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Changes to the site layout


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As you might have noticed, I have changed the site's frontpage to make it pull the latest news from the Site Updates and Gundam News boards. It now looks more professional and informative and I hope you like it.


Changes have also been made to the forum index. I have moved the boards around and renamed some categories. It might be a bit confusing for you but I hope that once the disorientation wears off, you would be able to appreciate the arrangement, which is aimed to make it easier for you to navigate around the site.


If you have any suggestions, you know where to reach us.

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How about the change in background??Or the background color??The background seems too plain(not to mention the color).I suggest that we change the background making it more on an RP site rather than a lifeless forum(no offense ).....well it's just a suggestion though.

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The idea was to go for a plain look rather than something too complex. However, it's painstaking to actually make the changes to the site layout so that might not happen unless I find myself with too much spare time.


Or someone who would help to do the scripting.

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