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I have begun the process of archiving my previous material. I have thought about this and I understand now that this cycle of negativity from certain people isn't going to stop. I am contemplating just deleting everything that I have here and acting like the time I spent here never happened. I don't know what to do about Fleurs. since I have greatly enjoyed playing with the people there, but GBN 1.8 has been ridiculed since the beginning and I don't really want to continue it, even though Kyle is tons of fun to play as.

I'm not posting this to start drama, this isn't Twitter, but when me and others get treated a hostile way, it ruins the enjoyment for all of it in my opinion. I'm not a writer, but I really try to get better and better with each post. However, I don't care much anymore. There are days that I wish I had never advertised this site and allowed it to fade into obscurity. Maybe I'll change my mind, but changes in the structure of how this has worked over the year, which I find unlikely, would have to happen.

Bye maybe? 

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