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Model number: MS-18E

Code name: Kämpfer

Unit type: prototype heavy assault mobile suit

Manufacturer: Zeonic Company

Operator: Principality of Zeon

First deployment: UC 0079

Accommodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Dimensions: head height 17.7 meters; overall height 18.2 meters

Weight: empty 43.5 metric tons; max gross 78.5 metric tons

Armor materials: titanium/ceramic composite

Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1550 kW

Propulsion: rocket thrusters: 2 x 28500 kg, 2 x 27000 kg, 4 x 12000 kg; vernier thrusters/apogee motors: 16

Performance: maximum thruster acceleration 2.03 G; 180-degree turn time 1.2 seconds; maximum ground running speed 215 km/h

Equipment and design features: sensors, range 6100 meters

Fixed armaments: 2 x 60mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use

Optional hand armaments: 2 x ZUX-197 Jagdgewehr shotgun, pump-action magazine and breech, 9 round magazine, can be stored on backpack storage racks; 2 x 360mm giant bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip, can be stored on backpack storage racks; 2 x panzer faust, rocket-propelled warhead, can be stored in racks on legs; chain mine


This is all of the technical data for the original Kämpfer.  Hopefully over the next 24 hours I'll have modified it for the CE universe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

General and Technical Data

Model number: ZGMF-2084

Code name: KAMPFER (Krieg Advanced Mobile Protector For Elevated Response)

Unit type: Prototype Advanced Assault Unit

Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau

Operator: ZAFT

First deployment: C.E. 85

Capacity: Prototype/Recon Model: pilot and co-pilot, in staggered seating; Standard: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Height: overall height 19.5 meters

Weight: 76.23 metric tons

Construction: Unknown

Power plant: 2 x ultracompact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown

Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU29A 35mm CIWS, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MA-M04 beam saber, stored on hips, hand-carried in use; 4 x hand grenade (ZR21D high explosive grenade, ZR274 thermite incendiary grenade, ZR13Q smoke grenade), stored on hip armor; MG1B-2236 "Romulus" multi-phase beam cannon, mounted on torso; 2 x MX2200 beam shield generator, mounted on forearms

Optional hand armaments: MA-M24C high-energy long range beam rifle, stored on back, hand-carried in use; MMI-M116 190mm anti-MS shotgun, stored on back, hand-carried in use; MMI-BX104 320mm bazooka, stored on back, hand-carried in use

Technical and Historical NotesDesigned in the most recent inter-war period by ZAFT the KAMPFER is a new prototype MW design which incorporates into a basic MS weapons and technology that had been previously exclusive to GUNDAM models.  The KAMPFER is designed to function as a stand-alone unit, able to engage opposing forces with little to no assistance; as such the MW's design stresses functionality and fluidity, as is best reflected by the power and diversity of its integrated weaponry.  Aside from being able to function in a stand-alone role KAMPFER is also able to act as a recon/commando unit and has been equipped with a long range beam rifle to allow the engagement of enemies up to 15km away.  To facilitate all of these roles while abiding by treaty standards KAMPFER's battery received considerable attention from designers whose only practical solution was to simply equip the MW with two batteries, thereby enabling it to function for an extended period of time; it should be noted that even with two batteries KAMPFER's operating time is 1.5 times longer than that of a GOUF.

Despite these many advances the KAMPFER comes at a great cost and so its production has been limited to 100 units, issued to only the most qualified of pilots; even still its impact will be felt should any new conflicts arise.

As a high speed flight-type KAMPFER also can be used for recon missions, though in order to gain the speed needed the KAMPFER is forced to abandon all of its weaponry except for its beam sabers and CWIS.

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Since I'm technically still aligned to Zaft.

This is the Kampfer I modified in Seed RPG back in the day. I did an initial conversion with limited depth in the weapon serial numbers. I kept the Kampfer as true to its UC version in terms of speed, and also making its lack of defensive weaponry apparent to give the enemy a false sense of superiority.

Also, the electromagnetic chain mine, the Kampfer's best weapon seems to be left out. Its very plausible in the seed world as it was accepted back in Seed Rpg. I left out the panzerfausts(Sp) since they are essentially can be compacted into the bazooka.

Your version is pleasing, but the heavy assortment of high energy consuming equipment seems a bit too much. Also the second battery will most likely never make it past Jenx.

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General and Technical Data

Model number: ZGMF-X2018

Code name: Kampfer (Krieg Advanced Mobile Persecutor Forcing Eminent Retaliation)

Unit type: Limited (Test)Production Heavy Assault Use Mobile Suit

Manufacturer: Integrated Design Bureau

Operator: ZAFT

First deployment: CE85

Capacity: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Height: head height 17.7 meters; overall height 18.2 meters

Weight: empty 43.5 metric tons; max gross 78.5 metric tons

Construction: Unknown

Power plant: Ultra-compact Energy Battery,

Equipment and design features: sensors, range unknown

Fixed armaments: 2 x MMI-GAU25A 30mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x MA-M04 beam saber, stored in recharge racks in hip armor, hand-carried in use;

Optional hand armaments: 2 x MMI-M116 190mm Anti-MS shotgun, pump-action magazine and breech, 10 round magazine, can be stored on backpack storage racks; MMI-BX104 360mm Hyper bazooka, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip, can be stored on backpack storage racks; Electro-Magnetic Chain Mine, stored in dispersal pod attached to MS backpack; MMI-M93A Beam Sniper Rifle

Technical and Historical Notes

The Kampfer is a limited production stage mobile weapon that is a visual representation of the Coordinator Spirit. The unit has been geared towards both land and space engagements with high mobility and speed in mind. The Unit lacks the features present in standard production models like the Zaku or the officer exclusive Gouf, but the sacrifice to armor allows the unit to perform scout and offer Zaft a quick strike capability.

Although the Kampfer possesses great potential to be another of Zaft’s most deadly weapons, the parts required to construct the agile beast comes at a high price. Each part undergoes strict study and must pass several stress tests in order to make it to the production line. This flaw makes the Kampfer unable to have its parts swapped out from Zaft’s other machines. The Kampfer has made it through various simulations, and components have been set aside to create a prototype line of the fearsome mobile suit. The parts allotted will allow 100 pilots to operate it before the decision is made to make this model one more addition to Zaft’s growing arsenal.

The weapon systems are quite intricate, and are Projectile based to maintain the operation time for this fast paced hit and run model. The only beam weapons on the mobile suit on its standard frame are its twin pair of beam saber for close combat. The selection of armaments gives the Kampfer a slight advantage against standard enemy mobile suits. The shotgun is capable of shredding mobile suit armor but only if the pilot is strong willed enough to get the mobile weapon into appropriate range. The Bazooka is standard issue that is a piece of the Zaku’s armament. It can be outfitted to deal with aerial, and ground targets with a quick swap of its clip fed ammunition. The latest piece to add to the limited beam weaponry on the Kampfer is the MMI-M93A Beam Sniper Rifle, the rifle itself is a marvel in engineering allowing the barrel to fire a high velocity beam charge and effectively cooling it due to the miniaturized coolant system.  The rifle can withstand a mere four sequential shots in a row before the coolant sprays the super heated components.

The final weapon attached to the Kampfer is its Electromagnetic Chain Mine. The unique weapon is utilized best when the Kampfer is performing Hit and Run tactics against large targets, and heavily armored mobile suits. During the Hit and run tactic, the Kampfer can send a small electrical charge into the chain causing the mines to become electro-magnetic. The weapon functions like a whip, and extensive training is put forth so the pilot doesn’t accidentally attach the weapon to the mobile suit itself. After the mine is magnetized the whip is slashed forward where it wraps around it target, and the handle is pulled off like a grenade pin. After a mere 30 seconds after the pin is pulled the mines explodes ripping through thick armor in seconds.

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Well first let me say, welcome back.  It's nice to see you back again, though I've done a little "retooling" of PLANT since you left; hopefully I've carried on the spirit of PLANT that you and hannahaki left to us.

I do like the idea of the Electro-Magnetic Chain Mine, I personally couldn't figure out how to incorporate it into the KAMPFER's design.  I also think its interesting that we both incorporated "krieg" into KAMPFER's initials and that the overall idea for the purpose of the MS is fairly similar between our two independent ideas.

Maybe we can hash out some of this and together come up with a working MW.

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I would pretty much like that as well, the faster we get the kinks worked out the better chance it has to make it through the grading process.

Most of your information was quite informative to rehash what I did back at Seed RPG. We just have to think within certain guidelines, we can't really have speed/power/mobility all in one suit. So we should come down with some ideas, that we can combine together to make this suit fearsome, and a thorn in our enemy's sides. Since we already know a lot of Zaft wishes for this suit to come into play, myself included.

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