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Favorite type of music

Seth Jedan

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Anything that has a good rythm to it, and has lyrics that at least sound interesting. 


I could care less for the style, as both softer songs and edgeier ones have their good and bad points.  Softer songs are great to relax to and help me concentrate during the more emotional RPs, while the livelier ones are great for relieving stress and for whenever I'm trying to plot how to overthrow Valiants reign over this site ( I mean......what?).  My favorite kind of music would have to be alternative pseudo-rock stuff, like Panic! at the disco and Linkin Park.

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My tastes are a little older


Most music from the Classical and Romantic periods.

Swing and Jazz- love it!

Lounge music- Crooners.  (Frank Sinatra, Michael Buble(sp?))

Some of the older pop stuff; (groups like Earth, Wind and Fire; Little River Band.)

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That all depends on what kind of Classical your listening to...there is some really boring music from that era; but if you look, there are some really good pieces in there.  Beethoven did some really good stuff- his later life though (after he went deaf), thats when he wrote his best suff.

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