crew aboard a ship which had likely perished. “I hope you weren’t there…” His mobile suit began to shake as heavy turbulence kicked in, jolting him around. The Testament started spinning midair as Gene lost consciousness…

Gene woke up in a hospital room. Clearly it was one of Orb’s, but he was unsure how long he’d been unconscious. At first, his family came to see him, then Sheld, but finally Mina  had arrived. “Did your brother make it back alright?” Gene asked.
Mina was perplexed, telling the soldier that Gina never arrived. “The last time I heard from him was before you two left. We’ll see when he shows up again.” Gene thought about Testament, not even remembering hitting the water. “Oh, your new mobile suit. Is it alright?”
Gene had assumed the red machine would be going to Mina, but she decided against it. “It’s almost done being fixed up, but I believe you’ll need it more than myself…”

Once he’d recovered, the ownership of the Blue Frame passed onto Sheld. Gene felt his friend could get some use out of it while he kept the Testament. Days passed and Gina never arrived within Orb’s airspace, but Gene was shocked to see what did come through.


“Archangel? They’re alive?!”
Gene rushed to the hangar, wanting answers on how they weren’t caught in the blast at JOSH-A. Unsurprisingly, he’d have to wait as the top brass left with Lord Uzumi. *“Where’s Natarle?”* He wondered as the Archangel’s mobile suits were unloaded. Strike and Buster were accounted for along with the Skygraspers, but he struggled to comprehend the loss of the GINN and its pilots.
As a precaution, the entire ship was searched by Orb officers, Gene included. He caught a glance of Tolle and Miri, but they didn’t seem too pleased to talk with him. Besides Kira, who’d gone with Murrue and Mu, there weren’t many more people he’d made a connection with.
“Gene?” A voice called out from behind.
That is except for one.

> “Flay!” Gene ran up to the gal, confused on why she was back on the Archangel. “How’d you end up here?”
> “When we landed on Earth, me and father were sent up to Alaska for a while. That is… until the battle…”
> Flay explained that her father knew of the Alliance’s ploy and attempted to bring her with him, but she ran to the Archangel instead. “I couldn’t just let them die. Letting them know was how they got out in time. Gene, Sai and Kuzzey are…”
“I know, we had a ZAFT prisoner tell us. Damn Coordinators.” Gene’s anger boiled at both ZAFT and the Alliance for prolonging this awful war, but Flay felt a bit different. “Well… I don’t think Coordinators are all that bad anymore. I got to see how Kira helped us escape. He’s really been good.”
She walked up to Gene, giving him a hug. “I know you’ve had to make some hard decisions, but I don’t want you to keep all this hate in your heart. Don’t become like my dad.” She hugged him tighter “I’ve thought about you a lot…”
Gene hadn’t felt someone be this empathetic to him for a long time, not even his own family. He’s struggled and maybe it’s time for him to let go of prejudice, but did he really feel that way?
Embrace Flay 
• Reject her feelings

Gene returned the affection as the two became close. He didn’t want to hate any longer, but he knew that fighting would be the only way to end this conflict. Whatever happened next, at least they had each other.
*Flay Allster is now your girlfriend*
Tensions with Orb and the Alliance arose more and until there was a breaking point. EA ships, plenty of them, headed toward the Orb Union. Without a home, the Archangel’s crew stepped up to duty to support Orb with their mobile suits. Thankfully, the M1 Astrays had been mass produced, with Sheld’s old M1 going to Tolle. “First time in a mobile suit.” He uttered as the Buster stood by his side. Mu chuckled. “You’ll get used to it, just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.”

As the ships got closer, the Alliance’s new mobile suit became clear. They had mass produced an extravagant amount of Strike type machines. “They finally got their own.” Gene muttered, gripping his controls as the Testament stood tall. Cagalli was the first to speak to their “guests”.
“Earth Alliance! Your invasion is unjust and will be met with deadly force! Orb will never fall!”
As the squadron advanced to their positions, Gene decided his machine was meant to protect the people he cared for over destruction. 
But, clawing up some invaders wouldn’t be a bad idea…

Strike Daggers began coming from multiple directions and Mina and Sheld stuck together to feed them off. Cagalli was no slouch either in the Gold Frame, using Gina’s old machine well. 
Gene felt he had to reinforce one of them as Kira took charge of the others in what he called “Perfect Strike”. But which one?
• Green Frame
•  Blue Frame
Gold Frame

Gene gripped one of the Strike Daggers, tossing it aside while blasting another with his pistol. “Need a hand?” Cagalli was thankful for the assist, since her battle experience wasn’t plentiful. “Thanks for the-what’s that?”

Unfortunately, Strike Daggers weren’t the only enemy MS tossing themselves into the conflict. Three Gundam looking machines blasted toward Orb, with the scythe wielding one heading for the harbor while the blue one atop the MA headed deeper into the country’s forest base where plenty of M1s were. Both spots would need help, but the protection of Orb’s Mass Driver was still a priority.
Where does Gene go?
• Harbor
Forest Base

“Sheld! With me!” The two headed for the woods as the two Gundams attempted to wipe out Orb’s forces. Thankfully the most experienced of pilots were able to hold them off until Gene and Sheld arrived.

“Hey, Orga! Look at the red one! It might actually be a challenge!” The MA’s pilot uttered, flying over the battlefield as the teal mobile suit went to meet them. “You want Calamity to take care of them or should Raider show them how it’s done? Ha!”
“Gene! Where do you need me?” Sheld yelled, knowing it’d probably be best to split them off.
Who does Gene fight while Sheld takes the other?
• Calamity

 “Ora Ora ORA!”
The Raider is fast, but the Testament is still on a different level, dodging the blasts like it was nothing. “Come on!” Clotho screamed as Testament got atop on, slashing into the wings of the Raider.
It was going to be a losing fight either way for Sheld, but the bulkiness of the Calamity meant the Astray could sidestep quickly before being engulfed by beams. “Hey loser! Just stay in-GAH!” Orga coughed up blood, knowing it was time to head back once Clotho did the same. The two immediately headed back to the Alliance’s fleet, but was Gene risky enough to pursue. He felt there was a chance at taking the Raider out for good, but ending up against an entire fleet might not be the best.
Stop Raider
• Fall back

“Oh no you don’t!” Gene pulled the Raider down with its claw, smashing it to pieces as he watched the Calamity and other Gundam flee. They could barely handle themselves, let alone go back to grab their wingman. 
The remains of the Raider were loaded into the Archangel, surprising Gene. “Why not just keep it in one of our base hangars?” He asked Kojiro, but was told the Archangel, along with Orb vessels, would have to abandon the country for space.
Knowing there wouldn’t be much time left before the EA sent their forces against them, Gene only had a bit of time to speak with friends and family.

Gene spoke with Mu first. He wondered if the heightened senses the two shared could be explained, but Mu still had no answers. “The world’s changing, so maybe it was fate for us to end up working together again. I have a feeling we’ll both run into Rau again, so watch out.” While Gene had never interacted with the ZAFT commander before, Mu seemed to imply he was closer to them than he thought.
Kay was tuning up her CGUE when Gene came to visit her. “Looks like this is it.” She stated, BuBu holding a wrench in its mouth. “We gotta get these mobile suits up into space and stop this war somehow.” She stared directly at her brother. “You and Testament are gonna be the ones to do that.”
Gene’s mother was working on the Strike’s Phase Shift as Gene arrived. “Your dad’s already on the Kusanagi, but I’ll be joining him soon. I’m not sure how much capable I can continue being in this war. That’s up to the next generation.” She leaned in to hug her son. “You’re so strong. Stay safe.”  
Leaving for the Testament, he heard rumors of the Raider pilot convulsing in his cell. Apparently he had needed some sort of medication.
*Clotho Buer has died*



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The Earth Alliance didn’t wait long as their remaining Strike Daggers were sent back to the island alongside the two Gundams. Kira and Mu focused on protecting the Archangel as Tolle tried to assist. “Don’t mess with the Archangel crew!” Tolle called out, thinking of his love Miriallia as he managed to hit one of the Daggers.

On the other hand, Mina had already escorted whatever civilians she could onto the Kusanagi, taking advantage of the focus on Archangel. “Cagalli, Sheld. Time to load up!” The Astrays each made it to the ship as Gene followed, but became preoccupied as an orange machine headed his way.


“What? Another Gundam?!” Gene could barely defend himself as it swung down on the Testament. Two Daggers, which looked different from the rest, began firing on the soldier’s mobile suit while he was preoccupied. “Dammit, I’m in some trouble.” Most of the mobile suits that could help were already on their respective ships, but he had to get out of his mess somehow.
• Focus on orange Gundam
Break away to destroy Daggers
• Call for help

“Gah!” As Gene pushed off the orange Gundam, it was able to make a cut into the Testament, but this gave Gene enough time to fire his pistol at the Daggers, causing both to explode. His mobile suit knelt down to the ground as the enemy stood tall. “Gene Nerick. I’ll make your death as painless as I can.” Grabbing onto the Testament’s torso, he pulled. “I’ll be taking this mobile suit after your friends are all turned to ash.” Gene struggled as he pulled on his controls, but that flash entered through his brain once again.

He yelled out as the Testament moved aside, grabbing the enemy with his Divine Striker’s Claw and gripping it tightly. “You’re not killing anybody!” He screamed as his pistol pressed back against its torso. “Tell your Alliance buddies to stay away!”
The orange Gundam fell back as the Testament watched, still clearly damaged from the slash. As the enemy began to erupt in flames, he heard one final statement.
“Alliance? No no.” The pilot started to cough as smoke filled his cockpit. “Rondo Gina sends his regards…”

“Gina?” Before he could get answers, the Gundam was torn apart by its explosion.
Gene thought about the pilot’s words as the Testament made it to the Kusanagi barely in time. He started to sweat, getting out of his cockpit before the battleship was launched. “Gene. I’m glad you could make it.” Mina stood by the railing, turning back to walk through one of the corridors.
“Y-yeah. You too…” Gene wondered how much he could trust Gina’s sister after what had happened. With everyone in the ship, the Kusanagi launched, but Gene’s cell phone started to ring.

“Hey lil bro. Sorry I can’t be there with you. Someone had to stay behind.”
“WHAT?! You’re not on the ship?” Gene could hear the sounds of battle from the other end.

“Like I said, you’re gonna be the one to stop this war. If I gotta stay here to help you, then it’s worth it.” A Dagger’s saber came down onto the CGUE.


“Take care of BuBu and tell mom and dad I love them. At least I can tell you that now. Love you Gene…”
The cell signal cut out as the Kusanagi got out of reach. The last thing Gene heard was the heat from a beam saber…
*Kay “Nimrod” Nerick has died*

Orb is lost, occupied by the Earth Alliance. The two ships are without a home, but Mina is able to take the group to an Orb station where the refugees along with them can stay.


Ame No Minashira was a place Gene had been to before the mission to steal the Testament. Unsurprisingly, Gina or the Regenerate was nowhere to be seen as they docked.
“Please, PLEASE stay safe.” Gene’s mom muttered as she held her son tight. “I don’t want to lose you too.” Gene’s parents are understandably a mess, but the soldier knew he had to stay strong in front of them. The mission wasn’t over yet, after all. All the civilians piled onto the station along with the Raider Gundam scraps, which would only take up valuable space within the Archangel. In fact, Gene saw that Tolle’s Astray was being swapped for a newer model.
As everyone said their goodbyes, Gene walked with Mina back to the Kusanagi. Strangely, she stopped once Gene was about to get onboard. “Stay strong, Gene. I’ll protect these people while you’re gone.”
Gene thought it made sense to have an ace pilot protect the station’s inhabitants, but the amount of trust Gene had for Mina wasn’t the highest. He felt Mina knew more about her brother than she let on. Would it be best to confront her about the pilot’s statement on Gina or should he stay quiet for now?
Confront Mina
• Stay quiet

“Wait. I fought a pilot down there. He worked for Gina.” Gene decided it was best to confront her here and now. “You have to know something, so what’s going on.”
Gina knew she couldn’t keep the charade any longer. “Originally, we were working together for our goal of… control over the Earth Sphere, but I watched as my brother’s will to maim got worse overtime. I thought you’d fall down that same path, but your friends and family have kept you from straying that far.”
She turned back, waving goodbye. “I promise I’ll keep these people safe, but know one thing. My brother is not your friend, so don’t believe anything he says. He used you for your mind, but I don’t know why…”

Back on the Kusanagi bridge, Gene caught a glimpse of a familiar face at the communications station. “Flay? You didn’t stay behind?”
Flay got out of her chair and smiled. “I couldn’t leave you behind. Plus, they’re low on support.” She chuckled, then leaned in to kiss Gene. His cheeks turned red as he felt this love, knowing that Mina was right. He had people to keep him on the right path.

Taking themselves to an abandoned L4 colony for supplies, the Archangel and Kusanagi are soon met by another Archangel. “This is Lieutenant Commander Natarle Badgiruel of the Dominion. I request the surrender of your vessels and mobile suits.” The bridge crew of the ships heard a man speak, who Gene learned was the leader of Blue Cosmos. “Dad is apart of them…” Flay stated as Gene left for the hangar.


Two mobile suits launched from the Dominion alongside a squadron of Daggers. The two Gundams burst onto the scene, furious about the loss of their friend. “Clotho’s killer is first!” Shani called out, heading for the Testament right after it launched. The two factions seemed to be evenly matched, but while Gene’s group had more Gundams, the Dagger stockpile on the Dominion was plentiful. Gene wondered if he could get away from the Forbidden to deal with the Dominion’s hangars, stopping the flow of reinforcements, but leaving the enemy Gundam against soldiers like Sheld might be risky.
• Fight Forbidden
Head for Dominion hangar

Gene headed for the Dominion as he blasted at the hangar. While he couldn’t get too close due to the battleship’s defenses, he was able to do enough damage to keep any other mobile suits from coming into battle.
Suddenly, he sensed someone going into the colony. It clearly wasn’t Mu, but the Buster was heading in that direction. “Rau. He’s here.” Mu told Gene through the comms. He couldn’t pass up this opportunity to get answers, so he followed suit.

“By the time he arrived inside, Rau and Mu were dueling. Gene sped toward them, only for Rau to quickly dodge. “Gene Nerick. You shouldn’t have stolen that machine.” Rau calmly stated. “H-How’d you know it was me?”
Not responding, Rau attempted to use his superior piloting skills to put Gene at risk, but two against one was plenty to deal with. Rau landed near what appeared to be a scientific complex, jumping out of the GuAIZ with Gene and Mu following.

The corridors reminded Gene of the Astray’s home back on Heliopolis. Hallways upon hallways lead to strange locations as Gene eventually got separated from Mu. *“Follow the bullet sounds.”* He thought, realizing that Rau and Mu were in some sort of firefight. While he’d used his weapon before, the thought of actually being fired upon outside of a mobile suit scared Gene. Eventually, he made it to their location without being noticed. He could barely hear the two speak from his spot, but it was clear Mu was surprised by what Rau was saying. With his pistol aimed, Gene could try to shoot Rau before he could fire on Mu, but it seemed he was the only one with answers. Would it be best to try listening on their conversation more?
• Shoot at Rau
Listen in


Gene was able to hear move about Mu’s past, learning that Rau was in fact a clone of his father. Nothing came up about Gene himself though. “That’s enough from you.” Before Gene could strike, Rau was able to get a few shots into Mu, causing the pilot to drop backwards. “MU!” Gene yelled, pointing his gun at Rau, but the ZAFT Commander was too quick, pointing his own pistol back at Gene. “And that leaves you, Gene Nerick.” He chuckled, seeing Mu attempt to stand in the corner of his eye. “You’re clearly not related to us, but why do you have that… awareness we do? Maybe Gina has figured it out.” Cringing at the mention of Gina’s name, Gene wasn’t getting the answers he wanted. “Well maybe I’m just one of a kind. I have the power to take down you AND Gina, so stop with the games.”
Rau smirked, seeing that Mu had barely gotten himself up to point his weapon at him. “Looks like the game is over anyways. Good luck to you both.” Rau pointed the pistol at his temple and pulled the trigger.
*Rau Le Creuset has died*

Gene got Mu in the cockpit of the Testament, meaning the Buster would have to be abandoned. While Rau’s battleship was taken out by Sheld, the Dominion’s forces weren’t going to let off enough to recover the mobile suit. Taking their leave while they could, the Archangel and Kusanagi left the L4 colony with Natarle in pursuit. Mu would be able to heal from his wounds, but he was out of the conflict for now.
*Mu La Flaga has been injured*

With the Dominion on their tail, Gene wanted to get back out and fight. Even without Mu to help, Gene felt the team could outlast the two EA Gundams and take them out just like Raider. He stood at the bridge of the Kusanagi, waiting for his moment to get back out in the field. Flay’s body movements made it obvious she was concerned for her boyfriend, but knew it wouldn’t be best to speak up. The Dominion, struggling to open up its hangar, would only be able to have MS manually leave the next battle. However, there wouldn’t be next battle for the Dominion has beams rained upon it.

“Battle stations!”
Kisaka sent Gene down to the Testament as they tried to figure out how had just attacked. A single mobile suit floated above the wreckage of the Dominion, unmoving.


Kisaka could see a pink ship within the distance. “ZAFT…” He muttered as the Kusanagi was patched through to it.
“This is Andrew Watfeld of the Eternal. I believe you’re carrying one of our machines. Please return it to us.” Kisaka knew which one the resurrected Captain was referring to, asking for some time to speak with his crew. “Fine. You got five minutes.” Watfeld stated while shrugging.
“Gene?” Kisaka asked the Testament pilot, ready inside its cockpit. “We don’t know what that mobile suit can do, but it seems to be from the same batch as yours. Do you think you could fight it one on one? Be honest.”
Gene knew it’d be highly risky. He’d either have to surrender the Testament, keeping his life intact for now, or try to take out this new machine before reinforcements could help.
• Surrender Testament
Fight new Gundam

“My scar hurts! Could it be?” Yzak watched as the Testament headed its way, not willing to give up. “You’re not taking anything!” The red mobile suit clashed blades with the ZAFT one as the Eternal began to sortie their mobile suits.


“Keep Justice out for now!” Watfeld yelled. “Send out Aegis and Blitz to their battleships.”
“Kira. I’m not gonna go easy on you.” Athrun uttered as the Aegis was launched. On the other end of the battlefield, Kira blasted out alongside Tolle with Cagalli and Sheld close by. “Keep the M1s close. We don’t know how many mobile suits are in that ship.”

The two immediately headed for each other while Gene held his own against Yzak. His spacial awareness helped keep him ahead as Gene dodged many shots from the ZAFT machine. “Dammit Freedom! Work with me!” Yzak cried out, having expected to win the fight by now. He saw the Blitz in the distance heading their way. “Nicol! Don’t you dare mess with us!” 
“Captain! We got a transmission from a Dominion lifeboat!” Murrue watched as the Archangel’s cameras focused on the small craft. “We can’t just let them die out there. Gene, you got the best sight here. Who should deal with what?”
While him and Kira were clearly preoccupied, there was still the Blitz in the area. Plus, who knows if the lifeboat could be a trap. What if the EA Gundams were still inside the Dominion waiting to strike?

“Hah!” Tolle attempted to get a few spots at Blitz, but the mobile suit disappeared before his eyes. “Where are you?” Keeping his rifle in tow, the Blitz used its grappling claw to grab the head of the M1A, tossing it aside as it kicked Tolle out of the way to head for the Archangel.

Sheld was able to make contact with the lifeboat. “…Thanks.” Natarle stated, knowing she’d be imprisoned, but the small group she was able to save made it worth it.

Athrun and Kira clashed with each other as Cagalli arrived. “Take this!” The Gold Frame fired at the Aegis while it was distracted by the Strike, hitting its legs before it could grasp onto Kira. “Shit!” Athrun yelled, trying to fall back, but Kira cut its waist in two. “AH!” Athrun’s cockpit was nearly tore up as Kira held his Anti-Ship Sword. 
Gene knew Kira was going to destroy the wounded Aegis, but should he stop him? He knew of Kira’s rivalry with the Aegis pilot and how this could finally give him peace, but he thought of Dearka’s corpse in the desert. Would it be worth it to take another life?
Tell Kira to stop
• Don’t stop Kira

“Kira, no! It isn’t worth it!”
“What?!” Yzak looked down at the Aegis, giving Gene the chance to rip through the Freedom, damaging it deeply. “Dammit, fall back!” As the Freedom turned tail to run, Kira pushed the Aegis in the direction of the Eternal. “Athrun…” Kira could barely get out the words. “Live. Live for your fiancée.” The Perfect Strike headed for the Archangel as Athrun held his head down. “Kira…”

Before going back to their respective ships, Kira thanked Gene for snapping him out of the madness he was in. “Don’t mention it.” Gene said while docking into the Kusanagi. 
Natarle saluted Murrue once her men were aboard the ship. “Muruta Azrael is dead. So is most of our crew.” As she was led to the brig, the Dominion’s hangars collapsed, causing a chain reaction of explosions. The Gundam pilot’s bodies or mobile suits couldn’t be recovered.
*Orga Sabnak has died*
*Shani Andras has died*

Boaz, a ZAFT base, was currently being attacked by EA forces. In an instant, both ZAFT and EA soldiers and ships were wiped away from the universe.*
Patrick Zala panicked once he learned GENESIS had been fired. “That was our last resort! Who authorized this attack?” From the control center he was stationed at, they could only get a glimpse of one mobile suit. “It’s- it’s the…”




“Soon everyone will follow me, even if Earth has to be destroyed.”


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Grave news was brought upon the Kusanagi. A ZAFT super weapon had just been hijacked by none other than Rondo Gina Sahaku. Realizing the ramifications of such a weapon being placed in the wrong hands, the Earth Alliance and ZAFT have decided to cease the war and work together to stop this monstrosity.

“I should be out there with them.” Athrun stated from the comfort of Lacus’ home. After the Aegis had been ruined, Patrick Zala pulled his son out of the conflict. Athrun knew there was a risk involved fighting against GENESIS, but he was grateful to enjoy some time with his soon to be wife. The remaining crew of the Eternal on the other hand…

Yzak scrambled to his Freedom as the METEOR modules were launched alongside them. “Never thought we’d be working with the Alliance on destroying our own weapon.” Mikhail was a much more precise user of the Gundam compared to Yzak. Watfeld felt his skillset would be quite useful during this conflict.

Gene was a bit surprised to learn Natarle was let out to serve one last time aboard the Archangel, but he knew factions were out the window at this point. Kira and Tolle sortied as the members of the Kusanagi followed suit. There was a bit of regret in the air after having been in the Testament this whole time. He was the one who helped Gina get his own Gundam after all. *“But… I’ll have to use this machine to stop him. It’s the only one that has a fighting chance.”*
Pulling up to launch, Gene held on tight for the final battle.
“Gene Nerick. Testament. Launching!”


An army of Daggers and GuAIZ were at the back of Gene’s squadron as he saw massive armors attached to the Freedom and another mobile suit. He looked ahead, expecting some sort of army, but there was none. “What are those?” Peppered through the battlefield, a plentiful amount of small purple spheres floated caught the attention of Gene alongside the others. Suddenly, these little weapons began haphazardly dancing around while firing beams upon anything that moved. “What the?” Gene called out as he tried to dodge the weapons. While they seemingly did minor damage on their own, the sheer amount could stack up and take out even the strongest of mobile suits.
Kira and one of the Astray pilots, Mayura, were struggling to dodge the lasers as Cagalli and Asagi were stuck in the same situation, just at a different location. The Perfect Strike could only store enough energy before needing to recharge, but the Gold Frame didn’t even have a pack to help out with. Gene wondered if he should let one borrow the pack while he looked for Gina.
Let Kira borrow Testament’s Pack
• Let Cagalli do so


Becoming the Divine Strike, Kira was able to take out a good chunk of the bits harassing him before returning the pack back to Gene. “You’ll need this more than me. He’s gotta be somewhere in GENESIS!”

Unfortunately, while Cagalli was able to hold her own, the bits were too much for Asagi as her Astray took a clean shot to the chest, killing her.
*Asagi Caldwell has died*

“Gene Nerick.”
Gene felt someone communicate with him, but not by normal means. He could hear Gina speak through his mind, terrifying the soldier. “H-How are you doing this? Stop!” He fired at bits indiscriminately as Gina started to taunt him.


“You were a useful pet, but now you’re unnecessary. Remove yourself from this world.”

Diving deeper into Gene’s mind, Gina showed him the truth.
“The boy’s brainwaves are strong. We have the scientists capable of giving you his power, but you’re not one of us and never will be.” Gene saw Gina talking with some sort of queen at an unrecognizable location, noticing Gina’s tablet held a healthy supply of information on Gene. “Very well, Aura. Proceed.”

Gina’s implant glowed as Gene got closer. “You, Mu, or anyone else can no longer hoard this new type of power your minds hold. These cybernetics are what will make the pathetic Naturals and Coordinators bend to me once GENESIS is used! Come at me if you dare!”


“No. Get out of my head!” The bits surrounding them started responding to Gene, jittering as they exploded one by one. “Ha! Now the fight is more even!” Gina pulled out his rifle. “Regretfully, you’re still just that weak grunt who’ll follow orders. You have no place in my paradise.”

The Regenerate’s rifle had a massive beam width, but it was still a bulky weapon, allowing Gene to get in close at slice at the weapon with his claw. “I’m my own man, but I’ll stand by people who protect, not ruin.” The two dueled as the bits all around the battlefield seemingly did so, destroying each other. “Where’s Gene?” Flay called out while looking at her monitor. The two had been pushed into GENESIS’ core by Gene, hoping to kill two birds with one stone. “Why did you do this? You think my powers are some sort of gift? I’m this way because I want to be!“ He clawed down onto the Regenerate, only to also be pierced by it.


The two were now intertwined as Regenerate grabbed onto Testament. “Neutron Jammer Canceller.” Gina stated. “If either of us are destroyed, the resulting blast would be nuclear. Any of these soldiers, all of your friends, dead.”
Gene froze, stopping his movements to push the Regenerate away. “Please, don’t do that. Just…” He didn’t know what to as they floated through space, but a third member arrived just in time.

“Brother! I’m sorry!”
> The Raider’s feet grasped onto the Regenerate, ripping it off of Testament with fury as it headed for the core of GENESIS. “Gene! Get everyone out of here!”
The Testament turned back. “Mina, please don’t go with him!” He held his hand out, but no one grasped it. “I must atone for my decisions. You need to live. Save them all!”
With all his might, Gene spoke to everyone telepathically. “Run.” Is all he said, but the battleships and mobile suits got the message as they turned away from what was coming.

GENESIS was gone. The Sahaku siblings were no more, but where was Gene? “Status report!” Kisaka called out as Flay began to cry. “Gene… Please come home…”
With the Testament’s last putter through space, the mobile suit held in its hand a single Moebius. The pilot was saved for the nuclear explosion by the red mobile suit.
“Nemia. I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, but I’m stronger now. Wherever you are, thanks for guiding me…”


The Junius Treaty brought an end to the Alliance-Plant War. Due to the fears of nuclear attack, any and all technology using it for war was banned. This of course meant the Testament was dismantled once the people of Orb got back to their country. Assets of the Sahaku family were split amongst many, but Gene wouldn’t have to worry financially any longer.

Splurging on a new vehicle, him and Sheld sped down the countryside. “Geez, this goes fast!” Sheld yelled as Gene held his steering wheel tightly. For the benefit of themselves, they eventually parked to gaze at the ocean. “I bet Flay wouldn’t be happy you’re messing around with this. Bet Junas and Nemia are looking down too, but man that thing can go.”
Sheld contemplated asking Gene a question, hoping he’d have the answer. “Now that the war is over, should I stay in the military?”
Gene had already made the decision to continue his career there, but Sheld seemed unsure.
“I saw you fighting out there. You’re on a completely different level. I don’t know how valuable I’d be.” Gene wondered what to say…
• “I’d be honored to have you fight by my side.”
• “You don’t have to fight any longer.”

“Sheld, you’re my best friend. I want you alongside me if battle ever comes again because I know I can trust you. You’ll do great in whatever challenge comes.”
With that statement, Sheld nodded. The time for conflict was done for now, but for how long? Would they be able to control their own destiny?



Gene Nerick:
MBF-P03 Gundam Astray Blue Frame
- Full Weapon Form
- Scale System
GAT-X103 Buster Gundam
ZGMF-X12A Testament Gundam

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