Roromi 456 Posted March 16, 2019 Share Posted March 16, 2019 (Roromi vs FrostyFoster GM Cannon II vs Nemo Sniper Battlefield: debris field in space) The rhythmic strobe of a red warning light silently urged Grim’s attention to it. The light was actually from an oversized button which happened to seal the cockpit of the RGC-83 GM Cannon II he happened to be inhabiting. The crimson flickering irritated his sensibilities and the pilot reluctantly reached over to press the button. As the cockpit pressurized the sound accompanying the light could actually be heard dying away as the hatch sealed. The Federation soldier then brought his hands together to crack his knuckles which audibly popped inside his space suit. “Alright!” He grumbled, “let’s see what this classic can do!” Grim then reached for the controls and toggled a few switches illuminating the displays in front of him. A large piece of sheet metal covered most of his new vision, the rivets reminding him of Federation designs. Testing his titan’s mobility he brought the mechanized hands to bare and used them to gently push the destroyed hull blocking his way. The view beyond wasn’t much more appealing; revealing a checkerboard of floating debris from a long forgotten battle. Looking nearby he found the appropriate GM shield and rifle floating by his mobile suit and reach out to wield them with his new weapon. “Can’t forget to use these…” Grim mumbled. A quick scan of the weapons told him he had 30 rounds in the bullpup and additional 60 rounds stored in two clips in the shield. Fully armed he moved the suit to once again peer past the ruined hull to survey the debris field. He manipulated the twin cannons to share his Mobile suit’s gaze as he looked for irregular movement in the maze of metal. “How did I find myself in a situation like this?” The grizzled veteran hissed to himself. (OOC: sorry for the long intro, just trying to get in the groove again!) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 17, 2019 Share Posted March 17, 2019 In the middle of the debris, a single MS-003 Nemo began to move toward the hull of an old Titan battleship. Ryder had been monitoring the area for hours. "About time someone showed up." He thought. He made his mobile suit float into the ship's old mobile suit hangar and found the Nemo's sniper-type beam rifle and three cartridges. "Good thing he didn't find it." Ryder thought. He proceeded to move one of his joysticks and push a blinking button to the right of him, connecting the Nemo's standard beam rifle to the back of its waist. As he picked up the sniper rifle, he loaded it, putting the remaining two cartridges on each side of its waist. The Nemo floated out of the hangar. Ryder looked around to find a good sniping spot, noticing the bridge of the ship. "Perfect." He said as he moved toward it. Perching inside of the bridge, bodies of dead Titans soldiers began to float around the green behemoth. This would have him feel uneasy ten years ago, but all the bloodshed he's seen has made him desensitized to it. He lied the mobile suit down in a prone position as the bipod on the rifle flipped out. The goggles on its head slid down to cover the visor, adding new sensors to the camera system. "Alright, let's see what we're up against." He thought. Looking around the maze of broken metal, his mobile suit beeped at him. He zoomed in to see a brown and gray Federation mobile suit moving a sheet of metal. "GM Cannon II." He murmured. "Those cannons would blow me apart. Too bad it won't be able to use them." Positioning the rifle at just the right angle, he pulled the trigger. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 18, 2019 Author Share Posted March 18, 2019 (OOC: sorry for the delay. Busy weekend!) The telltale flash of weapons fire grabbed Grim’s attention before the warning alarm did. Despite him noticing he did not react fast enough to dodge the shot from his enemy. He could practically hear the “ker-plunk” of the shot piercing the left shoulder cannon. Grim growled out loud as his mobile suit ejected the damaged barrel, the momentum practically spinning his mobile suit around. “The distance!” Grim observed as he bounded into action. With his position told he knew he had to move. His fingers pushed the controls into action and sent himself dashing into a series of wild arcs. He did managed to get an idea of where the shot came from and knew that he had to close the distance. He pulled the shield to cover the cockpit and methodically dashed in sporadic movements knowing it was more difficult for an enemy to shoot a moving target even more so a target moving randomly. As he danced towards another piece of hull for cover he twisted his remaining canon to take a potshot at the direction of the shot. “Got to close the distance!” Grim growled once more. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 18, 2019 Share Posted March 18, 2019 "Damn it!" Ryder yelled as the shot hit the enemy's left shoulder cannon. Knowing that his cartridges only held one shot, he reloaded the rifle with a spare and prepared to aim again. As he looked down the sight again, he only saw mangled metal. Suddenly, a large pink beam shot right through the side of the bridge, singeing his shield. Half of the bridge was demolished, completely melted by the beam cannon's shot. "He's better than I thought." He whispered, "I can't stay here for long." Ryder focused, looking for a clear shot at the enemy as it moved sporadically. "Come on!" He thought "Give me a clear shot!" The GM Cannon wasn't giving him what he wanted. As the enemy got closer, he had no choice. "Screw it. Now!" Ryder said as he pulled the trigger once again. Realizing that would give away his position, he moved his mobile suit out of the bridge, having no time to pick up the sniper rifle. The A.E.U.G. pilot pulled his standard beam rifle from the Nemo's waist and flew back into the hangar of the Alexandria-class ship. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 20, 2019 Author Share Posted March 20, 2019 Again the lighting flickered before Grim could feel the proverbial thunder, but this time he faired better. As the sniper shot rang out towards him he managed to get behind another piece of metal however it wasn’t quite enough. The shot pierced the decayed hull and hit him just below the shield on the left, digging through the top portion of the mobile suit’s leg. A large mass of metal blasted off, yet miraculously the limb remained attached. The warning on his screens told him the leg wouldn’t be much more useful however. “Good thing I’m in space.” Grim gasped in relief. Taking a cue from his opponent he pulled out the targeted module for his cannon and gave a more deliberate shot at the incoming fire through the cover he hid behind; the pink blast shearing through the metal to his invisible target. Grim kept his sporadic movement upwards after the return shot to try and get closer still. As he moved he tested out the new restraints with the dead leg not offering any more thrusters. “Damn sniper!” Grim Growled. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 Ryder had to come up with a plan quickly. He couldn't just wait in the hangar for the enemy to show up, but he didn't want to go out and risk getting shot. Unfortunately, the cannon wielding mobile suit made a decision for him. Another beam soared through the darkness of space, right at the Nemo's old sniping spot. The damage from it caused the bridge to explode in a fiery blaze. "You've got to be kidding me." Ryder thought. He knew that the explosion would ignite more to happen throughout the ship. Being in that hangar would be the end of him. Ryder grabbed his joysticks and attempted to maneuver his mobile suit out of the hangar. Smaller began to form all over the battleship, including the hangar. One of the blasts pushed the Nemo out into the sea of old metal, with a slab of the ship piercing the back of the green mobile suit's foot. He then turned the mech around and put up its shield, attempting to block some of the blasts. He succeeded, but the ensuing blast caused him to lose control, plunging him deeper to the old battlefield. Eventually, he regained control only to see the heavy cruiser engulfed by a big fiery ball. "He definitely saw that." Ryder thought. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 21, 2019 Author Share Posted March 21, 2019 Grim cautiously continued his climb continually glancing back at the ship he managed to hit with his cannon. As the ship erupted he did pause to study the scene more closely, “did I get him?” A flicker of movement answered him however and he saw his answer. The bright exhaust of mobile suit thrusters contrasted against the orange fireball of the ship. “There you are!” Grim yelled out. Not wanting to loose his enemy, the federation pilot unleashed the rounds from his rifle at the enemy. The sniper was probably at the maximum range for his weapon. The bullets darted towards the sniper but caught a lot of debris along the way, igniting a miniature trail of explosions. Grim manipulated the controls to begin a charge towards his assailant, “if I can just get closer!” The mobile suit sputtered and Grim fought with the controls to get used to the deadweight he was dragging. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 21, 2019 Share Posted March 21, 2019 Ryder tried to evade as bullets flew toward him. A couple managed hit parts of the mobile suit, denting the armor. "Damn!" he thought. It wasn't much damage, but too much of that would lead to his death. He looked in the general direction of the firing, only seeing more scrap metal. Suddenly, he saw the GM charging toward him. "There he is!" Ryder yelled. He pressed two buttons, causing his sniping goggles to flip back up. "That's better." He thought. He pulled back on the controls, attempting to gain more distance, and began to aim. Let's end this." He said. Ryder began firing his beam rifle toward the enemy mobile suit. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 22, 2019 Author Share Posted March 22, 2019 Grim’s eyes widen in horror at the sight of the beam weapon shooting his way. He instinctively brought the shield up to absorb the shot. As the beam hit, his cockpit shook violently, Grim gritted his teeth praying for it to end. Just as quickly as the shot landed he soon realized that he was still alive. Grim pulled out the targeting module and angrily aimed the shoulder cannon sending a return volley back, perhaps aiming too high. Growling he pushed the controls further, “c’mon! Get me closer!” He had closed about half the distance since he started firing at the enemy. The GM drifted with each twist of the controls and the Federation pilot knew he needed to get some hits in soon. While most of his shots so far were half measured, his true goal was the make the sniper panic. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 23, 2019 Share Posted March 23, 2019 Ryder watched as the enemy raised its shield to block the blast. "That shield has to go." He thought. "I'll..." Suddenly, multiple shots from the GM's beam cannon began racing toward him. One after another flew past the mobile suit as Ryder raised his own shield, hoping to protect himself. It worked, but only for one shot. The pink beam smacked the middle of the shield, blowing it apart. "No!" Ryder yelled. He knew that he wouldn't be able to do much without the shield. "I gotta get out of this mess." He thought. Just then, an idea popped into his head. The Nemo had one extra cartridge for the sniper rifle. This would be useless since the rifle was destroyed, but Ryder had other plans for it. Ryder flew toward the enemy, dodging some shots in the process. Once he felt that he got close enough, the A.E.U.G. pilot pushed himself behind a nearby slab of metal and watched as the Federation suit got closer to him. Grabbing the magazine, Ryder made his mobile suit throw it toward the GM. He knew that a bullet could possibly ignite the cartridge, causing it to explode. "I hope this works." He said as he aimed his head at his makeshift grenade. Ryder fired his vulcans right when the enemy got close enough, causing a smaller, but almost blinding explosion for the enemy. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 24, 2019 Author Share Posted March 24, 2019 With each shot of his weapon Grim felt the distance closing to his opponent. Just as he felt like he would be within a point blank range for his cannon the sniper pulled out a clever trick. The glimmer of the magazine caught his trained eye too late as the cartridge bounced against his shield. The Vulcan shots hit the “grenade” and the explosion violently shook Grim. Howling in surprise Grim gripped the controls as his mobile suit absorbed the hit. As he opened his eyes he took in the damage done, he had flown too close. His left leg was completely missing from the hip down now, however that was the least of his worries. His shield was damaged and split, the metal had warped the casing around his spare magazines and he doubted he could extract the ammo much less use it. “Enough of this!” Grim barked as he tossed the shield and rifle. He fought with the controls to straighten his course then drew his beam saber, igniting the pink blade. “You’re mine!” The grizzled pilot screamed as he drove the blade to where the mobile suit was hiding behind. It was a blind thrust, and Grim was still recovering from the blinding explosion. He was more eager to round the corner and swing the blade in for a kill if he could. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrostyFoster 495 Posted March 25, 2019 Share Posted March 25, 2019 "Thank God." Ryder thought as the magazine exploded. The GM Cannon II had become heavily damaged from the blast. "Alright, time to go in for the kill." He thought. The A.E.U.G. member jolted to the left, away from his hiding spot, but his opponent was quicker than he had thought. Its beam saber pierced through the metal right into his right arm. "Oh, Shit!" He yelled. The arm burst out in a large explosion, pushing both mobile suits back with the slab of metal covering the enemy from any damage. Ryder's suit flew deeper into the abyss, but he eventually regained controls. Ryder was bleeding. The blast caused some metal from the inside to cut through his normal suit into his shoulder. He quickly grabbed a bandage from the mobile suit's first-aid kit and put it over the shoulder. It stopped the bleeding, but not the pain. Ryder was engaged. He looked around, just barely seeing the enemy behind the metal. "I. AM. ENDING. THIS." He declared. The green mobile suit slowly moved through the debris toward the backside of the Federation suit. "His guy's one hell of a pilot." He thought. "He's also taken full advantage of his GM Cannon's power." Ryder gently pulled out a beam saber from the back of the Nemo's waist. "It's a good mobile suit, but it's got one problem." He moved into position, right behind the enemy. "It doesn't have a 360-degree camera." (Slightly before the Gryps conflict, mobile suit designers replaced the traditional four screens in the cockpit with a 360-degree camera, allowing the pilot to see everything. The GM Cannon II was made in 0083, before this change.) Ryder ignited the saber, pushed forward on the controls, and blasted toward the enemy's back, pointing the beam directly at the middle of the mobile suit. The enemy would never see it coming... 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roromi 456 Posted March 25, 2019 Author Share Posted March 25, 2019 I’m just going to admit defeat. This was an excellent battle though I had a lot of fun doing it! I’ve never been happier loosing lol! Totally great play pulling the technical aspect of the mobile suits! I won’t take it so easy on you next time! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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