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New Possible Mobile Suit


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So I was really...REALLY bored at work and came up with this thing a day or two ago. So I wanted to put it in front of General ZAFT personel. Is this a mobile suit you would want to pilot? Is this thing unbalanced? What would you change? Let me know what you think.


The loss of the contract of the “New Millennium” mobile suit line in CE 71-72 was a large setback to the designer and producer of the ZMGF-1017 GINN and the ZMGF-601 GuAIZ, Asimov Design Bureau.  As the ZAKU Series begins to show age in CE 85 Asimov Design Bureau released plans for the “Next Millennium” mobile suits.


ADB worked on toping the aging ZAKU in every way, from performance, to flexibility, and cost. ADB recognized that the ZAKU Warrior and the ZAKU Phantom were superior to Earth Alliance mobile suits in space, but that ZAKUs were fairly useless inside the Earth’s gravity without lifter assistance. This was compensated for by production of the BABI and GOUF, but the BABI was restricted to earth’s atmosphere and the GOUF was largely expensive and could only be assigned to top teams and pilots. ADB also felt that the ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited restricted the pilot to conform to the machine’s style.


The mobile suit most closely resembling what ADB wanted to create was the Orb Union’s Murasame. The design team set out with the following goals

1.)  Create a mobile suit that is performancely superior to the ZAKU

2.)  Create a mobile suit that is relatively in the same price range as the ZAKU

3.)  Create a mobile suit that can be deployed in both the Earth’s atmosphere and effectively in outer space.


After months of testing the developers created what they believed to be a mobile suit that enveloped all their goals. The result was the Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter Tactical Automated Unilateral Response Unlimited System, or the ZGMF-701 TAURUS Mobile Suit. The Taurus features allow it to operate extremely well in space in both mobile armor and mobile suit modes, capable of performing high speed and angle dodges.


The TAURUS is also capable of being piloted inside the Earth’s atmosphere, although it is only capable of full maneuvers in its mobile armor mode (it can hover and move in mobile suit mode, but not make the maneuvers it is capable of in space) although with simple modifications it can function at 90% maneuverability inside the Earth’s atmosphere. ADB estimates that a mobile suit crew should be able to complete the modifications within 90 minutes, although this is dependent on the skill of the support crew.


General and Technical Data

Model number: ZGMF-701X

Code name: TAURUS Advanced (Tactical Automated Unilateral Response Unlimited System

Unit type: Mass production transformable mobile suit/armor

Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau

Operators: ZAFT

First deployment:

Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Height: Head height 16.8 meters

Weight: empty 45 metric tons; max gross weight unknown.

Construction: Titanium alloy

Power plant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features:

•  Sensors, range unknown


Fixed armaments:

•  2x “Lacerta” beam saber, stored in hips, hand carried in use.

•  MA-BAR76F high energy beam rifle, mounted on back in flight mode


Optional Fixed armaments

•  MX2351 “Solidus Fulgor” Beam shield generator, mounted on left wrist


This was the prototype version of the Taurus mobile suit released by Amisov Design Bureau. It was produced in small run, and preformed well according to the guidelines set out by the design team the prototype version was deemed too expensive for a mass production run. Some are rumored to exist. This version of the Taurus features a base white paint scheme.


This mobile suit features weapon systems used on later generation GUNDAM mobile suits that were used in the Great War. Offensively, the Taurus 2 Lacerta grade beam sabers, and a modified MA-BAR76F high energy rifle was taken from the Design of the ZGMF-X666 Legend Gundam. It is capable of mounting onto the Back of the Taurus for use in its


The TAURUS features one “Solidus Fulgor” Beam shield generator, also used on the Legend. This advanced defensive system, combined with the Taurus’s already high grade maneuver system allows this machine to engage multiple targets with effective success.


Seeing the production costs of the ZGMF-701 Taurus would at best limit it in peacetime to fill the limited ace-only role of the old ZAFT CGUE, ADB redesigned the Taurus for a mass production run. ADB renumbered the prototype version the ZGMF-701X and preceded to redesign the Taurus to give it similar firepower and maneuverability with reduced cost. A few of the 701X units have been assigned, but their small numbers restrict them only to the most elite of pilots.


The final product featured two, shoulder mounted beam sabers, and a redesigned beam rifle at a lower power output. ADB also featured the option replacing the beam rifle with a high power Beam Cannon on par with the Gunner ZAKU Warrior’s cannon when the situation warrants its use. This weapon has its own energy source (for about 24 shots, can be replaced) but can be fired using the mobile suit’s battery, although this significantly reduces its operating time.


ADB designed the Taurus to be compatible with its shield armed-composite systems used on the Providence Gundam to increase the mobile suit’s firepower in both mobile suit and mobile armor mode. However, production restraints have caused most Taurus units coming off the production line to feature the GuAIZ’s MA-MV05 Composite Shield as a stopgap while more MA-MV05A Composite Armed Shield system are built.


General and Technical Data

Model number: ZGMF-701

Code name: Taurus (Tactical Automated Unilateral Response Unlimited System

Unit type: Mass production transformable mobile suit/armor

Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau

Operators: ZAFT

First deployment:

Accommodation: Pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso

Height: Head height 16.8 meters

Weight: empty 45 metric tons; max gross weight unknown.

Construction: Titanium alloy

Power plant: Ultra-compact energy battery, power output rating unknown

Equipment and design features:

•  Sensors, range unknown


Fixed armaments:

•  2x beam saber, stored behind shoulders, hand carried in use.


Optional fixed armaments:

•  1x Beam Rifle, power rating unknown. Mounts on back in mobile armor mode. Hand carried in use

•  1x Beam Cannon, power rating unknown (output comparable to the M1500 “Orthos” High energy long-range beam cannon), Mounts on back in mobile armor mode. Hand carried in use

•  MA-MV05 Composite Shield, features beam saber on tip, mounted on left arm, mounted on torso in flight mode

•  MA-MV05A Composite Armed Shield system, features beam saber and small beam gun x2, mounted on left arm, mounted on torso in flight mode (beam guns useable)



Last notes, the ZGMF-701X TAURUS is more of a prototype than anything I could ever see mass produced. I just figured there would be a prototype version since every other major mass production suit (GINN, ZAKU, GOUF) seemed to have one.

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Hmm, niiice The way I see it, its ZAFTs very own Murasame (not to say you were copying it too much ) And i've always liked the look of the Taurus (I'm guessing this is the Taurus from GWing)

IMHO, you should emphasize the mobility and (to balance this out) the lack of armour (or whatever grade armour it has). The balancing is also pretty good, considering the MA-ability for the lack of hand held guns. Thats about it though, the suit, in my eyes, is well rounded and you've balanced it fine Hope this baby gets approved, I wouldn't mind flying this (although I wish it had Dinn shotguns )

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Thanks for the comments Asahi


1.) I most likely should of pointed this out more in the brief, but the TAURUS is about 35-40 tons lighter than the ZAKU, meaning this machine will in no way be able to take the punishment the ZAKU can. For example, take the punishment Lunamaria Hawke's and Rey Za Burrel's ZAKUs suffered outside of Crete. The TAURUS would have been completely destroyed if it took the same damage.

2.) The shield, in keeping with the GW version, was not going to be equipped. I then decided that every ZAFT major mobile suit since the  GINN had one, and equipped the machine with a "Solidus Fulgor". It was decided, even if it was a limited run of the machine that had the SF that it would be too powerful to put on a stock mobile suit, so I equipped the machine with a GuAIZ or Providence Shield. The Composite Armed Shield System actually fixed the other problem I had with the mobile suit, which was it lack of armament in flight mode by the addition of the two lighter beam guns on the shield. I should state I would like every 701 to have that system but was not sure it would balance.

3.) Orginally the two machines were one machine with just alot of fieldable options. I decided to make the ZGMF-701X to give ZAFT a superior elite unit (i nearly put phase shift and deutrion reactor in it) and to take away every pilot being assigned one being a "Lucky" one equipped with the Solidus Fugor.

4.) As stated, I thought in reality the Murasame was the most perfect mobile suit in Destiny, as the GOUF couldnt make the manuvers it did. So ya, ZAFT is getting a version of the Murasame...

5.) EDIT: In terms of flight it is suppose to fight in the atmosphere similar to the Savior. since it seemed to match closed to how the TAURUS fought in GW.

6.) EDIT: can someone come up with a acryonmn for DRAGOON but defensive? I want to make the Defensive units carried on the Virgo Mobile suits but need a name for it.

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Actually after looking this over I realized that the technical data needs to be reworked prior to submission so here's what you can do to help out:


I need a separate breakdown of the 701X and the 701.  Both may be posted in the thread in the same post but they must be distinctly separated so that the 701 can be comprehensibly reviewed without a reader having to read through the 701X's data.  In addition both MS types must follow the submission template found here.  These changes may mean that you'll have to add a history to the 701 data but I don't think that will take you too long.


As soon as I see that you've done that I will take the coding for both suits and submit it in the MW submission template being sure to give you full credit for the design layout, etc.  The only reason that I feel obligated to submit this is so that anyone reviewing it will be immediately aware that I approved it and that you created this MS and it was approved with my full knowledge; of course if I don't need to be the one who posts new MW designs then by all means go ahead and post it yourself.


Hopefully we'll be able to have this up on the submission board sometime within the next 24 hours.

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General and Technical Data


Model number: ZGMF-701

Code name: TAURUS

Unit type: Transformable Mobile Suit

Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau

Operator: ZAFT

First deployment: C.E. 85

Capacity: 1, in cockpit standard

Height: Head Height 16.8 meters

Weight: empty, 48 metric tons

Construction: Titanium alloy

Power plant: Ultra Compact Battery, power output unknown

Equipment and design features: Sensors, Range unknown

Fixed armaments:   2x beam saber, stored behind shoulders, hand carried in use.


Optional hand armaments: 1x Beam Rifle, power rating unknown. Mounts on back in mobile armor mode, Hand carried in use, 1x Beam Cannon, power rating unknown (output comparable to the M1500 “Orthos” High energy long-range beam cannon), Mounts on back in mobile armor mode, Hand carried in use, MA-MV05 Composite Shield, features beam saber on tip, mounted on left arm, mounted on torso in flight mode ,MA-MV05A Composite Armed Shield system, features beam saber and small beam gun x2, mounted on left arm, mounted on torso in flight mode (beam guns useable)


Technical and Historical Notes


The loss of the contract of the “New Millennium” mobile suit line in CE 71-72 was a large setback to the designer and producer of the ZMGF-1017 GINN and the ZMGF-601 GuAIZ, Asimov Design Bureau.  As the ZAKU Series begins to show age in CE 85 Asimov Design Bureau released plans for the “Next Millennium” mobile suits.


ADB worked on surpassing the aging ZAKU in every way, from performance, to flexibility, and cost. ADB recognized that the ZAKU Warrior and the ZAKU Phantom were superior to Earth Alliance mobile suits in space, but that ZAKUs were fairly useless inside the Earth’s gravity without lifter assistance. This was compensated for by production of the BABI and GOUF, but the BABI was restricted to earth’s atmosphere and the GOUF was largely expensive and could only be assigned to top teams and pilots. ADB also felt that the ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited restricted the pilot to conform to the machine’s style.


The mobile suit most closely resembling what ADB wanted to create was the Orb Union’s Murasame. The design team set out with the following goals of the “perfect” mobile suit

1.)  Create a mobile suit that is performancely superior to the ZAKU

2.)  Create a mobile suit that is relatively in the same price range as the ZAKU

3.)  Create a mobile suit that can be deployed effectively both the Earth’s atmosphere and in outer space.


After months of testing the developers created what they believed to be a mobile suit that enveloped all their goals. The result was the Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter Tactical Automated Unilateral Response Unlimited System, or the ZGMF-701 TAURUS Mobile Suit. The Taurus features allow it to operate extremely well in space in both mobile armor and mobile suit modes, capable of performing high speed and angle dodges.


The TAURUS is also capable of being piloted inside the Earth’s atmosphere, although it is only capable of full maneuvers in its mobile armor mode (it can hover and move in mobile suit mode, but not make the maneuvers it is capable of in space) although with simple modifications it can function at 90% maneuverability inside the Earth’s atmosphere. ADB estimates that a mobile suit crew should be able to complete the modifications within 90 minutes, although this is dependent on the skill of the support crew.


Seeing the production costs of the prototype TAURUS would at best limit it in peacetime to fill the limited ace-only role of the old ZAFT CGUE, ADB redesigned the Taurus for a mass production run. ADB renumbered the prototype version the ZGMF-701X and preceded to redesign the Taurus to give it similar firepower and maneuverability with reduced cost.


The final product featured two, shoulder mounted beam sabers, and a redesigned beam rifle at a lower power output. ADB also featured the option replacing the beam rifle with a high power Beam Cannon on par with the Gunner ZAKU Warrior’s cannon when the situation warrants its use. Each weapon has its own energy source (for about 24 shots on the cannon, about 60 for the rifle, each can be replaced) but can be fired using the mobile suit’s battery, although this significantly reduces its operating time.


ADB designed the Taurus to be compatible with its shield armed-composite systems used on the Providence Gundam to increase the mobile suit’s firepower in both mobile suit and mobile armor mode. However, production restraints have caused most Taurus units coming off the production line to feature the GuAIZ’s MA-MV05 Composite Shield as a stopgap while more MA-MV05A Composite Armed Shield system are built.

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General and Technical Data


Model number: ZGMF-701X

Code name: Prototype TAURUS / TAURUS Advanced

Unit type: Transformable Mobile Suit

Manufacturer: Asimov Design Bureau

Operator: ZAFT

First deployment: C.E. 85

Capacity: 1, in cockpit standard

Height: Head Height 16.8 meters

Weight: empty, 48 metric tons

Construction: Titanium alloy

Power plant: Ultra Compact Battery, power output unknown

Equipment and design features: Sensors, Range unknown

Fixed armaments:   2x “Lacerta” beam saber, stored in hips, hand carried in use, MA-BAR76F high energy beam rifle, mounted on back in flight mode, hand carried in use


Optional hand armaments: none


Technical and Historical Notes



The loss of the contract of the “New Millennium” mobile suit line in CE 71-72 was a large setback to the designer and producer of the ZMGF-1017 GINN and the ZMGF-601 GuAIZ, Asimov Design Bureau.  As the ZAKU Series begins to show age in CE 85 Asimov Design Bureau released plans for the “Next Millennium” mobile suits.


ADB worked on surpassing the aging ZAKU in every way, from performance, to flexibility, and cost. ADB recognized that the ZAKU Warrior and the ZAKU Phantom were superior to Earth Alliance mobile suits in space, but that ZAKUs were fairly useless inside the Earth’s gravity without lifter assistance. This was compensated for by production of the BABI and GOUF, but the BABI was restricted to earth’s atmosphere and the GOUF was largely expensive and could only be assigned to top teams and pilots. ADB also felt that the ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited restricted the pilot to conform to the machine’s style.


The mobile suit most closely resembling what ADB wanted to create was the Orb Union’s Murasame. The design team set out with the following goals

1.)  Create a mobile suit that is performancely superior to the ZAKU

2.)  Create a mobile suit that is relatively in the same price range as the ZAKU

3.)  Create a mobile suit that can be deployed in both the Earth’s atmosphere and effectively in outer space.


After months of testing the developers created what they believed to be a mobile suit that enveloped all their goals. The result was the Zero Gravity Maneuver Fighter Tactical Automated Unilateral Response Unlimited System, or the ZGMF-701 TAURUS Mobile Suit. The Taurus features allow it to operate extremely well in space in both mobile armor and mobile suit modes, capable of performing high speed and angle dodges.


The TAURUS is also capable of being piloted inside the Earth’s atmosphere, although it is only capable of full maneuvers in its mobile armor mode (it can hover and move in mobile suit mode, but not make the maneuvers it is capable of in space) although with simple modifications it can function at 90% maneuverability inside the Earth’s atmosphere. ADB estimates that a mobile suit crew should be able to complete the modifications within 90 minutes, although this is dependent on the skill of the support crew.



This was the prototype version of the Taurus was produced in small run, and preformed well according to the guidelines set out by the design team. However, the prototype version was deemed too expensive for a mass production run. Some are rumored to exist. This version of the Taurus features a base white paint scheme.


This mobile suit features weapon systems used on later generation GUNDAM mobile suits that were used in the Great War. Offensively, the Taurus mounts 2 Lacerta grade beam sabers, and a modified MA-BAR76F high energy rifle was taken from the Design of the ZGMF-X666 Legend Gundam. It is capable of mounting onto the Back of the Taurus for use in its mobile armor mode.


The TAURUS features one “Solidus Fulgor” Beam shield generator, also used on the Legend. This advanced defensive system, combined with the Taurus’s already high grade maneuver system allows this machine to engage multiple targets with effective success. This system required a new high-efficient and duration battery to be installed in the TAURUS for combat use.


Seeing the production costs of the ZGMF-701 Taurus would at best limit it in peacetime to fill the limited ace-only role of the old ZAFT CGUE, ADB redesigned the Taurus for a mass production run. ADB renumbered the prototype version the ZGMF-701X and preceded to redesign the Taurus to give it similar firepower and maneuverability with reduced cost. A few of the 701X units have been assigned, but their small numbers restrict them only to the most elite of pil

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